
Global Reincarnation

Amidst the confusion of newfound memories, I wake up in a decrepit apartment, realizing I've transitioned to an altered reality where I inhabit the life of an orphan named Ominous on the planet Kearth. This world is shaped by the enigmatic reincarnation space, granting access to various realms and powers upon reaching age 16. Struggling to cope with my frail vessel and recognizing familiar worlds, I learn about the Tower and its missions, where risk and reward intertwine.

T_J_E · Movies
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New World, Infinite Reincarnation

February 28th, 2255

Amidst the swirling chaos of my fragmented memories, I struggled to make sense of my new reality. The haze that had initially enveloped my thoughts gradually cleared, revealing a world far removed from the sterile hospital bed where I'd languished for years. In this unfamiliar space, I found myself standing within the confines of a dilapidated studio apartment. Its walls, peeling with age and neglect, seemed as though they were teetering on the brink of collapse. It was a stark contrast to the pristine, white environment that had been my previous existence.

Gathering my bearings, I cautiously took a step forward, attempting to process the situation I had found myself in. However, before I could fully wrap my mind around the circumstances, a searing pain erupted within my head, overwhelming me like a tempest. It was as though a floodgate had been opened, and memories surged forth with relentless intensity, crashing against my consciousness like unyielding waves against the shore. Each memory carried a weight that threatened to drown me in its depths. The pain was unbearable, and I succumbed to unconsciousness once more.

As my senses slowly returned, I found myself in an entirely different realm. It appeared that I had transitioned to a new world, one where I had adopted the name "Ominous." Born on the planet of Kearth in the year 2239, it was a celestial body that sounded like Earth's distant cousin with a penchant for uncertainty. This world, though eerily similar to Earth, bore distinct differences, all brought about by the enigmatic phenomenon known as the reincarnation space. This phenomenon had emerged in the early 1900s and had reshaped the very fabric of existence.

In this altered reality, the age of 16 held paramount significance. On this milestone birthday, a mysterious symbol would manifest, granting its bearer access to the reincarnation space. This realm was one of boundless potential, enabling individuals to traverse diverse worlds, uncover latent powers, and confront challenges previously thought unimaginable. But this incredible opportunity came at a steep cost—death within the reincarnation space equated to true annihilation, even in worlds where revival was possible.

My current vessel was that of a destitute orphan, whose parents had faced the trials of the reincarnation tower and succumbed to its challenges. Left to fend for himself, this orphan struggled to eke out a meager existence through menial jobs, with the gnawing pangs of hunger as a constant companion. His 16th birthday, a milestone he would tragically never reach, had arrived with a cruel twist of fate—his body had proven too frail to withstand the trials.

And now, I inhabited this very body—an ordinary orphan lad who had dropped out of school to navigate the harsh world of side hustles and odd jobs after his parents had met their fate in the reincarnation tower. His sixteenth birthday had been snuffed out prematurely by malnutrition and a fragile physique.

But what added an intriguing twist to this already bewildering narrative were the worlds I seemed to recognize. like that first-floor Tower mission with its "normal" and "hard" modes. The former – an ancient Rome-like place where gladiators fought it out, and the latter? A hush-hush world that nobody ever returned from. Even though I had a hunch it might be Harry Potter territory from the given description, the danger factor made it seem more like a "Magicians" episode – you know, higher death rates than a horror movie.

Yet, there existed a safe haven of sorts—a realm with reduced perils. In this safety zone, death would result in a temporary ban from the reincarnation space, accompanied by a deduction of reincarnation points (RP). These RP were earned based on the success of missions, with different levels of difficulty yielding varying amounts. Triumphant participants could reincarnate more frequently, increasing their chances of growth and success.

However, there was a catch—tower rewards began at 100RP, and items usually could only be obtained from the tower itself. The safety zone, while providing a degree of security, did not grant such rewards unless you got an S rating.

As I pondered the intricate mechanics of this new reality, it became evident that my predecessor had aspired to bypass the safety zone and engage directly with the tower. This plan, born from desperation, was a testament to the challenges and hardships faced by those within this realm. For myself, I recognized that despite my familiarity with the worlds and missions, my current feeble form would struggle to make a significant impact. My only viable option was to select a safety zone world that could rapidly enhance my capabilities.

With a conscious thought, I found myself in an expansive white space—a personal zone tailored to each reincarnator. This space served as a hub for transitioning between missions and storing acquired items, its expansion intricately tied to individual growth.

Before me, a screen illuminated with four options: safety zone worlds, entering the tower, exploring skills and talents, and checking my status. Seeking clarity about my current situation, I chose the "status" option. The attributes that defined me were revealed, and they were disappointingly low:

[Name: Ominous Hollow

Birthday: 2/28/2239

Physical Attribute Points: 1 (Baseline for Normal Human: 5)

Mental Attribute Points: 5 (Baseline for Normal Human: 5)

Free Attribute Points: 0

RP: 100

Overall Rating: F]

Just as I began to process this disheartening information, an ethereal voice resonated, capturing my attention:

[Ding! The host enters the reincarnation space, activating the sign-in system for the first time. This system offers rewards for signing in at various unique locations and worlds, including items, skills, and talents. The likelihood of better rewards is tied to the uniqueness of the chosen place. The system detects an exceptional space and offers a special reward for the first sign-in. Will the host claim this opportunity?]

The concept of obtaining rewards for signing in at unique locations piqued my interest and ignited a spark of enthusiasm within me. With a resolute nod, I responded, "Yes."

[Ding! With a decisive choice, the host engages in the sign-in process and is bestowed with the coveted gift: the boundless cycle of infinite reincarnation!

Infinite Reincarnation: Within this remarkable ability lies the power to access the reincarnation tower once per day, securing for the holder an additional chance at life within its enigmatic confines.]

The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning—I now possessed the incredible ability of infinite reincarnation. This privilege granted me daily access to the reincarnation tower and an additional chance at life within its challenges. Overwhelmed by the weight of this revelation, I could only manage a single word, uttered in awe:
