
Global Reincarnation

Amidst the confusion of newfound memories, I wake up in a decrepit apartment, realizing I've transitioned to an altered reality where I inhabit the life of an orphan named Ominous on the planet Kearth. This world is shaped by the enigmatic reincarnation space, granting access to various realms and powers upon reaching age 16. Struggling to cope with my frail vessel and recognizing familiar worlds, I learn about the Tower and its missions, where risk and reward intertwine.

T_J_E · Movies
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3 Chs

Safety First

In the realm of reincarnation, specific restrictions and regulations govern the space. The "safety zone" encompasses relatively less perilous worlds, where true death doesn't occur upon demise. Failure within these realms results in a one-month banishment and the deduction of 100 reincarnation points (RP). If RP is insufficient, an extra day per point deduction is imposed. For those who conquer the missions, two monthly reincarnations are permitted within the safety zone and a weekly reincarnation within the tower.

Equipped with my newfound ability and past knowledge, I anticipate breezing through the tower's initial levels. Having a second chance at life is invaluable, obviating any need for explanation. Now, my primary objective is self-improvement.

That brings me to the main use of RP for those who challenge the tower, RP can be converted into Free Attribute Points. The conversion rate depends on your overall level. They can range from F all the way to S. This also played a part in my predecessors' desperate decision. As in one mission in the tower, even with the lowest rating would reward him enough RP not only to increase his attributes to an above-healthy level, but it would also leave him with enough RP to purchase some basic necessities on the trading platform that only opens after you enter the tower. On the trading platform, you could only find items sold by other reincarnations, ranging from mundane, everyday life goods like food, water, hygiene products, and even toilet paper all sold cheaply for the sake of getting more RP. To more expensive and high-value items like the super soldier serum, bloodlines, and even more sought-after skills. All things posted on the trading platform are rewards from the reincarnation space so it is much more normal to find normal mundane items than those high-value ones, as most people would directly use such precious rewards and if they did sell the price would be something normal people could never dream of.

My predecessor intended to convert his initial points into 10 free attribute points—6 for physical attributes and 4 for mental attributes. This alteration would enhance his strength, speed, endurance, bone density, sensory acuity, mental resistance, reaction time, and memory. Despite these improvements, he would still be at an F level, potentially vulnerable in certain situations. His knowledge was limited, especially regarding the safety zone. He briefly researched only the first two tower floors. Due to various constraints, he couldn't access comprehensive information, but my integrated memories compensate for this deficiency.

Skipping information about the safety zone, my predecessor managed scant research during his minimal free time. He obtained details solely about the first two floors. These details were accessible to everyone up to the 10th floor. Due to financial and logistical limitations, he could visit a library only once, limiting his knowledge accumulation. For the first floor's normal mode, participants were transported to an ancient Rome-like setting, cast as slaves compelled to fight in the "pit." Survival led to gladiator status and arena combat. The basic clearance criterion was winning the first arena match, with an option to extend for better scores. In the realm of hard modes, the introductory note of the reincarnation space hints at their challenging nature. The first-floor hard mode says: a boy who lived an abusive life, journeys into the mysterious magical world filled with danger. As for the second floor, it's a calamitous world, where survival is even more precarious than on the previous floor. To secure an E-LEVEL Evaluation, enduring for a minimum of 48 hours is imperative. Regrettably, the detailed description of the second-floor hard mode eludes our protagonist due to time constraints.

Returning to my current state, I examine my enhanced status with 8 points each in physical and mental attributes, continuing with my original plan, I contemplated opening the option to explore the safety zone worlds. As I did so, an expansive list unfurled before me, brimming with an assortment of 'worlds.' Oddly, the listing seemed entirely arbitrary, lacking any discernible order. Despite the chaotic arrangement, I commenced scrolling, sifting through the options in search of worlds that could yield optimal advantages.

To my dismay, the majority of these worlds appeared disappointingly mundane. I even stumbled upon a few that were reminiscent of Disney shows and movies, like "Let It Shine" and "Ant-Farm." Each entry bore a distinct difficulty level, ranging from low to high. Although the world names didn't match their actual titles, their descriptions evoked a sense of familiarity tied to TV shows, movies, or books from my previous life, albeit subtly and enigmatically. My heightened MENTAL attributes granted me greater clarity in recalling memories from my past life, though not everything was immediately recognizable. After a few minutes of browsing, a specific world and its description captivated my attention.

[World: L-NZT

Description: A struggling writer encounters an enigmatic acquaintance and discovers a cognitive enhancer, triggering transformative opportunities and challenges. Your task is to assist the main character's rise to power by offering guidance through obstacles. A smoother journey results in a higher score.

Difficulty: HIGH]

This particular world seemed like a golden opportunity. Achieving a sufficiently high score could potentially earn me that miraculous substance, even if it's a slightly toned-down version. Nonetheless, it would be a significant advantage. The best part was, I had watched the movie countless times and could easily lend a hand to the protagonist. Sure, the trickiest part might be locating him for others, but personally, I believed gaining his trust would present a greater challenge.

In the realm of safety zone missions, stepping into a mission transported you as a random individual to a random spot within that world. This element of randomness, for most people, would render this mission nearly impossible. They could end up on the opposite side of the globe with zero clues about their target. But for me, assuming I get a starting point somewhere in America, things should be a breeze. Starting off in another country, though, would surely make the journey to New York a tad more adventurous and time-consuming.

Without further delay, I make the decision to enter the world, and in an instant, my surroundings shift. I'm now garbed in a long, dark robe with a mask concealing my features—a standard protective measure within the reincarnation space. After all, with everyone vying for supremacy, some would go after real-world individuals without such safeguards.

As I take in my new environment, I realize I'm standing on an expansive circular platform. Unfortunately, I seem to have spawned perilously close to the platform's edge. Peering downward, all I encounter is an abyss-like darkness staring back at me. Surveying the scene, I spot others around me—some appear anxious, while others engage in relaxed conversations. High above the platform, a sizable screen displays the countdown:


0:59's remaining]

This space serves as a waiting area for missions within the safety zone. Whenever a new world is selected, participants are transported to this platform, awaiting the gathering of sufficient numbers to commence the mission. The quantity of entrants typically hinges on the world's difficulty; it's the opposite within the tower, where ascending means fewer individuals at once. This place often functions as a hub to collect thoughts, strategize, form alliances, and size up the competition.

As the timer finally runs its course, I'm whisked away once more. This time, I materialize within a lavish apartment, inhabiting the form of a youthful, clean-shaven, white male. I'm decked out in an impeccably stylish blue suit, oozing an air of expense.

Before I dive deeper into my newfound existence and surroundings, I opt to test my luck right off the bat.


[Ding! Congratulations, the host has received a defective NZT Pill.

NZT-43(DEFECTIVE): After the first use, the taker will receive the full benefits of NZT for 48 full hours, immediately after their mental health will deteriorate rapidly soon followed by their physical health. Users will be left severely weak both mentally and physically, eventually becoming bedridden for 6 months. If you take two of these within a lifetime, you will face certain death.

Effects are:

Hypermind: Users possess a high level of intellectual and cognitive proficiency. They can process massive amounts of information. They can process an otherwise improbable number of simultaneous calculations, identify all of the variables in any situation, and rapidly cross-correlate previously accessed information (including information accessed-even with minimal attention-before taking the drug).

Perfect recall: Users can flawlessly remember and rapidly recall everything they have ever experienced, encountered or learned in their lifetime without being overwhelmed. They need only to read, hear or see something once and they will never forget it. Their brain and mind gains unlimited storage and analytical capacity.

Instant learning: Users can gather and assimilate any kind of knowledge/skill and understand it fully and rapidly. They can read things at extremely high speeds while still retaining all of the information.

Instant analysis: Users can subconsciously notice, process and understand the details of any stimulus, no matter how small, as well as perceive and understand a large number of cause and effect relations. Thus deducing the path leading to any effects, allowing them to intuitively plan, analyze, and take action efficiently without trouble. They are capable of creating functionally flawless, elaborate plans. Users can deduce the steps needed to succeed at any given task and execute them perfectly.

Omnilingualism: Users have the ability to rapidly gain fluency in most known forms of communication, often becoming fluent through newly available memories of prior exposures.

Superhuman Charisma: Users become eloquent speakers, orators, and story-tellers, as a side effect of the additional abilities afforded by the drug. They become infallibly persuasive and charismatic. They can usually deduce the ideal statements for most crowds. Their uncanny charisma allows them to easily take leadership roles in any situation.

Superhuman dexterity: Users possess perfect muscle control, they can perform any physical act without difficulty. They perform dexterous tasks with no practice beforehand rapidly and flawlessly. They can copy any movement/action after seeing it performed once. They can control their own vocal cords allowing them to freely manipulate their voice.

Multitasking: Users are able to perform multiple tasks at once. For example, they can solve a Rubik's Cube with one hand and draw a perfect copy of one of Leonardo Da Vinci's self portraits with his other hand. Read through 100 pages of documents, mentally solve complex math problems, whilst speaking Farsi, all without anyone task distracting them from another. They can do many things all at the same time efficiently and flawlessly.

Superhuman sensory absorption: Users can absorb information from all types of media at a superhuman rate. Able to sit in a room with hundreds of television and radio sets blaring away all around him each with a different source, process it all, finding patterns or specific details.

Superhuman instincts: User possesses a mind and instincts which processes the world in the most advance and efficient manner. Able to find solutions to all kinds of a problems that they may face, using both the logical and illogical sense and strategies. They will make the right decision in most situations, multiplying there survivability and success rate, allowing them to often pull victory despite all odds.

Hyper competence: Users can become proficient at many tasks/skills. They can handle situations and matters, regardless of the problem, situation or conflict, and they will know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

Enhanced Synesthesia: User possesses the ability to "see" odors and trace them down to where the smell fades or is too indistinguishable from other smells to trace any further.]


"Looks like luck still isn't on my side," I mutter with a sigh.

Before I can complain more I get a quick but sharp pain in my head.