

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

Let me do it! You guys make up the knife

"Aurolo, go and assist Eric."

Professor X said.

He was afraid that his old friend Magneto could not stop so many sentry robots alone.

Storm Girl nodded when she heard this, and walked to Magneto.

The abilities of these two people belong to a large-scale group attack, and they cooperate with each other, and they can indeed exert greater power.

Magneto didn't stubbornly refuse, after all, this is a major issue that concerns the survival of mutants, and of course it is more secure!

"Everyone else, follow me!"

The remaining mutants followed Professor X to start the thermal power station.

Thermal power plants are different from nuclear power plants. Relatively speaking, the operation of thermal power plants is relatively simple, and power can be supplied by converting the heat energy of coal combustion.

This is also the reason why Professor X chose a thermal power plant.

It's not that Professor X doesn't understand the principles of nuclear power plants. It's just that the operation of nuclear power plants is very complicated and dangerous. Without a large number of professionals, it can't be started at all.

Seeing that Chen Ye didn't move, she couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you helping?"

Chen Ye said: "I think it's better for me to stay and block the sentry robot.

Flashing hadn't seen Chen Ye's strength, so he rolled 27 eyes:


But I didn't say much, I followed other people to help.


Magneto, Storm Girl, and Chen Ye are left on the platform.

Time goes by every minute..

In a blink of an eye, a few hours passed.

The sky gradually darkened.

at dusk.

Chen Ye was closing his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes.

He has strong perception and excellent eyesight. On the sea level, he can see things several kilometers away.


Chen Ye issued a reminder.

Magneto and Storm Girl suddenly refreshed.

After a while, the two of them saw that many pyramid-shaped aircraft were flying in the distance.

There are so many!

Obviously, the sentry robots also knew the power of their mutants, and almost the entire army was dispatched.

Seeing the army of so many sentry robots, Magneto and the Goddess of Storm are extremely dignified.

Even Chen Ye has a serious face and dare not be careless!

"Skynet, how long will it take?" Chen Ye asked loudly.

"It will take about two and a half hours!" Skynet replied.

"hurry up!"

"I see, brother!"

The conversation between the two, Magneto and Storm Girl, can be heard clearly.

"Aurolo!" Magneto shouted.

When the storm girl heard the words, she immediately floated from the same place.

And, her eyes began to change quickly

This is Storm Girl using her super power: controlling the weather!


Dark clouds are rolling in the sky, and black clouds cover the sky and the sun!

It's quite similar to Chen Ye summoning Thunder!

Afterwards, strong winds blew up and the waves were surging.


Thunder followed closely.

Let's not talk about the strength of Storm Girl's ability, just relying on this power, it is absolutely full of special effects, very bluffing.

Chen Ye couldn't help but exclaimed.


Storm Girl's attack power is also considered strong among mutants.

It's just that she herself is too weak!

Any ordinary person who comes close can easily kill her!

"Huh! Huh!"

The gusty wind howled, and the sentry aircraft that blew in the distance swayed in mid-air. Many of the aircraft collided with each other and fell into the sea due to malfunctions.

Coupled with the thunder falling in the clouds, this wave destroyed many sentry aircraft.


Compared to the huge number of sentinel robots, the aircraft destroyed by Storm Girl is nothing at all.


The sentry robot is not stupid.

After being attacked by Storm Girl, countless sentry robots immediately left the cabin of the aircraft, abandoning huge targets, and flew over quickly with their own flying ability.

-Come on, the sky is densely covered with small black spots.

Every black spot is a sentry robot!

With such a huge number, and still scattered, Storm Girl suddenly has no choice.

"They are too many!"

Seeing so many sentinel robots, Storm Girl's dark faces were a little pale.

She felt that she couldn't keep waiting for others.

It is very likely to die here today.

Magneto had a solemn face and stood up.

There are so many sentinel robots that are uncountable, and even with his abilities, they can't deal with them.

After that, Magneto's gaze fixed on the fighter plane.

Just when Magneto was about to use his ability to move the fighter plane to the sentry robot group to detonate, Chen Ye suddenly came forward to stop him.

"Wait! Lao Wan, it's a pity that such a good airplane blows up like this!"

Chen Ye took the trident and walked slowly toward the surface of the sea.

Magneto Wang heard this and looked at each other with Storm Girl, his eyes were full of surprises.

"Young man, you are very powerful, but there are too many of them… eh?"

Speaking of the back, Magneto was suddenly shocked and could no longer speak!

The same goes for Storm Girl.

I saw Chen Ye already standing above the sea, and a wave rose, like a gentle animal, holding the soles of Chen Ye's feet and lifting Chen Ye high. 680

Under the dark clouds, Chen Ye stood on the waves, like a god.

next moment!

Chen Ye raised the trident and waved it vigorously!

It seems to have gotten some instructions.

The originally calm sea suddenly began to churn violently, with countless waves surging and irritable.

Immediately afterwards, a super huge wave appeared

A huge wave appeared from the sea level in the distance, rising higher and higher, and finally stood up to a height of 100 meters, forming a tsunami of up to 100 meters!

The boundless tsunami, carrying the might of the world, rushed towards the army of sentry robots.

Countless sentry robots were swept into the depths of the sea by the tsunami before they had time to escape

Just a wave, the army of sentinel robots has suffered heavy losses!!

"this "

Magneto looked at the miraculous attack just now, dumbfounded.

He is also well-informed, but an attack of this level is definitely the first time I have seen it!

If the tsunami just came to attack him, Magneto asked himself, he couldn't avoid it at all!

"Chen, are you really human?"

The Storm Girl stammered.

She even doubted that the man floating on the sea was a god in the sky!