

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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Is the world going to be destroyed by him [bonus chapter]

Professor X and others, who were preparing to generate electricity next to the boiler, also noticed the tsunami that had just appeared.

"That is?"

Wolverine looked at the tsunami that reached a height of 100 meters with some uncertainty.

How desperate is this destructive power?

If it was Wolverine himself facing such an attack, he would probably be arrested.


In the face of this kind of natural disaster level attack, no human being will have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.

"Is it Chen?" Professor X muttered to himself.

He knew Magneto and Storm Girl, and knew that they would definitely not be able to make such an attack.

"Professor!" At this time, the flashing came to report: "The power system has been successfully started and running, and there is electricity!"

"Okay! Let's go and support them!" Professor X said.

He flickered and heard the words, and with a flick of a small hand, in front of her, a "portal gate" appeared, leading directly to behind the Magneto King.

Everyone got into the transmission channel one after another, teleported to Magneto's side.


They saw at a glance, the man standing above the sea, manipulating the tsunami to attack the sentry robot!


"Eric, this is. Professor X is a little surprised.

"This young man is incredible!"

Magneto said, his tone was full of surprise.

"This is also his ability?" Wolverine couldn't believe everything in front of him: "Mutant, isn't there only one ability? He has already shown us other powerful abilities, why can he control the sea?"

at this time.

Numerous sentinel robots have already rushed over.

The intelligence of the sentry robots is not low. When they learned that the tsunami created by Chen Ye was only 100 meters high, they flew to a higher place so that the tsunami could not be hooked, so that they could avoid the tsunami attack.

Looking at the sentinel robot like a locust, all the mutants changed their faces.

"Ready to fight!"

Wolverine roared and showed his paws directly.

The other mutants also put on a fighting posture.


High in the sky.

Suddenly, there was a burst of muffled thunder.

A huge lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating everything in the world.

Until this moment, everyone saw that the sky had long been covered by a thick layer of thunderclouds.

Immediately afterwards, thunder danced in the sky, constantly attacking the sentry robot.


Countless lightning fell like raindrops.

Each time it falls, it will completely destroy a sentry robot, directly scorching the sentry robot, and the internal wiring is burned out and cannot be recovered.

"Puff puff!"

Sentinel robots are constantly falling into the sea.

"Aurolo? Did you do it?" Wolverine asked in surprise.

He remembered that Storm Girl's mine control ability didn't seem to be so powerful!

"No!" The Storm Girl hurriedly said: "I didn't do anything!"

After speaking, she looked at the man in the void and exclaimed: "It's him!


Not only Wolverine was surprised, but everyone else was also shocked.

It is really the powerful ability that Chen Ye has shown, it is really a lot!

Powerful power, flying ability, control the sea, control thunder and lightning

Now, even if Chen Ye is a god, they will believe it!


At this time, a huge thunder fell from the sky and landed on Chen Ye, shocking everyone!

But soon everyone discovered that Chen Ye had nothing to do.


Chen Ye, surrounded by thunder, looks more like a god, Thor!

next moment.

Chen Ye raised the left hand with the ring and pushed forward violently.

A thunder dragon appeared from Chen Ye's palm, rushing towards countless sentry robots!

The Thunder Dragon is invincible, and the sentry robot in front of it, as long as it touches it, it will be scorched and plunged into the sea.

In the blink of an eye, the sentry robot army was punched out of a huge hole.

Storm Girl saw this scene, sweating all over.

Compared with Chen Ye, her ability to create thunder is almost a thousand miles away.

"He, he is so strong!"

Flickering raised his head, looking up at Chen Ye deeply.

Her words aroused the approval of many people.

"There are too many sentry robots, everyone is ready to fight!"

Magneto reminded him, and then used his own ability to control the surrounding scrap iron and shoot down some fish that slipped through the net.

He was right.

The number of sentinel robots is indeed very large!

In order to deal with these powerful mutants, the sentry robots are almost dispatched.

Even though Chen Ye's tsunami and thunder killed countless sentry robots, many sentry robots rushed over.


Chen Ye realized this and frowned.

Afterwards, he suddenly gritted his teeth and increased the output of mental power.

"" "Wow!"

On the surface of the sea, a huge vortex of horror suddenly appeared.

It's like a black hole, as if it can swallow everything.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent wind in the sky, the wind was surging, and the black thunderclouds began to spin quickly.

A tornado quickly took shape under the dark clouds.

Attracted by the tornado, a large amount of seawater was drawn into it.

The dragon sucks water!

Including the thunderclouds in the sky, they were also involved in the tornado.

Just a few breaths of effort, a giant tornado mixed with sea water and thunderclouds, under the control of Chen Ye, quickly took shape!

This is a huge, weird, and terrifying tornado!

Towering into the clouds, as if connecting heaven and earth!

It contains a lot of sea water and thunderclouds, as well as thunder, which constantly flickers in it.

As we all know, water can conduct electricity!

In other words, the giant tornado at this moment is already full of thunder!!

The thick arc flashes continuously, entwining around the (Wang Qian's) tornado, it looks extremely infiltrating!

Once caught in this tornado, the consequences can be imagined.

The super giant tornado that once destroyed the Chambord Islands has appeared again!

As soon as the super giant tornado appeared, it immediately dominated the entire battlefield.

Its powerful attraction attracted countless sentry robots flying high in the sky, and they were strangled to pieces by the thunder.


A large number of sentry robots couldn't dodge, and they were all sucked away by the strong gravity of the tornado and buried in them.

Chen Ye can also control a super large tornado, move on the sea, and massacre sentry robots!

This kind of power can be called the power of destroying the world!

Seeing such a powerful super giant tornado appearing under the control of Chen Ye, all mutants were shocked.

"Is this guy really a god?

Wolverine asked suspiciously.