

WARNING THIS IS NOT MY JUST Drop it here and there may be a lot of grammar error and terrible translate name if we reach every 50 power stone =upload 4 chapter This is a virtual world composed of various films and televisions. Everyone in the world is working hard to conquer each copy, hoping to obtain copy rewards and become stronger. Chen Ye, who came through, was pleasantly surprised to find that the copies that were difficult for everyone to pass were all the various film and television works he had seen in his previous life! ! Therefore, Chen Ye, who is familiar with the plots of these films and TV dramas, became super god… “Datang”: Reincarnations have turned to Li Chengqian, Li Ke, and Li Tai one after another. Chen Ye chose to teach Li Zhi and eventually became an emperor! “Martial Arts”: Everyone is thinking of ways to join the school to learn kung fu, only Chen Ye knows where the secrets are. “Marvel”: When most of the Samsaras were slammed by the Avengers, Chen Ye had already collected six infinite gems!

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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707 Chs

The sea is the main battlefield of Shura

Simple basement.

The atmosphere is depressing.

Several mutants all looked downcast.

As the Phantom Cat is seriously injured, the only plan to save the mutants has failed.

Waiting for them will be chased to death by sentry robots!

Just like their dead partners

At this time.

Magneto suddenly turned around and walked outside.

Everyone was taken aback, Professor X shouted: "Eric?"

Magneto stopped and said with a heavy tone: "Charles, I don't believe in destiny. Mutants will not die here. I will destroy the root of all evil!"

Hearing what this means, Lao Wan is going to fight the sentry robot alone!

Such behavior is no different from looking for death.

Even if Magneto's ability is amazing, his physical strength is not amazing. What if one or two waves of sentry robots can be eliminated? Eventually, he will be besieged to death.

Professor X opened his mouth, and the words of persuasion came to his lips, but he couldn't say anything.

Compared with his preliminarily accepting fate, Magneto struggled with fate, obviously more "six-80" and unyielding.

"Count me in!"

Wolverine also stood up and followed Magneto.

Storm Girl thought for a while, and she was also silent, following Magneto!

As everyone knows, if they go, they will never go back.

For a time.

The atmosphere is very majestic

At this moment, applause came from the side.

"Slap! Slap!"

It is Chen Ye applauding.

"Everyone is courageous, but it's a bit stupid to die like this!" Chen Ye said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, many people glared at Chen Ye!


Wolverine directly showed his wolf claws and stared at Chen Ye fiercely, as if he was about to fight:

"Boy, take back what you just said!"

Chen Ye didn't care about the threat of Wolverine at all, shrugged and said, "I'm telling the truth, why should I take it back?"

"What qualifications do you have to say about them?" Shining angrily asked.

The flash at the moment is very disgusting to Chen Ye.

This guy himself is afraid of death, and he has to say cool things to the seniors who are blocking their lives. It is really annoying.

Magneto looked at Chen Ye with scorching eyes, but he was still very calm: "Young man, do you have a better way?"

Chen Ye said faintly: "Your plan is to go back to the past and prevent the birth of the sentinel robot? I don't know how successful your plan to travel through the past with consciousness is, but obviously, directly personally. Traveling through time and returning to the past, the success rate is more guaranteed!,

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

Professor X asked immediately: "Chen, do you have a way to travel through time?"

"Of course!" Chen Ye nodded affirmatively.

Everyone was surprised and happy.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" The Storm Girl looked at Chen Ye in surprise.

"You didn't ask either!" Chen Ye took it for granted.

Storm Girl was stunned, and then a little bit dumbfounded.

Wolverine said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for? Chen, hurry across, I miss my previous beer!"

"Rogen!" Chen Ye shook his finger: "You have to apologize to me first!"

"Okay! I apologize to you for my rude behavior just now!"

This guy is thick-skinned, but he is very happy!

But flickering is a bit embarrassing

She also satirized Chen Ye just now.

After struggling for a long time, the flashing stammered: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I was just now."

Chen Ye waved his hand and interrupted the flashing words.

To be honest, he doesn't care much, how flashing looks at him.

"Mr. Logan's apology is enough!" Chen Ye smiled.

Wolverine's face turned black when he heard this!

This guy, it is clear that he can't live with him!

"You guy"

Afraid of irritating Chen Ye, Wolverine dare not say what follows.

"Chen, do you really have a way to go back in time?" Magneto didn't believe it.


Chen Ye looked around and said: "I have a time replacement machine that can let people go back to the past or the future. However, this kind of machine requires a lot of electricity, which obviously does not meet the conditions."

Everyone looked at each other, it was the first time they heard of this kind of machine.

"Requires a lot of electricity"

Professor X pondered for a moment, and said, "I know that there is an abandoned thermal power station, and it should be able to start."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!

Wolverine looked very anxious, as if he didn't want to stay in this apocalyptic world for a quarter of an hour.

After half an hour.

Everyone took a plane and came to a seashore.

On the sea, there is an abandoned thermal power station.

"Professor, can it really start?" Wolverine frowned.

In fact, this nuclear power plant looks very old, covered with dust everywhere, and seems to have been abandoned for a long time.

Moreover, thermal power plants have long been eliminated by nuclear power plants. Obviously, the thermal power plant in front of us is probably the stuff of the last century.

This makes people wonder whether it can start.

"How can I know if I don't try?" Professor X said.

Storm Girl controlled the plane and landed on the open space next to the power station.

"Chen, it's up to you now!" Wolverine said.

Everyone looked at Chen Ye curiously, and wanted to see what Chen Ye's time replacement machine was.

Chen Ye smiled slightly, then

Let Skynet out!

Seeing Chen Ye become alive, everyone was shocked and looked at the Skynet Little Loli who appeared out of thin air in shock.

"Huh! Master, you are finally willing to let me out. Where is this place?"

Skynet Little Loli looked around and saw a group of "uncles and aunts" staring at him, and asked a little puzzled: "Master, who are they?"

"Oh Mika!" Baofeng Girl had a devilish expression on her face: "Where did she come from?

"I want to know too!"

Flicker for a while and look at Chen Ye, and for a while, look at Skynet, her pretty face is uncertain

"Everyone!" Chen Ye clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and then said, "I will introduce you to everyone. She is called Tianwang and my sister!"

Hearing Chen Ye's introduction, Skynet's eyes lit up, and he looked at Chen Ye with joy, his eyes were crooked, like crescent teeth.

"Master, brother!"

Chen Ye touched Skynet's little head and pointed to a pile of materials next to him and said: "I need time to replace the machine. Everything is here. How long will it take to get it done?

Skynet glanced at the material and immediately said: "10 hours! Brother!"

"Very good! Let's start! Hurry up.

"Okay, brother!

"You don't have to call my brother all the time."

"I see, brother!"

Skynet, this guy, has the same human wisdom and emotions. Just now Chen Ye recognized her identity and treated her as a human, which seemed to make her very happy.


Skynet became busy.

She is artificial intelligence, and her current body is a liquid metal robot, which can simulate various machines, forge materials, and change the structure and shape of materials.

Therefore, she alone is enough to make a time replacement machine.

When everyone saw that Skynet's right arm had turned into a flamethrower, melting a piece of metal in a short period of time, everyone was stunned.

"Chen, your sister, what on earth is it?"

Wolverine seemed to be frightened.

Chen Ye was too lazy to explain the source of Skynet, and said faintly: "You don't need to worry about it, you still think of a way, within 10 hours, start the power station!"

"I'm afraid, the next 10 hours from 4.0 will be very difficult," Professor X sighed.

When everyone heard this, their faces were solemn.

Seeing that Chen Ye didn't understand, he explained in a low voice: "Sentinel robots can sense the existence of mutants from a long distance. With so many of us gathered here, it won't take long for them to discover us…"

Chen Ye suddenly realized.

No wonder, in the original plot, the "Reverse the Future" plan was just launched, and the sentry robot army came to the door and almost wiped out all the mutant groups!

It turns out that the sentry robot has this powerful function!

Chen Ye couldn't help but sigh, the guy who invented the sentry robot is really a talent!!

"Charles, you go to start the power station, I am responsible for guarding."

Magneto opened his mouth.

Among the current mutants, he has the strongest offensive ability, and he is indeed qualified to say this.

Chen Ye laughed, and quietly held the trident in his hand.

The sea!

It is his main battlefield!!