
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 7: Arendelle

The white light appeared and Vaness appeared in the blank space again but this time he is not alone, there are already 10 people in it.

After a while, I see 4 people make a group, and the other 5 people choose to stay still like him.

'Hmm, looks like these people choose the same mission as me. And 4 of them must be from the same guild. Interesting.'

After a while, the countdown is over, and only 13 people decided to take this mission including Vaness.

Then, the white light covered them and they disappeared from a blank space.

The white light flashed, and Vaness appeared in a small town.

[Ding! You have already arrived at the Ice Castle Mission's dungeon "Frozen".

Main task: Find a person who makes an ice

Time Limit: 2 Days

Quota: 13/15

Difficulty: S

Note: The first person who discovers a person that makes ice will get a special reward.]

"Ohh, as I thought too, this is a Frozen world. And there is also a special reward for the first person who knows about her. Hehehe, then this special reward bounded to be mine."

This is a normal thing for people who complete the mission first to get a special reward but because Vaness is just a street person in the real world before, so he didn't know about it.

Vaness then looks at this town or city for a while, "What a beautiful familiar place. Looks like this is an Arendelle. Let me confirm it!"

After all, every reincarnation will be randomly teleported to somewhere in the world dungeon that is related to the mission of the main task.

"Excuse, miss, can I ask you a question, please?", Vaness asked the passerby middle-aged woman.

"Yes, please, what's wrong Mr. black knight?", the middle-aged woman politely.

"Is this Arendelle, right?", Vaness asks, at this time he is wearing black armor so he got called like that by the middle-aged woman.

"Yeah, you are right, Mr. black knight. Is this your first time coming here?"

"Hahaha, yeah, you are right, miss. This is my first time coming to the Arendelle, so I ask you to confirm it."

"It's alright, It's alright, But Mr. Black Knight you are really coming to the right time. Do you know three days later there will be Queen's Coronation day, so as long as you stay on here for a few days you can participate in the Queen's Coronation day."

"Wow! Really!? Looks like I am very lucky! Then thank you Miss for your answer. I am sorry for disturbing your day."

"It's okay, then have a good day Mr. Black Knight.", after saying this the middle-aged woman walks away from Vaness.

'Looks like, the difficulty on this mission is not wrong. Three days later on Coronation day, Elsa will be accidental releases her power which makes her secret exposed. But the problem is my time limit is only 2 days. Looks like I need to sneak into the castle.'

After making his decision, Vaness comes to the castle back sneakily because the castle's guards and servants are very few. He successfully enters the castle.

After he enters the castle, he didn't rush to find Elsa instead come to the one of guards' room to take his clothes and disguise himself as Guard. With this, he is ready to meet Elsa.

Because Vaness didn't know which room Elsa's in, so he take a walk around the castle and open the room one by one. Fortunately, the people in the castle are very few so he didn't get discovered or suspicious by someone. Well, except for one person.

In his back, without him knowing about it, there is a girl with brown hair following him all the way, "What is this Guard doing? Why is he open the room door one by one? So suspicious!"

But just as the girl want to follow him suddenly a servant appeared behind her.

"Princess Anna."

"W-what!? Oh, it is you, Fuh, You surprised me!"

"I apologize for that Princess Anna. But your lunch is ready."

"Alright, I will be right there. Wait for a second!"

After saying that, Anna looks towards Vaness's side again but she can't find him any longer.

"Whatever, maybe that's a new guard that went to patrol and familiar himself in this castle."

Anna assumed it like that then she walked out from there and go to the dining room to have lunch.

Meanwhile, Vaness has found Elsa in her room. At this time, he sees Elsa wearing a purple dress, sitting down on her bed, and blankly looking out at the window. This scenery is very beautiful. No, it can be said Elsa herself is very beautiful.

"So beautiful."

When Vaness amazed by her beauty he is accidentally let out a word that he thinks in his heart.

Hearing, someone's voice, Elsa also realized there is other people in her room.

"Who are you!?"

Elsa hurriedly stands up and looked at her back vigilantly.

Vaness who heard Elsa's voice also woke up at this time.

"Me? Let me introduce myself, my name is Vaness Drag. The leader of Guild Dark Raven, come here officially to invite you, Princess Elsa. Although this is a guild actually there is only me at this time and you are the second if you decided to join. Wait, Elsa don't rush to refuse. If I tell you I can teach you a way to help you to control your power. How about it?"

Elsa who just wants to refuse immediately becomes quiet and then she asks cautiously, "... Really?"

"Of course, Elsa as insurance I will tell you my secret too.", after saying that Vaness take out a Dark Moon and said, "Hydra!".

As Vaness words out, three head monster dragons out from his Dark Moon.

Elsa who looking at this in surprise and can't say any words, but somehow she didn't afraid as she knows that this monster will not attack her.

Vaness who saw this also got surprised, 'Looks like this Elsa has a really very good mentality.'. At least most people will be scared to the death when seeing a monster with three heads appear in front of them.