
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 6: Choose a Mission

Vaness, after setting up his guild. He didn't forget to make Guild's symbol and name. He names his guild as Dark Raven which he picks up from his equipment and the crest of a crow as a symbol of his guild.

The symbol of the guild will be wielded by each member in various form and Vaness choose it in the form of a tattoo. He makes a tattoo of a black crow on the back of his hand.

After that, he diverts his attention to the SSS treasure chest that he got before.

At the first, all reincarnation will be given 5 grid system space, you can expend it with the cost of 10.000 R Coins/grid.

Vaness opens his system space and clicks the treasure chest icon.

[Do you want to open the SSS treasure chest?]

Vaness didn't think too much and immediately choose to open the treasure chest.

[Succesfully open the treasure chest, Congratulations you got Rusty Iron Sword (F) x 6, Pokeball (E) x 2, Refresh Card x 2, Recruit Card x 2, War Card x 2, Ajin Bloodline (EX)]

[Rusty Iron Sword (F): STR+3, Fragile rusty sword that can only be used for few times.]

[Pokeball (E): Catch any Pokemon with a success rate depends on the willingness and rarity of the Pokemon.]

[Refresh Card: Use the Card to refresh the cooldown to accept the next mission.]

[Recruit Card: Use the Card before going into the dungeon to recruit 1 additional member.]

[War Card: Use the Card to force other guilds to have war with your guild or to counter the effect of the war card to make it invalid.]

[Ajin Bloodline (EX): Inject this tube bloodline into your body to get an Ajin Bloodline.]

"Wow, 15 items, although I got a zonk-like rusty iron sword, it is okay. The other item is okay, no it can be said is very good. Especially Ajin Bloodline, I never thought I will be open a bloodline in my first treasure chest, and on top of it this has EX quality with ridiculous immortality ability. With this, my survival chance upgrades to another level again. And there are also these three kinds of cards that are very useful for me."

In Reincarnation Dimension, the hardest item to get is a good bloodline and card. Even the most common bloodline here is vampire and werewolf although the power is good, they have many disadvantages like bloodlust or lost control but at least with these bloodlines, you are more powerful among the reincarnation.

But excellent bloodline like this special Ajin bloodline which already reaches a peak among bloodlines in Reincarnation Dimension is very rare and even if you luckily arrive at Ajin world dungeon you will not necessarily get the bloodline. No, it can be said almost impossible.

The cards are very useful to help Guilds expand their membership, power, and reputation which is also sought by so many guilds and hard to get in the market.

Vaness put rusty sword, war card, life recovery potion x 400, mana recovery potion x 400, and Pokeball in the Guild's storage, and keeps recruit card, refresh card, life recovery potion x 100, mana recovery potion x 100, then he also buys 10 grid to his personal storage with the cost 100.000 R Coins. He also buys 10 points of magic so he can do Hydra later.

After that, he takes out a tube injection containing black liquid on it with a take of breath.

"Okay, let's do this."

Then, he injects the Ajin Bloodline into his body.

After a while, "Hmm, why I didn't feel anything? ... Oh yeah, I almost forgot for one person to activate their ajin bloodline they need to die first. But the problem is ... how can I die now with my high VIT very few people can kill me!! F**k! looks like I make a pit to myself!"

After Vaness thought about it for a while and didn't find a way to kill himself. Vaness decided to get into the dangerous dungeon, "Whatever, let it be, I will get into a dangerous dungeon first so I can find a chance to die and turn into Ajin. Let me see the board mission what kind of mission will you give to me with my reputation."

There are three missions available on Vaness's Guild Board.

[Mission: Paradis Island of human

Main Task: Survive for 30 days

Time Limit: 30 days

Quota: 15/25

Start in: 02:03:33

Difficulty: C]

[Mission: The Last Summer

Main Task: Find Menma

Time Limit: 3 Days

Quota: 47/50

Start in: 06:00:09

Difficulty: D]

[Mission: Ice Castle

Main Task: Find a person who makes an ice

Time Limit: 2 Days

Quota: 9/15

Start in: 00:30:20

Difficulty: S]

(Mission Difficulty Reward:

F: 1.000 R Coins, and 100 Reputation Points

E: 5.000 R Coins, and 200 Reputation Points

D: 10.000 R Coins, and 500 Reputation Points

C: 25.000 R Coins, and 750 Reputation Points

B: 50.000 R Coins, and 1000 Reputation Points

A: 75.000 R Coins, and 1500 Reputation Points

S: 100.000 R Coins, and 2000 Reputation Points

SS: 250.000 R Coins, and 3000 Reputation Points

SSS: 500.000 R Coins, and 5000 Reputation Points

Note: This is not included in the Mission Final Rating reward and Sub Task reward.)

'Hmm, the first mission, although the world of the mission is very dangerous, the mission can be said very easy, as long as you do not get out from Paradis Island then you will be safe from those titans. As for the second mission, it is very easy for me and I can do it with my closed eyes but for the other people is not easy to find Menma a ghost. As for the last mission...'

"Ice Castle? What kind of world is this, Esdeath? Kuzan? Gray? Emilia? or maybe it is her. Hmmm, Whatever, let's choose this mission. No matter who it is, this must be the most dangerous world among the others. Even though the first one is also dangerous but the problem is the mission difficulty is too low then the reward must be low too."

Before choosing the task he uses a Refresh Card so he can accept the new mission after all he is just back from a novice dungeon and there is still a week cooldown to choose the next mission. Vaness chooses to take the Ice Castle mission, then his body gets enveloped by light and disappeared from Guild.