
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 41: Birth

After a while, under explanation from three girls, Irene understands the overall situation about her guild joining right now.

Not only that, but their relationship also quickly become much closer as they started to call sisters each other. Vaness wondered looking at this scene, 'Why women can be so close? Although, they have just met. Haiss...'

Vaness also already check the notification that he got from meeting Irene until recruit her to his guild. Remembering, Irene native person of this world, Vaness want to ask about Anna Heartfilia and Eclipse gate.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask it. Irene's face suddenly distorted like she was in pain, Mio, Tomoe, and Elsa who surround her also noticed this.

"What's wrong? Are you okay, Irene?", Vaness hurriedly come to Irene and ask her worriedly.

He is worriedly that optimising her Dragon Slayer Magic before will put hidden danger in her body that caused her pain.

" What's wrong, sister Irene?", Elsa also got a little panicked about Irene, the member who just joined their guild.

"Is there something wrong, sister Irene?", Tomoe also asked worriedly as she help Irene's body so she didn't fall to the ground.

Meanwhile, Mio hurriedly checks Irene's body to see if there is something wrong with it. As she uses her magic to check her body.

Mio got stunned and her Face changed drastically in disbelief, " T-this is..."

Looking at Mio like this, Vaness immediately ask her, "What's wrong, Mio!? Tell me, what do you find!?"

Tomoe and Elsa look at Mio at the same time, obviously also wanting to know what happened to Irene.

Mio woke up hearing Vaness's words and hurriedly answered Vaness, "Master, There is nothing wrong with Irene's body, she just only wants to give birth."

Vaness hearing subconsciously sigh in relief, "Ohh, Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with her body, so, she just only wants to give birth."

Tomoe and Elsa also sigh in relief but then they have also realised something wrong.

"Birth!!? Birth do you say!!!?", Tomoe, Elsa, and Vaness shouted at the same time after realising this problem was much more serious than they thought.

" Ahhh, What should I do? I never help a woman giving birth to a baby.", Vaness said while scratching his hair in the mess. After all, this is his member although she is a newcomer, Vaness will treat all member guild as his family or women maybe. After all, at the moment they are joining the guild that means they have a high trust and affection for him or other members so he must not let them down.

"Me too. I have never seen a woman giving birth, not even can't help a person to give birth.", Elsa said in a panic.

Mio and Tomoe also put a serious expression thinking about a solution to this matter but they are much calmer than Vaness and Elsa.

Didn't wait for them to find solutions, Irene suddenly open her mouth in pain to say something to them, "..ugh... e-everyone i-i know the way t-to give a b-birth b-by myself, ugh... a-all you have to do prepare some c-clean water and cloth for my baby. ugh..."

Irene said in pain, Vaness, Tomoe, Mio, and Elsa who heard this immediately prepared what Irene immediately. For water, they find and got it from a clear river that didn't far from them. As for clothes, they use Vaness's sleeping clothes which are much softer and more comfortable than other girls' clothes because it is made from animal fur.

They also make a simple house as a place for Irene to give birth.

After preparing that, Vaness and the others can only watch, protect and encourage Irene who giving birth. Of course, Vaness didn't see Irene giving birth, he stand out in front of the house, and looked at the surrounding.

Elsa helped Irene to wipe her sweat, Tomoe held Irene's hand and Mio ensure the baby got delivered while couraging Irene.

Vaness peeps a little bit from the gap speechlessly, 'Didn't you say, that you don't know how to help women giving birth, but what's wrong with that tacit understanding.'

Then looking away again back to his job. He is to ensure this surrounding truly save, Vaness also let out his Black ghost to attack any living beings who approached here including bugs.

After all, this is a magic world who knows that random bugs are on here and will contain some poison that will endanger Irene who giving birth right now?

This giving birth process goes on for 3 hours. Even Vaness who never see women giving birth feels this time is very long. Especially hearing Irene screaming from behind that makes him slightly nervous. After all, this is his member guild's child if there is something wrong with it then Irene must be got hit very hard by it.

While securing the surrounding he also quietly encouraged Irene in his heart, 'Come one, Irene you can do it.'

30 minutes later

"Uwa!! Uwa!! Uwaaa!!", Vaness heard the baby's cry from behind. Hearing this he sighs in relief.

" Looks like, Irene finally success gave birth."

Then he looked at his surroundings full of corpses of animals and monsters that attracted him to come here because of Irene's screaming.

Then Vaness takes back his Black ghost and knocks on the house.

*Tok tok

"Master, you can come in.", Mio said and open the door.

Inside, he sees Tomoe and Elsa who clean up the place, meanwhile, Irene still lying on the wooden bed holding her baby.

" Thank you for your hard work," Vaness said to the girls.

And they answered nothing just smiled and shook their head as if it is nothing for them.

Irene looks at Vaness who comes in, hurriedly greeting him, "Thank you, Vaness for your help."

Vaness smiled and shook his head then asked, "How is your baby? is it a boy or a girl? What's her name?"

Irene hearing this smiled and answered, "My baby is fine, she is a girl. As for a name I decided to name her Erza Berselion."