
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 42: Town

"Erza Berselion?", Vaness was very surprised at the moment he heard Irene's baby's name. Because this name is very familiar to someone he knows.

"Erza Scarlet...", Vaness wondered if this baby is the future Erza Scarlet, but because this girl is still a baby he can't distinguish between her and Erza Scarlet he knew.

'Maybe it's a coincidence?', Vaness said in his heart. But he changes his mind the moment he is looking at Irene's face carefully.

'T-this face is very familiar with Erza...', Vaness thought then looking at Baby Erza and Irene back and forth.

'This is can't be wrong. Irene's child is the future Erza Scarlet. If she is born now, then could it be the other fairy tail guild was also born at this moment or not yet, I feel the surrounding area is still very primitive. Especially war between dragons and humans I have not heard fairy tail mention that.', Vaness thought and the more he thinks about it he didn't understand so he decided to give up and continue to focus on the mission.

" Haiss, I didn't understand, I didn't know, lack of information makes me confused. Whatever let's put this aside and focused on the mission first after that I can slowly think about this again.", Vaness murmured.

Irene seeing Vaness talking to himself and thinking about something after hearing her child's name makes her worried that there is something wrong with her child's name.

"V-Vaness, is there something wrong with my child's name?", Irene asked worriedly.

Hearing Irene's question Vaness snap out of his thoughts, " Ah, it is nothing. I think this is a very beautiful and familiar name. That's all."

Vaness answered, Irene, heard this sigh in relief as she regarded that Erza's name is the same as Vaness's acquaintance in the past. That makes him fall into thought and talk to himself.

Mio, Tomoe, and Elsa who finish their jobs come to Vaness.

"Vaness, I think we need to find a place to stay after all it is inconvenient for babies and women who just give birth to stay here.", Elsa said to Vaness.

" Yes, master, I think we should move out now.", Mio also said agreeing with Elsa's statement.

"That's right, master, I also see a human town that is not far from here. I think we can stay there for a while. Unfortunately, in my personal space, I have not built a house. If there is a house then we can stay in my personal space.", Tomoe said in regret, after all, they have just made a plan for Tomoe's space but hadn't applied it yet.

"Yeah, it is, unfortunately... Okay, then, go prepared, we need to go to that town before dark. I know that town as I see it when I protecting you guys.", Vaness said but he also expressed his regret have not implanted the plan that they made yet.

Elsa comes to Irene's side to tell her about their plan. Meanwhile, Vaness and the others prepared to go to the town.

15 minutes later, they are already prepared. After all, there is not much that they need to prepare for this journey as they didn't bring many items to this mission world.

Vaness like usual use his psychokinesis to bring the girls up. He is very proficient using this skill just as the restrictions to bring only monsters can't any longer affect his activate this skill.

It didn't take a long time for them to fly and arrived at their destination. There is no hindrance on the way, no monster as all the monsters almost have been cleaned up by Vaness before.

Vaness and the others didn't directly land at the town but instead 100 meters away from the town to avoid unnecessary problems.

After all, Irene said that if we harshly landed in the town they will think that we are enemies who want to invade their town and eventually got attacked by them.

This often happens because the recent wars that happened in this land make people very cautious of strangers. Especially the person who flies and suddenly landed in their town for no reason.

Although, Vaness is very confident to solve it if they are getting attacked but remembering there is a baby on his team right now. He will avoid a large-scale battle as much as possible after all who knows if there is a strong person or weird magic that can affect the baby.

Vaness and the others take out ordinary clothes that synchronised with common people in this world, as they want to wear them, Irene hurriedly stops them.

" Wait, I suggest you didn't have to change your clothes.", Irene said while holding baby Erza in her hand.

Hearing this Vaness take initiative to ask a reason, "Why?"

Elsa and the others looked at her questioning the same question.

"Because in this world powerful people will be respected. Just like you who wearing looks so expensive armour and clothes. They must be thinking that you are a powerful magician and knight who comes past their town. So they will not mess with you to avoid trouble.", Irene explained.

At this time, Vaness still wearing his Black armour. Mio and Tomoe with their favourite black and turquoise kimono. Then Elsa with her gorgeous beautiful blue dress like a royal family from a far kingdom.

" I see, so it can be like this too. I thought we will be targeted if we are wearing so fancy equipment like this.", Vaness said wondering if what he read in the novel in the past was wrong.

Irene shook her head, "Not all people will be the stupidly offended powerful people for no reason. Maybe there are some of them, if we meet them in that town you just have to give them a lesson as deterrence for the others. That's what I do in the past when travelling while having a war with the dragon."

Vaness and the others who hear this already know the reason for this. So they take back their clothes to the storage and leisurely walk to the town.