
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 22: Shin

Vaness takes the fire breath from the dragon and uses devour to store some magic from it.

Elsa also keeps attacking the dragon with her ice magic from Vaness's behind.

The dragon Shin who feels that seems not alright stops her fire breath and uses some barrier of memory illusion to trap Vaness and Elsa in it.


The green luster shield in the shape of a cube traps Vaness and Elsa inside of it.

Vaness seeing this immediately use his shield and breaks a barrier using a devour without hesitation.

The dragon Shin who sees her memory illusion barrier got broken in an instant, and not only that it is have not truly taken an effect.

'How can that be!? Why did my memory illusion barrier got broken easily?!', The dragon Shin got surprised seeing this scene in front of her.

Vaness is also always wary when he knows and sees this Illusion memory barrier about to appear, after all, either he or Elsa has some resistance towards this kind of illusion skill.

After Vaness broke this barrier he immediately shouts to Elsa behind him, "Elsa, release all your ice magic and froze this dragon completely, I will try to use poison to make this dragon weak and make it admit its defeat after that."

"Got it!", Elsa answered even though she got confused by Vaness's operation, 'Why don't just kill this dragon completely, after all, we don't know what kind of skills this dragon has? Just like the skill just now although I didn't know what kind effect of it had, it must be very dangerous and strong. Instead making it weak or make it admit defeat by itself.'

Elsa drive away all her thought and assist Vaness to defeat this dragon as he ordered. After all, she believes Vaness has his own plan to do this.

Elsa gathers all her magic in her both hands at the same time and compresses it to make it a ball then shoot it towards the dragon.

The dragon Shin also realized the dangerousness of that ice ball trying to dodge it but how did Vaness let her do that?

"Hydra!", Vaness calls out the hydra skill from Dark Moon using a Magic that he got from Shin itself.

So he uses two hydra heads to seal Shin's movement in a short time. After all, the dragon itself is very strong so his hydra can't last long from this dragon.

The ice blue ball come to the dragon Shin and then hit her body.


The moment, the ice blue ball hit the dragon Shin's body, her body immediately got frozen from head to tail, just like anna's ice sculpture at that time, but this time the dragon Shin's ice sculpture along with two hydra's heads.

One head hydra who didn't get frozen, Vaness immediately order it to attack Shin. Although Elsa uses all her magic to freeze this dragon Shin, the dragon itself has some resistance towards this kind of thing so her body just got frozen from the outside and not inside.

So Vaness tries to use this chance to use hydra and poison her until she is completely out of the frozen state and got poisoned.

Hydra takes a bite of Shin's Frozen body and uses poison breath directly inside of dragon Shin's body through its fangs that pierce Shin's body with no intention of stopping.

The dragon Shin who got frozen also feels that poison slowly eroded her body from that poison breath attack but she can't do anything than howl in that state.

After a while, the dragon Shin was out of a frozen state, and hydra's skill was also gone as Vaness's magic got emptied out.

At this time, the dragon Shin's body is no longer colored azure green anymore instead becomes deep purple because of a huge amount of poison inside of its body.

"Roar...", The dragon Shin howled in pain as she can no longer move her body, 'Damn human, I lost, but you are so cruel, don't you, human?'

Vaness who saw this smiled although he didn't know what this dragon talking about, but he can see the notification through a system that his mission was completed.

[Ding! Congratulations You are the first person who finishes the Main task: Defeat 'Invincible Dragon' Shin (Complete)]

[Notification: The Reincarnation who already finish the Main Task (2/10)!]

"Vaness! We did it, we already finish the mission.", Elsa come from Vaness's behind and hug him at the same time as she was happy as her first mission was finally completed.

"Yeah, it is all thanks to you.", Vaness turns his body and hugs Elsa back at the same time.

"Mhmmm," Elsa replied shyly.

After hugging for a while, Vaness let Elsa go and let her take a rest for a while. After all, in this battle, she is almost run out of all her magic as she does what Vaness told her to do, so her body got a little bit tired.

Vaness also run out of magic but his VIT is very high so he didn't have any trouble with it.

Vaness turns his head and comes to the dragon Shin's side slowly, "Looks like this is my win, huh?"

Shin just take a glance at Vaness and then didn't say anything anymore as she can't move and waiting for death because of poison.

"Shin, how about we make a contract?", Vaness who know Shin just didn't care about him, immediately said his purpose.

[Ding! You trigger Sub Task: Contract 'The Invincible Dragoon' Shin (SSS). You got an additional 1 day of the time limit.

Current Time Limit: 3 days left]

Shin heard this in surprise and said angrily in human language, "Are you kidding me human? Do you think I would like to make a contract with you after you do all of this to me!"

"Hehehe, if I don't do this I can't talk to you and my purpose properly after all.", Vaness replied Shin lightly.

"..., Well maybe you are right, human. But sorry I didn't want to make a contract with you.", The dragon was silent for a while before replying. After all, she is already got beaten to this state, how embarrassing to make a contract just like this?