
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 13: Rescue Elsa

Hans arrives at the hall top of the castle, looking at the mess. He quickly searched the surroundings and found Elsa, who passed out not far from the broken chandelier.

"Take, queen Elsa back.", Hans said to the people who volunteered to accompany him before.

"Yes, sir.", two volunteers lift Elsa up and follow Hans behind.

Vaness looking at this in shadow smiled and follow them quietly from behind.

By the way, he also got another mission at the moment Elsa was taken away by Hans.

[Ding! You trigger Sub Task: Save Elsa (B). You got an additional 1 day of the time limit.

Current Time Limit: 4 days left]

Vaness looks at the notification casually and ignores it. Even, if it is not issued into a mission, Vaness will still save Elsa.

Vaness floats following Hans and his companion back to the castle.

Meanwhile in the reincarnation dimension

Inside Sky Guild's Main building,

The leader of Sky guild looks at the name "Guido" and "Bob" that has turned to gray color.

The gray color means death and soon the name will be gone forever if the leader didn't choose the resurrection at some cost. The stronger who need to be resurrected the more expensive the prices.

It also needs an item called Another Life Card to be resurrected besides some R coins.

At first, he doesn't care when Guido's name turned to gray after all it is normal for a few newcomers in his guild to die in a dungeon but when Bob's name turned to gray his face immediately changed.

The assistant beside the leader also realized there is something wrong with the leader so she asked, "Is there something wrong, leader?"

"Nothing, it is just Bob's name turned to gray.", the leader said calmly with some anger in his tone.

At this time, the assistant who got surprised. After all, she knows who is Bob. Even though, Bob's strength is at the bottom of the guild but as a senior reincarnation in this dimension, he has very rich experience in the dungeon and does not easily go to die.

But, at this time, he is going to die is quite a surprise.

"So, leader do you want to resurrect him?", The assistant asks gently after she quickly adjusts her mood.

The leader is silent for a while and one word comes out of his mouth.

"No. But I need you to send someone to investigate this matter. If I can get revenge for him then I will do it, if not then forget it.", the leader said calmly and lean his back to his chair while closing his eyes.

Although Bob's an old member of his Sky Guild, after all, his strength is very weak among other members and it doesn't worth wasting resources to resurrect him, especially since the Another life card is a hard item to get.

As the leader of the rank Five Guild in the reincarnation dimension, he must be very cautious and smart in making a decision, especially since there are other big guilds aiming at each other's position. He must be very careful, if not how can he make his guild rank Five in the reincarnation dimension.

This is also a lesson where he got from the former rank Three guilds which got destroyed because of the reckless leader in using resources so they don't have any longer resources to support the war guild at that time.

Besides that, as rank Five Guild, he doesn't have a shortage of members like Bob.

"As you wish, leader.", the assistant responds and moves her body, then leaves the room to execute her leader's order.

Go back to Vaness's side.

Vaness looks at Elsa and Hans who talk with each other in the prison room through the window. Of course, he maintains some distance to not be discovered by them.

After a while, Hans leaves the prison leaving Elsa alone in the room.

Looking at this, Vaness comes close to the window and knocks it.

*Tok tok

Elsa who got desperate while looking down at her hands suddenly hear knocking sounds from the window.

When Elsa turns her head, she looks at Vaness who waves his hand to her.

"V-Vaness... y-you why are knocking me out?"

Vaness broke the window, then come into the room and slowly walk to her.

Vaness smiled and replied, "Because I want to help you, Elsa. I want to help you to make your fear gone. No, it should be a trauma caused by Anna's accident. But, first I must let you out from here."

After Vaness says this he takes out his shield and hammers it to the chain that binds Elsa.

*Clank Crack

Elsa looks at her hands already free again from the chain, and turns her sideways to Vaness again, "Vaness, even though, I don't know what are you planning. But I will trust you."

Vaness hearing this, smiled and said, "Your trust is worth more than anything."

Vaness takes Elsa's hands and lets her out of the prison.

A few minutes later, Elsa's prison got opened in force by several soldiers. When they are looking at the empty room and broken window, they know Queen Elsa has already escaped. Hans also saw this and his expression got ugly.

[Ding! You complete Sub Task: Save Elsa (B).]

After Vaness and Elsa walk for a while, the snowstorm suddenly appeared.

Vaness who sees this also knows this is caused by Elsa. Although Elsa on his side looks calm from the outside, the truth is her heart is in chaos.

As a snowstorm comes, Vaness deliberately separates himself from Elsa. After all, soon her scene with Anna will happen and Vaness didn't want to ruin it.

Elsa also realized that she got separated from Vaness so she call out Vaness's name.

"Vaness! Where are you?"

"Vaness!! Vaness!!"

But as she continued to shout, her voice got heard by Hans who looking for her. So he follow her voice and found Elsa.

D*mn!! Hello guys! As an author, I apologize for not updating any new chapters in the last few days because I have been very busy. Huuuuh... What a hard life...

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