
Global Guild: Reincarnation Dimension

Vaness Drag comes to the parallel world of the earth. In this world, where people reach eighteen years old, they will enter the Reincarnation Dimension to make a guild and dominate the world. This Reincarnation Dimension comes when Vaness reaches 13 years old. Of course, if you die in the dungeon world, you will really die. Vaness Drag is an orphan looking at the familiar anime and movie that turned into the dungeon by Reincarnation Dimension. "Looks like, the time that I wasted watching anime and movies in my previous life didn't go wasted."

Terrai_an · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 12: Double Kill

"No! We can't. Goodbye, Anna.", Elsa said while her fear come back to her as she remember her past and what happen to Anna.

"Elsa, wait--", Anna tries to persuade Elsa again but Elsa didn't allow that.

"No, I am just trying to protect you.", Elsa said as she start to walk upstairs.

"You don't have to protect me. I am not afraid. Please don't shut me out again.", Anna said as she followed Elsa.

Until they reach the top floor of the castle and their talks still continued as Anna tried to persuade Elsa. While Elsa got more panicky and afraid then eventually accidentally attacks Anna with her magic again.

Elsa who realized what she was doing got surprised and worried. Just as she was about to help her, she hear a man's voice.

Sven looking at Anna in pain immediately help her up. But Anna who doesn't give up still tries to persuade Elsa. And eventually, this irritates her so she makes a big snowman to take Sven and Anna out of her castle.

After that's over, I come to Elsa's side again. At this time, the former blue ice castle becomes a red ice castle indicating Elsa's chaotic mood.

"It is okay, Elsa. There is me.", Vaness hug Elsa while stroking her hair to calm her mind.

After a while, the ice castle turns back to normal.

"Vaness, I am afraid. I am afraid of my power, I am afraid of hurting people. I am so useless, Vaness."

Elsa buried her head deep into Vaness's arms.

"No, Elsa, you don't have to be afraid. All you have to do is accept it. Accept that your power is dangerous, accept that your power can hurt people, and also accept that with your power you can do whatever you want either that to protect or destroy."

"Accept? Protect or destroy??"

"Yeah, protect and save your loved ones or Destroy your enemies is all up to you. As long as you accept your power, just like your sister Anna who accepts you even though other people fear you. Do you understand, Elsa?"

"..." Elsa got silent for a while and answered.

"I-I think need more little time."

Vaness hearing her answer just smiled, "Alright."

As Vaness feels something he said to Elsa, "Elsa, go prepare we getting new guests."

[Ding! You trigger Sub Task: Protect Elsa (C). You got an additional 1 day of the time limit.

Current Time Limit: 3 days left]

Elsa who hears this stands up from Vaness and looks at the door in front of her being open.

"It's her. Kill her." the two reincarnations with the identity of Duke's guard come and attack Elsa with a crossbow that has been blessed with magic by them.

Vaness who sees this immediately uses a cover move and appears in front of Elsa.


"I see. So you are the last person besides us.", one slightly smarter reincarnation recognized Vaness's identity as reincarnation.

"Oh, The Last? Then looks like you already kill another one, huh?"

"Yes, we kill it when we are on the way here, so next is you.", the two reincarnations didn't hesitate to aim their crossbow again and this time the target is Vaness.

Vaness looks at this casually, and calmly takes out his Dark moon, "Hydra!"

The three long purple head dragon monsters appear from Vaness's Dark Moon.

The two reincarnations or guards who just aimed their crossbows at Vaness got stunned.

"Fuck! What the hell is that!? Senior, what is that?", the junior reincarnation got surprised when saw Hydra.

"I also have never seen this kind of thing before!", the senior reincarnation who was with him also got sweating on his forehead.

"Senior, I-i think we must run from here. We provoke the wrong guy!", Junior reincarnation suggested.

"Idiot! Do you think he will let us go? Get ready to attack with all your strength. *****", Senior reincarnation scolded him and start to chant magic.

"Y-yes, sir!", Junior reincarnation holds his crossbow and covers it with magic to deal more powerful damage.

Vaness looks at the Senior reincarnation with an interesting face, 'Magic Spell, huh? Not bad!'

In Reincarnation Dimension, there are several systems of power and one of them is Magic. And besides that, there are also Chakra, Reiatsu, Qi, and Haki.

The most commonly used by people in Reincarnation Dimension is Magic. Vaness at this time also uses Magic, but later he will learn the other power system. After all, it is very useful, especially Qi known as the most powerful because Qi can enhance people's strength and shoot out energy blasts residing on their bodies.

But, it doesn't mean the other power system is bad. They are just good in their own way. Qi also can't destroy the planets as easily as it was shown in some movies. As for the reason why the planets get destroyed one after another in that world, let's put it those planets are so fragile not like in another world that can hold a strong impact from native people on there. But if you want to destroy an island using Qi, it should be no problem.

"Giant Fireball!", the senior reincarnation releases his fireball spell and at the same time, the junior reincarnation also releases his arrow to Vaness.

Vaness didn't do anything just standing on there but one of the hydra's heads swallowed the attacks and the other two bite off the junior and senior reincarnations to death without those people begging for mercy.

"AHHHHH!!"x2, two people's bodies got torn off in four pieces and Hydra throw them out from the balcony of the castle.

[You kill reincarnation Guido got Guido's exclusive treasure chest.]

[You kill reincarnation Bob got Bob's exclusive treasure chest.]

[Note: Exclusive treasure chest's the chest containing items of people you kill.]

[Ding! You complete Sub Task: Protect Elsa (C).]

Elsa who saw all of these almost got puked, especially those bodies which had already turned to four pieces.

"See, Elsa? Accept and control your power to achieve whatever you want. Neither it is to protect or kill.", Vaness turns his body and looks at Elsa smiling.

"I...I don't know.", Elsa looked down at her toes in confusion.

Vaness looking at this just shake his head and come to her then said, "It's okay, Elsa. Don't worry about it, take your time. But right now I will make you pass out and there will be a surprise waiting for you."

"What are you--", before Elsa says any further she passes out in Vaness's arms as he hit her.

After that, Vaness cut off the ice chandelier above and put Elsa close to a chandelier that makes her look like an accidentally pass out because of falling and dodging a chandelier.