
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs


"Watch as I defeat them In one literal swipe of my hand. " Aether said to Cloud Retainer who was beside him. Aether used his right hand and swiped it to the left like how you swipe a phone to see the next pic in Instagram.


Decapitated heads rolled in front of Aether and Cloud Retainer.

"Impressive. For mortal standards. One hopes you don't finish that fast when you're doing special activities. " Cloud Retainer said with a straight face. Aether snickered.

"Cloud Retainer! Not the time!" Ganyu who was flustered shouted at her.

"What? One means brushing teeth. Get your dirty mind out of the gutter Ganyu. Unless you want to do that kind of special activity with him, One wants grandchildren now. " Cloud Retainer replied to her. Ganyu almost fainted on the spot. Aether coughed.

" We haven't a moment to spare. Our battle begins now!" Ningguang declared and flashed to the roof in a gold light. Ningguang did a hand sign and there was a blue circular platform that appeared in front of the Jade Chamber.

Guizhong Ballistas slowly appeared on the blue platform.

"Next Geo Archon right there." Aether whispered to Cloud Retainer. She snorted.

" Unless she can summon meteors I'll believe you. " Cloud Retainer answered and flew away. Mountain Shaper flew with her as well. Moon Carver sprinted and somehow ran on the air. They landed on top of one of the Guizhong Ballistas with Moon Carver standing in front.

Aether stared at the sea. Osial was slowly rising up from the sea. He has recovered from the backfire of his attack and was angry.

"RAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!" Osial roared at them. Specifically towards Aether. Aether grinned.

"I fought with Stormterror so much that I understand the language of the dragons now. FUCK YOU TOO YOU GOOFY AHH SEA DRAGON!!!" Aether shouted back. Osial quickly tried to fire a small beam at him but he was rained in by the barrage of arrows fired by the adepti.

"Good distraction Tabibito! And do you actually understand the language he speaks?" Moon Carver asked curiously.

" Nah I was just getting him riled up. " Aether shrugged. Moon Carver grumbled.

" Fatui down below. They're targeting the Guizhong Ballistas. " Ningguang said. A hoard of Fatui, each having different sizes and different elements were storming the Ballistas.

" Hold them off! We shall deal with Osial! Go!" Moon Carver ordered.

Aether and Keqing blurred instantly and arrived on the platform. Aether looked at the purple haired Yuheng.

" First time fighting with you. It's an honor." Aether smiled. Keqing smiled back but turned on professional mode again.

" No procrastinating. Let's deal with them." Keqing said with a serious face. Aether looked back at the hoard of Fatui.

"I've fought tens of thousands of hilichurls with my friends back in Mondstadt. I only see thirty of you!" Aether mocked.

" Yuheng and the Protector! Let's kill them! " An agent said and they ran towards the duo. Aether and Keqing slowly walked towards the Fatui agents.

They slowly sped up and so did the hoard. By the time they were closer towards the hoard. The two warriors jumped up in the air. Aether kicked an agent in the head when he dropped down.

The agent landed on the ground with a foot dug in his face. Aether kicked again.


The agent's neck broke and he died. Aether dodged a giant purple hammer that was about to squash his head. He turned to his right and saw a giant man.

A small golden ball of fire appeared on Aether's hand and he threw it to the giant man's chest.


The man exploded into pieces. Aether went to another agent that had the Pyro Element. The agent tried to go invisible but a spike impaled his heart before he could do anything.

Aether saw Keqing skillfully dealing with her opponents with swiftness and power. And she's not even using her Electro element. Keqing cut an agent in half and looked at him.

"Sniper Agent! To your left!" Keqing shouted. Aether turned to his left and saw a sniper Agent firing a bullet that shot towards him.

"Goofy ass drip." Aether muttered and slapped the bullet away.


The bullet exploded far away from Aether.

" Now This is a sniper." Aether said. Before the sniper could reload, his head was already rolling on the floor.

"He was speechless." Aether muttered and went to deal with the remaining agents with Keqing.


Aether and Keqing looked and saw that a giant, very fat man was stomping towards them.

"No offense but how did they let you in the Fatui?" Aether joked. Keqing snickered. Aether appeared in front of the fat man and sliced open his big stomach.

Blood splurged out and poured on Aether's head.

"There. The diet plan was a success. No offense." Aether said. Keqing smiled at his attempt at making jokes.

"The interlopers have been dealt with! Now we can strike back!" Moon Carver declared and the three adepti combined their attacks and shot a golden beam towards Osial.

A giant explosion that was half the size of a nuke exploded.

"AAGGGGHHHH!!!!!" Osial screamed and the seven headed sea monster each charged up a blue ball and combined it together once it reached a certain size. From the giant ball, a giant beam shot out and headed to the sky and dispersed the clouds.

Aether looked up and widened his eyes. "Arrows incoming! Anyone on the platform should get away from there!" Ningguang ordered. Keqing gritted her teeth and flashed away in a spark of lightning. The adepti and Aether held their ground.

" I can't get them all. So I'll minimize the damage. " Aether muttered

Several clones appeared beside him and they leaped up into the stormy sky. They cut the barrage of water arrows in half but still missed a lot.

"Rex Lapis' shit." Mountain Shaper muttered and the arrows struck the platform. Aether summoned his wings that appeared behind his back and flew towards the Jade Chamber. Thankfully there were no Millelith guards that were on the platform.

Aether landed on the platform.

"You were too slow on deflecting those arrows, Tabibito. But one counted thousands there so one can't argue. " Mountain Shaper said after landing on the grounds of the Jade Chamber gracefully.

Ningguang flashed into the middle.

"The Guizhong Ballista is destroyed... Without its covering fire, retaliation shall be difficult. " Ningguang said with a grimace on her face.

" But the Jade Chamber is our last line of defense! We can't give another inch... no matter what... Rex Lapis may be gone, but he still lives in our hearts! His memory will shine like gold in our minds! " Ganyu encouraged with a determined voice. Ningguang's worries was lifted a little.

" Damn right Ganyu. And I have just the thing to at least make him fall down to the sea again. " Aether grinned and stepped forward. Cloud Retainer snorted dramatically.

" Foolish mortal. You may have brought him down the first time. But that was out of luck, Osial was charging an attack and you interfered. Now he won't make the same mistake again. He has a mind of his own you know." Cloud Retainer argued. Aether looked at her.

"That may be out of luck. But not this time." Aether stopped speaking. He glared at the Osial and a shockwave was created around him. Aether clapped his hands together and did a hand sign.

"This next one will not be out of luck!! This is power of my creation!!

To be continued....