
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs

Overlord of the Vortex

Ningguang was staring at Osial with a grimaced look. If you told her that she would fight the Overlord of the Vortex, Osial years ago she would just laugh it off.

Now, Ningguang is feeling fear, so much fear that you can't even measure it on a scale, but she could not squirm, because she needs to show that mortals don't fear anything.

"It seems we still need their help after all." Ningguang whispered. The seven headed god was slowly rising from the sea. Keqing held her weapon tightly.

"Faced with such a calamity of such magnitude, we have to put our differences aside for now and unite against this common enemy." Ningguang decided and turned around to look at the adepti behind her.

" Hmph!" Moon Carver huffed proudly.

"We've got new Millelith recruits who can't even stand at attention without shaking. The force of an ancient god's presence seems to be too much for ordinary people to handle." Keqing gritted her teeth but gained a determined look in her eyes.

"...Which is why we must stop that monster before it gets any closer to Liyue Harbor!" Keqing pointed to Osial and declared.

"Osial is charging up an attack. Do you feel it? One certainly does." Moon Carver stepped forward and looked at Osial. The seven headed sea god was surrounding a giant blue ball, they were pouring their divine power into the one attack.

"Please mortals. Get behind us. Let us handle this." Cloud Retainer levitated the two Qixing's and the adepti stepped forward.

"Wait! What's that!?" Keqing pointed to a bright light that was flying through the stormy sky.

"One sees, a spear made of golden fire! And it's heading towards the big ball!" Cloud Retainer pointed out. Everybody watched the bright golden spear hit the still charging big blue ball.

A bright light flashed for a millisecond.


"AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!* Osial's seven heads screamed in pain as their own divine energy hit them directly. The seven heads slowly fell down to the sea and created a hug wave.


The big waves that were meters in height splashed against the harbor. Several buildings that were in the way were destroyed by the waves.

The Two Qixing could only look at the scene in surprise while the Adepti looked on in curiosity.

"One wonders who has that much power to do that?" Mountain Shaper asked everybody. They were too shocked and too curious to answer him.

Suddenly the golden fire spear shot out of the water and flew towards them.

"Watch out." Keqing warned. Suddenly everyone saw someone float up to the Jade Chamber.

He caught the spear easily. He was stepping on two spinning fire wheels. He looked at them.

"Did you guys miss me?" Aether grinned and stepped in front of them.

"Aether!" Keqing shouted at him in shock.

"Hi cat ears." Aether greeted back. Keqing blushed and grumbled.

"Did you do that?" Cloud Retainer asked him. Aether nodded.

"Yeah I did.. I just got back from fighting Childe when she summoned the Osial." Aether answered.

"So it was the Fatui.... " Ningguang muttered in dissatisfaction.

" Tabibito. " Moon Carver called out. Aether looked at him and nodded his head on respect.

" We meet again, Moon Carver. " Aether smiled. Moon Carver nodded.

"I sensed that you've gotten stronger. But it's still not enough to get a scratch on us." Moon Carver said nodding his head.

"How the fuck did you put a compliment and an insult in the same sentence...." Aether muttered. He then looked at Xiao and Ganyu who were very quiet. He went up to them.

"Hey. Why are you guys so quiet?" Aether smiled and asked them. Xiao huffed and looked away while Ganyu looked down on embarrassment.

"N-nothing." Ganyu answered shyly. Cloud Retainer chuckled at the interaction.

"Finally." She muttered.

"If you say so beautiful." Aether petted her head gently. Ganyu pouted. Xiao glared at him.

"If you dare put your mortal hands on my head I will..... I will....." Xiao failed to threaten him. Aether ruffled her hairand smiled a little. Xiao gritted her teeth and punched him in the face.


"Ahh!!" Ganyu screamed in shock as Aether flew away in superhuman speeds and slammed into the building.

"D-damn." Keqing muttered looking in awe. Ningguang just smiled and shook his head.

"That's what happens when you try to flirt with the Conqueror of Demons. How brave and stupid at the same time." Ningguang told Keqing and chuckled.

There was smoke coming from the place where Aether slammed into the building.

" Ummm.... Should we check on him? I think he's dead. " Ganyu asked everyone. Xiao smirked.

" Serves him right. " Xiao said while cracking her fingers.

" For what? Ruffling your hair? " Aether said getting up and walking towards them.

" Ehhhhhh???? " Ganyu and Keqing looked at him in shock and confusion. Aether giggled.

" It hurts like hell. But I'm not going down that easily. " Aether said. Xiao growled.

" Maybe if I punch here you'll die. " Xiao pointed at Aether's slash wounds made by Childe. Mountain Shaper shook his head.

"Mortals and their forgetfulness." He grumbled.

"Ahhh!! Aether please sit down, I have to heal you! " Ganyu ran over with a green glow on her palm.

" Nah it's alright. " Aether's wounds slowly closed up. A few seconds later, the wound was no more.

"Well he certainly has improved." Cloud Retainer muttered while Moon Carver nodded his head.

"No wonder you took a liking to him, Moon Carver." Mountain Shaper commented. Moon Carver looked at him.

" You will soon. " Moon Carver said mysteriously. Mountain Shaper shook his head.

"I knew it, you've gotten soft over the years." Mountain Shaper grumbled.

"But... but that isn't possible! " Ganyu said to him.

"It is. I experimented a lot when training my elements." Aether answered. Keqing walked over to him.

"Hey baka. Are you okay?" Keqing asked with a small blush on her face. Aether snickered. Ningguang raised her eyebrow.

"You worried about me, cat ears?" Aether asked her.

" No I'm not! And these aren't cat ears this is a hairstyle you dummy!" Keqing scolded him. Aether shrugged.

" Raise your hand, if you think her hairstyle looks like cat ears. " Aether said. At the same time everyone except Keqing raised their hand.

Keqing raised her fists and punched Aether on the chest repeatedly.

"Baka. Baka. Baka." Keqing growled out while punching him. Aether chuckled.

"Err... One does not want to interrupt but, we have enemies coming through the portal. " Moon Carver warned. Everyone looked and saw a hoard of Fatui stepping out from the portal and standing in front of them.

"Ah, the cannon fodder of the Fatui. One feels some pity for them."

"You call them that as well, Cloud Retainer?"

To be continued.....