
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Video Games
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285 Chs


"What the fuck.. Mortals shouldn't have this kind of strength...." Mountain Shaper muttered looking at Aether. Moon Carver looked at him and then looked back at Aether.

"Deities Of Protection." Aether muttered. A giant humanoid man with six arms surrounded Aether. Six copies of Enma were created and were wielded by the Deities. Three faces, each with two golden eyes opened.

"Alright. Let's add something more." Aether grinned. His veins turned bright purple as the adeptal energy in him flowed around his body.

"That's adeptal energy!!! But where did he get it!?" Cloud Retainer revealed. Everyone widened their eyes. Keqing's mouth gaped. Xiao almost dropped her spear. Ganyu just wanted to eat flowers.

The Deities who's armor was originally the color red turned purple in an instant. It got 10x larger, the arms, the torso. Everything including the swords.

The length almost covered the Jade Chamber. Aether jumped off the Jade Chamber and was free falling. Purple wings appeared behind the Deities back and Aether was now floating.

Two legs appeared and the Deities were complete. Aether grinned at the power flowing through his veins. He floated in front of Osial who roared at him.

Powerful beams shot out of the seven heads and headed towards Aether. The Deities raised their giant Enmas and deflected the beams.


The mountains behind Aether exploded. Golden fire appeared on the Enmas and Aether slashed at Osial.

Giant golden fire blades mixed with adeptal energy flew towards the Osial's seven heads.


The blades hit Osial. Smoke covered the area. The Deities blew wind and made giant waves that were heading towards Osial.

The smoke cleared, Osial was fine.

"It's expected." Aether muttered a d raised his hand. Two Enmas disappeared from the Deities two giant hands.

Six purple balls made of adeptal energy were created. Three of them were in one of the Deities hands. Dark Green Shurikens made of Wind spun around the ball crazily. Fire appeared on the shurikens and golden rocks were spinning around the purple balls.

"God Killer.... " Aether muttered and did a throwing motion. The Deities followed his movements and threw the six God Killers towards Osial.


A nuclear explosion occurred and the Osial was hit by. A shockwave was felt all throughout Liyue Harbor. The Jade Chamber which was directly in front of Osial was the most affected.

Parts of the Palace started falling down and some almost hitting the people there.

"Ahh!!" Ganyu yelped as she was blown away but was caught by Xiao. The remaining adepti guarded the Liyue Qixing and the Millelith so that they won't be blown away.

Aether stared at the explosion dome of golden fire that the God Killer caused in satisfaction.

"That should at least bring 5% of his health down. " Aether thought. He stared at his surrounded. Buildings were crumbled, rocks were falling off mountains and the trees were cut in half by the shockwave. The clouds were also pushed away.

"Final fight in real life." Aether muttered the wings on the Deities disappeared. Now, the giant Deities were standing on sea water.

"How is he so calm after what he just did?!" Keqing asked the adepti.

"We can do that as well, Yuheng. Just not as energy consuming as his attack is. " Moon Carver said grimly.

" Alright, that's it. No mortal should have that much power! Call one paranoid but we should detain him and ask him questions before sealing him away. " Mountain Shaper declared.

" The mortals here should be lucky he's not using his powers for bad deeds. We should not question him but rather help him control his powers like Rex Lapis did with the Yakshas." Moon Carver argued.

" Sharing our secrets with mortals?! Are you insane Moon Carver?! " Mountain Shaper scolded.

" One has to agree with Mountain Shaper. Remember, we did that for Shenhe and Ganyu. " Cloud Retainer reminded Mountain Shaper.

"Tch. We will discuss it later. For now, let's see him feeling the aftermath of using that much adeptal energy as a mortal. " Mountain Shaper nodded.

" Aftermath? " Ningguang asked curiously and looked back at Aether.

Aether who was maintaining a calm face suddenly widened his eyes in shock.

"Acgkkkkkk!!!!!" Aether suddenly screamed feeling major pain in his body. The Deities who were standing high and mighty suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Aether dropped down with wide eyes and was falling fast towards the sea water.

"Aether!" Ganyu shouted in shock. Keqing and Ningguang looked on with shock in their eyes.

Xiao dashed past them in a green flash and caught Aether mid air. She immediately arrived back. Moon Carver softly stepped his hoove on the ground and a flat rock that looked like a bed appeared.

Xiao laid him gently on the rick bed.The Qixing and Ganyu rushed over.

"Step aside please!" Ganyu ordered and put her head above Aether's heart. She widened his eyes.

"His heart stopped! Quick Keqing come here now! " Ganyu called for Keqing with urgency in her voice. Keqing was immediately beside her.

"Please use your Electro element directly above his heart. Use it like a pulse. I'll put my healing energy in him afterwards. " Keqing nodded and put her hand on his heart.

"Now!" Ganyu shouted.


Aether's body shook and Ganyu immediately put her palms on his heart. Green energy was flowing through Aether's body.

"C'mon. Please..." Ganyu muttered. Aether who was lying with wide eyes suddenly blinked.

"HAAAA!!!" Aether took a deep breath and got up immediately. Ganyu immediately stopped him from standing.

"Aether! Are you alright?" Ningguang asked the Protector. Aether looked down not answering.

"Hehehe..... Hahahaha..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" Aether laughed happily. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

"HAHAHAHAHahahaha..... That was the best moment of my life!!!" Aether declared with a big grinned.

Xiao growled. She rushed towards Aether and grabbed his collar.

"You asshole! How stupid can you be!? I can tell from your face that you know of the side effects! I demand you to tell me why did you do that when you know you could've died! " Xiao asked her face close to Aether. Aether stared into her eyes and kissed her for a second.

" Chu!" Aether kissed her for a second. Xiao widened her eyes and let go of him.

" The fuck! " She shouted and looked at him with a big blush on her face. Cloud Retainer raised her eyebrow at the sus moment.

" Ehhhh!!!! " The girls including Ningguang shouted, though she didn't shout it loudly.

"I'll put you back in the same condition you were in you dummy!" Xiao shouted and grabbed his clothes and and tried to headbutt him.

"Yeah no. Celestia is pretty bright for my taste." Aether thought.

" Oi! " Mountain Shaper called out. Xiao looked at him.

" What?! " She shouted.

" You have some questions to answer, mortal. Better answer them truthfully. Or you'll be in the same condition as Osial was before.

To be continued....