
Gate: War of Two Worlds Shorts

As the war continue, their are many stories that are untold. Voices, perspectives, battles, characters, and more that get lost between the bigger picture. These stories are to show another side of a long and bloody war. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad, Wattpad, and Fanfiction,

PWOFalcon · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

James and Noriko


--- Alnus Community ---

Date: August 23rd, 2026

As Noriko finished getting dressed, she heard the baby crying again.

"I am coming…," Noriko said. She then stared at the mirror. "Not like he understands what I am saying."

Finishing up, she walked out and into the small living room. This place was once Sharpe officer quarters before being transferred to a new base nearby. Her home was destroyed by the earthquake last year.

Seeing her son, Tenchi, sitting edin his baby crib, sitting up, begging to be hugged. Picking him up, she started rocking him.

"You are such an attention seeker," Noriko said. "What did you want?" She then noticed the baby calming down. "You just wanted to be with Mommy."

Hearing a knock at the door, she sat the baby back into his crib and walked to the front door. "I wonder who it will be at this hour?"

Once opened, she saw James standing there and smiled. "Hi there James."

"Hey there, Noriko."

"I hope I am not bothering you," James said. "I know it is early."

She couldn't help but smile. She has found it adorable that a Ranger who has killed people can be this nervous talking to a girl he likes.

Wanting to speak, she felt that nerve moved throughout her body. A sense of shame and used goods ripped throughout her body, creating goosebumps.

Every time she's been around James, this has been a feeling that only added to her insecurities.

A short but awkward silence emerged between the two until Noriko spoke, "I… I hear that all of you are flying east. Darlko?"

"That is correct," James said. "We are leaving in six hours. "

"Does that mean everything will be over soon?"

"I think so. I don't know what will happen afterward but hopefully, it is the end. I wanted to say goodbye."

Feeling another sense of awkwardness, Noriko struggled to respond. The only reaction she could make was to hold her arm.

"Well, see yeah."

Watching the young Ranger turn and walk away, a sense of fear and frustration ripped through her body again. She realized that the war was hopefully coming to an end and that most likely would never see him again.

"Hey…," Noriko said, catching James' ear. "If you have time, I was about to make breakfast rice balls. Do you want to come?"

"Yeah," James said. "I have a few hours to kill."

Feeling a sense of relief for finally asking him into her home, she went inside and into the small kitchen. She started to take her pre-made rice from last night and turn them into rice balls.

"Nice place," James said. "This definitely smells like an office place."

"What do you mean by that?" Noriko nervously said. Turning to face him.

"Don't forget, I am Enlisted," James said. "I share a barracks with a dozen guys."

The thought terrified Noriko. "I thought my little one was smelly. I cannot imagine a group of guys."

"One girl," James jokingly said. "Let's not discriminate here."

"I bet that's only because she is outnumbered ten-to-one," Noriko replied. "I couldn't live like that."

"That is why we call it soldiering," James said.

When Noriko finished putting together her breakfast rice balls, she walked over and placed them on the table. James' eyes glowed and quickly grabbed one, almost inhaling it.

Seeing him enjoying the meal, she couldn't help but giggle, covering her mouth from the funny sight.

"What?" James asked.

"Oh, nothing," Noriko responded.

"Strange," James said confusingly. "Speaking about the war coming to an end, what are your plans? Are you still going to stay here?"

Hearing the question, Noriko sat down and placed her hand on her arm nervously as she figured out her response.

"I am sorry," James said. "It is none of my business."

"It is okay," Noriko said. "It is a fair question. The truth is, I still don't feel comfortable going back to Earth. I just have nothing there and I have more connections and a job here. Going back to Earth would only open other wounds and challenges that I don't think I can handle."

"I guess I can understand," James said. "This place has come a long way and with the war coming to an end, outside a security force the bulk of the military will go home or move to other bases on Falmart."

"I have been hearing that myself," Noriko said. "It would be nice to have more commercial and less military around here. The loud sounds from your vehicles and jets always wake me up. But I have to admit, I will miss the feeling of security by the large military here."

"I see that."

Noriko then saw an awkward look on his face as he finished a second rice ball. She had a feeling about what he wanted to talk about and why he came over in the first place. Over the last few months, he had been courting her and she had turned him down one way or another. Not because she did not like him, however, every time he asked her out the feeling of Zorzal appeared and goosebumps ripped throughout her skin.

"Speaking of all that," James said. "I wanted to know about us. If you are not interested, that is okay. I keep getting the vibe that you are, and I understand what happened to you in Sadera, it was horrible. It is just, once the war is over, I will be going back to Earth unless I have a reason to stay here."

Taking a deep breath, she glanced down at the flowers on the table. Her heart wanted to accept him however her emotions were trying to bring her down to the ground and struggling to summon the strength to speak past them. "I… I don't know."

Seeing an upset reaction from him, she felt sad.

"It is all good," James said. "There is a lot of-."

She watched as James stopped speaking and glanced toward the front door. Before either of them could react, the lock on the door melted away, and two men and an elf who was in Earth civilian clothing quickly rushed into the room.

James quickly jumped from his seat and attacked the first man, quickly bringing him to the ground. He took a fist into the cheek however he grabbed the man's arm and swung him into the wall.

Seeing the elf going for Tenchi, Noriko rushed over to the crib but was unable to reach it. The elf was closer and was able to knock her against the wall, grabbing the child - which resulted in Tenchi hysterically crying for his mother.

Looking over, she saw the other two men grab James by the arms.

"What the hell is he doing here?" one of the men said. "That was not part of the plan."

"It does not matter," the elf said. "We got the boy, let's get out of here."

"What about them?" the elf said.

"Same plan as before," the man said as one of the men pulled out a small wane-size staff with a small green orb on the tip and aimed it at Noriko with the intent to murder them. It glowed and a flame ignited.

Seeing that the mage was distracted, James was able to ram his head into the other man's chin. Feeling the man's grasp weaken, he knocked him over and kicked the mage's hand, causing the small flame to hit the ceiling.

Seeing that James was able to break free of the two men and force the dark elf to focus on the young ranger, Noriko ignored the pain from her arm and grabbed the elf, trying to force him to let go of her son. "Let him go!" She yelled as she cried.

As the two fought over Tenchi, James rammed the dark elf into the wall.

Seeing that Tenchi was freed, Noriko grabbed him and held him tightly. Looking to the door, she saw no way to flee as the other two men were already standing up. This forced her to back up into the small kitchen area.

She watched as James beat the dark elf's face. He turned and tried to deflect the incoming attack however the mage punched him, knocking him onto the table.

James recovered his footing and stood between Noriko and the three men.

The two men took to the sides to prevent any escape while the mage aimed his mini staff toward them.

As the orb glowed, it suddenly exploded, shocking the dark elf.

A second dark elf emerged through the wall, freaking her and everyone else as they tried to understand how someone could go through solid matter. His hand was glowing before going back to normal. He stood there; arms crossed as if nothing was happening.

Behind the three men, the door was kicked open and another man walked in. With getting a closer view, Noriko saw this man in the standard Imperial armor that she had seen in Sadera so much and this man was missing his left arm.

Looking back at the three men, they all looked terrified.

"What are you doing here?" one of the men asked.

"I must admit. You three dodged my surveillance. I am very impressed. When you are not backstabbing the Legion, you can sneak around. No wonder the Oprichnina terrified so many people."

"This was a trap," the elf said. "Get him now."

The three charge the one-arm Legionnaire. The man backed up, dodging the first attack, and moved to the left, knocking the elf into the wall.

The legionary kept dancing around the three men, acting like they were moving too slowly before the man knocked another to the ground. When the mage tried to attack, the legionary was able to trap the attacker's arm between his arm and snap it.

A Warrior-bunny burst through the now broken door and attacked the other man. "Enough showing off."

The three men were quickly put to the ground, all bruised and in pain.

Seeing the events unfold, Noriko looked around confused before giving her full attention to her baby, trying to calm him down.

Hearing James' voice, asking her if they were okay, she looked and saw bruises and cuts over him. She could not help herself but start crying from all the stress and rushed into his arms for comfort.

James placed his arm around her and looked toward the other three and asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

"House cleaning," the dark elf said.

"You know them?" Noriko asked.

"That man is General of the Army, Krysist," James said. "The elf is Frayen, we worked together before. And the Bunny is Malena."

Noriko recognized the names as she heard them on Alnus News. Kysist was a famous General and was friends with Sharpe and Pina. Just like Rory, Frayen was a powerful Apostle that followed this mortal. She has only recently learned of Malena, hearing about her from her fellow school assistant at Sarah's school from the cute fairy, Sebille. A noble leader who led her group of friends to Alnus.

"Why…, why are they here?" Noriko struggled to ask.

"They are Oprichnina," Krysist said. "While the war might be over with the formal Empire, they still have spies all over this place. I swore to purge them from this world for their crimes."

The three Oprichnina agents looked at each other with fear and started begging for their lives. Malena aimed her blade at them threatening to remain silent or be cut down here. "Apologize to her now. My friend has worked with her, and she is too sweet to experience this."

"Wait," James said. "You used the kid as bait?"

"He is the son of my bastard brother," Krysist said. "And the Oprichnina are looking to restart their operations with the Haryo Tribe somewhere. I need to find out where and seek revenge for their crimes."

"Calm down big boy," Malena said. She then turned to the Ranger. "The truth is, we intended to stop them before they entered your home but obviously failed. We apologize for putting you through this."

Hearing sirens outside her home, she watched as Myuute entered the room. "What is going on here?"

Krysist then explained that they found three Oprichnina and they needed to be arrested for him to integrate them.

--- later that day ---

Noriko sat on the small couch, holding her baby. Next to her was James.

Inside the room were Captain Sarah Sharpe, Empress Piña Co Lad, and Hamilton Steele, were in the kitchen making tea while the other two were next to the cough talking about the situation.

"Of course, the General would do something this stupid," Sarah said.

"I will talk with him," Pina said. She then walked over to Noriko and said, "I am sorry that you and he had to go through that. That never should have escalated that far."

"It is okay," Noriko said. "James was here so it all worked out in the end. I am just happy they didn't take him."

"I am so happy that you love Tenchi that much," Pina said. "Just always remember, you have a friend in Sadera. Whatever you need, I will grant it if it is within my power. Anything. Family must watch each other's backs."

"Thank you," Noriko said.

Noriko watched as Sarah summoned James. He stood up and presented himself in front of the captain. She then noticed Sarah glancing over as if she was wondering what their status was. With a blushing nod, Sarah took the hint and looked at the Ranger.

"Specialist James Ward," Sarah said. "When the Lieutenant Colonel arrives back from Earth, I am going to personally make sure he knows what you have done here. According to General Courting regulations, I will personally make sure that you have Sharpe's full approval and support. Good job in not just doing your duty as a soldier but as a man. You are dismissed."

James' salutation and Sarah returned one. Then James left.

She saw James stop at the door. Before he left, he turned to look at her. She smiled and waved before watching him leave.