
Gate: War of Two Worlds Shorts

As the war continue, their are many stories that are untold. Voices, perspectives, battles, characters, and more that get lost between the bigger picture. These stories are to show another side of a long and bloody war. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad, Wattpad, and Fanfiction,

PWOFalcon · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Tales of the Clanless - Split Roads

Written by Pariah

— — —after the war, Apex— — —

"Well, that's it for me, everyone," a blonde-haired elf says as he finishes his drink.

"Is that really it, Aldon? C'mon, I know you can drink more than that," Nelia insists.

"Yeah Aldon, stay for another round," Kryuune insists. "I'll get the next one."

"Oh I know I can, and as tempting as that offer is, I have to get going, my ride will leave without me. These men were nice enough to give me a ride to the Woodline State, and I'd prefer it over a few day's ride there."

"So you're getting used to getting around with the Terran's carriages than ours," Lartia interjected with a giggle.

"Hah, what can I say? They're much faster and the trip is smoother. I can't go back to horse-drawn carriages anymore."

"I agree, it's just so much better," Nelia agrees.

"You only say that because you can sleep more peacefully with the cool air and without all the bumps waking you," Kryuune teases as Lartia laughs.

"Yes, that's the best part," she responds with a cute smile followed by her sticking her tongue out at them.

Aldon stands up and begins to head out to the door as he says his final farewells to the three. Once he reaches the door and steps through, he moves just out of sight before turning to his little fairy friend.

"I thought you were too busy to make it. Didn't the school need you or did you ditch your responsibilities just to come see me?"

"Don't push it. You're lucky I even came here at all," the little fairy responds. "Once she found out about my situation, Mentiv said she could cover for a bit while I said my goodbyes."

"Mentiv? That dark race, bat lady?"

"Hey, don't say that. That's mean. She's actually a really nice lady," Sebille defends.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm just surprised. Races like that never really got the respect that they have now. So much has changed and is still changing."

"Yeah, I'm excited to see what comes next."

"As am I, little friend," the elf finishes with a smile.

"Even on your last day, you can't help it," Sebille sighed.

"Wow, not even a reaction."

"I deal with children almost everyday. I'm used to it. Besides what's one more child," the fairy responds with a cheeky smile.

"Hah, you've grown," Aldon whispered to himself.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. It's starting to get to that time, I have to go soon."

"Don't go getting yourself in trouble out there, just so you know, we won't be there to come and get you."

"Aww, I knew deep down you really cared. Besides, when do I need help getting out of any situation?"

Sebille merely sighed. "Really? At least once a week, and you still owe me for bailing you out from that love affair issue with a chieftain's wife."

"Haha, oh yeah. I was hoping you had forgotten about that. She really was such a beauty."

"Aldon," the fairy said with a stern voice.

"I know," the elf replied with a warm full smile. "This new venture is different so do not worry. But you take care of yourself," he finishes with a gentle pat on her head.

"Well I'll be off," Aldon says as he finally walks away.

Sebille waves and returns the farewell.

"Safe travels," she says to herself before darting back to school.

— — — back inside Apex — — —

"Well, I guess I better get going too," the blue-haired siren says as she takes a quick sip from her mug.

"Awww, already? I'm guessing you have another appointment," Nelia questions her friend.

"Not everything I do revolves around nails and hair, you know," Kryuune defends, slightly offended.

"Oh you're right, I'm sorry. Clothes as well," Nelia teases with a cheeky smile.

Kryuune sighs with a small smile. "Have I gotten that predictable?"

Nelia and Kryuune just laugh as Lartia joins in. "Well to be fair, you aren't very hard to read either, Nel. A nice comfy bed and some warm milk, and you are set for the day."

"Hey, you're supposed to be on my side," Nelia says while sticking her tongue out at her.

"Looks like you have someone else that'll keep you in line so I don't have to worry anymore."

"Hey I-" Nelia began before being interrupted.

"And if you must know I have to go before that waitress leaves," Kryuune points out to another blue-furred Neko.

"Hmmm," both Nekos turned to see who she was referring to.

"Why her?" Lartia asks.

"She was apparently a personal slave to that wretched man of an emperor. She's been freed here this entire time but I heard she's been having a hard time fitting in since she knows no one here."

"Why would that be your problem?" Nelia asks her siren friend.

"Because I hear that she might have some self harm tendencies and I do not want her to do something irreversible," Kryuune replies.

"Hmmm, Kryuune, since when have you become such a big softie?"

"Nelia," Lartia starts. "She is someone who is lost and needs some support. We were there at one point ourselves. I do not even want to think what might have happened to us if no one came to offer us a hand."

"Exactly. Atilius was there for us. And though our clan has ended, the lessons he taught us are still something that can be passed on to those lost that need to find their place in the world. With so many new people coming to Alnus for a new start, I hope to be able to help them."

Nelia gets a bit teary-eyed as she pounces on the siren for a tight hug as others watch the commotion.

"Ohh, I knew you would find your calling, you softie you."

"Nelia, stop. People are watching," Kryuune says as her face turns a bit red.

It took Lartia yanking her friend back that finally got her off the siren. "Nel, there is a time and place."

"Ohh, sorry."

"It's alright, but I have to go. Her shift looks to be over, I expect you not to get lazy and keep in touch," Kryuune sternly says, emphasizing the lazy part as Nelia sticks her tongue out to be cute.

"I will make sure she does," Lartia interjects. Kryuune nods in return and leaves them.

"You have good friends, do not ever lose that."

"I know. I'm glad I met them," Nelia responds with a somber smile.

"Well now, this goodbye is not forever, Nel. Remember that," Lartia says, trying to cheer up her friend.

"I know." She says with a cheerier smile. And I haven't forgotten you're here too so it's all great."

"I like how fast your mood can change for the better," Lartia says while patting her friend as Nelia simply purred. "I still cannot believe it, but I am glad I was able to find you again after… everything."

"Yeah, I am too," Nelia responds while pulling her head away from her friend and looking back at her drink. Do you still remember Pirila?"

Lartia looks down at her drink as well, slowly swishing it around. "Yes, I still miss her. I sometimes wonder where she would be now."

"If it brings you any peace, know that I silenced the man who killed her; I did it the night I escaped… with these hands," she says quietly as her hands shake.

Lartia gives her friend a warm full hug. "I know that must have been hard back then with everything we had been through. But maybe Pirila found peace with that, and thank you."

"I hope she did too. There's one more thing."

"Hmm?" Lartia questioned.

"That lion man," Nelia said as she noticed a hint of fear in Lartia's eyes. "He's dead too."


"No, from what I heard Sharpe killed him while rescuing a little girl. His adoptive daughter."

Lartia's eyes grew wide at the realization. "My gosh, that animal was still at it. I am sorry for what that girl had to endure."

"That is why we must do our due diligence to ensure that practices like these become mere relics of the past," a man says as he places both his hands on Lartia's shoulders. Her fur stands up as her tail shoots up until she turns to see her husband.

"Hahaha, you should've seen your face!" Nelia exclaims.

"Darling, I was not expecting you for a while. Do not startle me like that, she says while holding her chest."

"My apologies, love," Fabius says while coming in close for a kiss. "I did not mean to startle you."

"Did you finally get your orders?" Nelia asks as she slowly stops laughing.

"That is correct," Fabius says. "From the Empress, I will be commanding the legions in Elies, working with the Elies State to bring stability. People like those who ruined both of your lives will not thrive under my rule."

"I will hold you to it my lord," Lartia says. "I do not wish to be chased around the countryside again."

"You are so spoiled," Nelia laughs again as she pokes fun at her best friend. "Thank you for letting me stay."

"It is no problem," Fabius says. "A friend of my wife is a friend of mine. She will need you by her side during these changing times."

Lartia leans in and whispers into Nelia's ear as she looks at her in surprise. Nelia then looks at Fabius with a devilish smirk before turning back toward her best friend and the two giggle.

"Why are you two giggling?" Fabius asks.

"Oh, nothing," his wife teases with a cheeky smile. "Nothing to be concerned about, I assure you."

Seeing the two giggling again and being afraid to ask further questions, Fabius tries to change the subject, "The carriage is ready. Are you two finished here?"

"Yes, I believe so. I think it is time we go back home," Lartia says with a smile as they leave the establishment.

"And not to worry, my lordy ship," Nelia says while unsheathing one of her blades. "So long as you'll have me, I will lend my skill… in anything other than cleaning."

Fabius chuckles as he accepts her pledge. "Then welcome, I am sure to find your skills most helpful. We have much to rebuild, many changes that will not sit well with those that cling to the past and I will feel more at ease with my love protected by someone capable we can trust."

"She will be safe from all harm, my lord."

"Glad to hear, now let us head this way. I think it is time we finally returned home."