
Gate: War of Two Worlds Shorts

As the war continue, their are many stories that are untold. Voices, perspectives, battles, characters, and more that get lost between the bigger picture. These stories are to show another side of a long and bloody war. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad, Wattpad, and Fanfiction,

PWOFalcon · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Malena’s Purpose

Written by: Pariah

Malena takes a deep sigh as she looks up into the sky. After the recent battle, something was beginning to become more apparent. Normally, after a successful hunt, her clan mates would be there to celebrate with her. Now she stands here alone; though she is watching over these men in Krysist's stead, it just isn't the same.

These aren't her people, she has no attachment, memories, nor familiar bonds that bound them. Though this last battle with demons, the undead, and a deranged god strengthened their ties a bit, there was a long way to go before she could ever see these people as anything but just soldiers.

Malena was a bit surprised and wanted to protest when Krysist told her to watch his men in his stead as he quickly went away with Sharpe. Before she could even question him, he had already bolted. The annoyed feeling quickly went away as she realized where she was now. Although she wanted to know what was so urgent that both warriors were needed, she knew her place for now as a subordinate. If Krysist trusted her enough to leave in charge, she was satisfied with that, for now.

She slowly reaches for the blade that hung around her hip. As she stares at it intently, she gives a half smile as she reminisces about her cherished memories.

— — — Sometime before Operation Mjolnir — — —

"So, it's actually happening then?" Aldon asked.

"It is," Malena confirmed. The group stood in silence as the news started to set in. They all felt that the end was inevitable, but it was a concern pushed to the back of their minds.

"But it doesn't have to be the end, right? We can still-."

"No Nelia," the Warrior Bunny interjected. She placed her hand on her companion and gave a reassuring smile. "I just do not see how this can continue any longer. Like a wounded animal, sometimes it's just best to let it die."

"Besides," Kryuune chimed in. "This all really belonged to Atilius. We were just fortunate enough that he invited us into it."

Malena was about to defend herself, but part of her knew that she was right, so she closed her mouth once more. This did belong to her late master, and she couldn't help but feel that she had failed him. Perhaps if he was still alive, he could've come up with a solution to their current situation. If he was here, maybe they wouldn't have splintered as much as they did.

Seeing his leader's concern with the expressions on her face, Aldon added, "but it's not like Atilius left a successor. And even if he had survived, he never could've predicted any of this happening. I don't know if even he could've kept things going as they are. We should be grateful that at least he wasn't alive to see its end."

Malena noticed what he was doing and gave a slight nod of thanks. "Well regardless of the reasons or the hands of fate, the decision has already been made. The place these Terrans offer, Alnus, is great. It's peaceful, but it isn't the place for me. I have to go."

"Then we'll go with you!" Sebille exclaimed.

"Yes, we're with you, boss!" Nelia added.

"No, that's enough. I'm going off on my own and that is the final. I've made up my mind; I'm going with Krysist and devoting my blade to him. This is my path alone," Malena finished as everyone started to take everything in.

The Warrior Bunny took a deep sigh to hide her sadness and tried to lift up everyone's spirits. "Besides, I've noticed how happier everyone has been lately and I don't want to take you all away from that. You've all found something to be attached to, right? That's why you've been so quiet, Kryuune."

The blue Siren's eyes widened as she nearly spit out her caramel frappe. "I… *cough* I don't know what you mean."

"Huh, be honest with yourselves girls. You all know what she's talking about," Aldon teased to everyone else's annoyance.

After giving a small chuckle he continued with a bit more serious tone, "don't get so upset; you all know it's the truth. Sebille, you can never stop talking about that school of yours. Nelia, I see how you look at your lost friend. It's obvious you want to go with her. And Kryuune, I don't believe you can separate yourself away from these Americans and their amenities."

They each looked down, a little red in the face. They tried to protest but kept quiet instead. Each was a little too embarrassed to admit that he was correct.

"I'm no different. I, myself, have interests elsewhere as well. I plan to stay in the Woodline nation and lend my services to help them grow."

"So, we are all in an agreement then. The Dark Blade Clan is no more," Malena said as she slowly drew out her small darkened blade. She stared at it, gently looking it over as she let out a deep sigh. Before she could say anything else, she felt a hand land on her shoulder.

"I don't think it would hurt to keep these," Aldon says as he takes out his dark blade.

"Agreed," Kryuune adds. "Let these serve as a reminder of our bonds as brothers and sisters."

The rest of her brethren followed and unsheathed their blades. "No matter how far we go, we are with you, forever," Nelia said.

"No matter how far we go, we'll be there when we need each other," Sebille chimed in.

The Warrior Bunny merely smiled.

— — — — Present — — — —


'And now my leader, is off somewhere while I'm stuck waiting,' Malena mutters to herself as she sheathes her blade.

She begins to continue delegating the troops under Krysist's charge and making sure to aid whenever possible with clean up and moving injured individuals.

At first, the newfound republican soldiers were hesitant to let a Warrior Bunny lead their ranks with their history, but the last battle made many grateful she was fighting alongside them. And if Krysist put her in charge, they would trust his judgement.

When things started to slow, and she had a moment to think, she sat by herself to eat some rations being handed out. But before she can begin eating, a few of her men approach her and invite themselves to sit next to her.

"You seem a little lonely. Let us join you commander." one of them said.

Normally she would've brushed off strangers but remembering she was temporarily in command, she simply nods.

They just sit around, beginning to enjoy their meals. They talk amongst themselves, sharing a laugh here and there while she just eats her meal. 'It is better than eating alone at least,' she thinks to herself.

"Burden of leadership bringing down your spirits, Bunny?" One of them asks as their focus now are to her.

She looks up to them, and responds, "not really. I am just not used to commanding such a large force, even temporarily. Especially when I know no one around me."

"Hah, is that it? And here we thought you just thought little of us the way you kept to yourself."

"I apologize, that wasn't my intention," the Warrior Bunny defends.

"We are just teasing, commander. From one warrior to another, we know where you stand," another chimes in.

"We just thought you would be a bit more open, especially with how you begged for Krysist to take you in, haha," one of them jokes before being nudged by one of his companions.

Malena's face only turns red from the thought of it. She has never lowered herself to anyone except for her late master. "I… I just found someone else worth following, and I wasn't taking no for an answer."

She quickly goes back to eating her meal as they chuckle at her and flushed expressions.

"Hah, such a tenacious woman. Good quality for a warrior, but not for someone looking to woo over a man like Krysist," another says while taking a mouthful of his meal.

Malena nearly chokes with that statement and coughs as everyone roars with laughter.

"So, we were correct."

"No… I *cough*. I am here as a warrior, nothing more. Why are we even talking about this?" Malena responds, now beginning to get annoyed with these lines of questions.

"We do not mean to offend, commander, but is that not why you sought to serve him? In that confession you said you were looking for a man, did you not?"

"I didn't-," she begins but stops when she realizes how she came to offer her services to her new master. "I did, but to serve him."

"Agreed, like a wife would serve her husband."

"Not like that."

"Is that right? Well, that is a shame."

"How do you mean?" Malena asks, now entertaining their line of questioning.

"Well, not many women can match him as a partner."

"Hah, but with his station now, it won't be long before women of all sorts begin throwing themselves at him."

Malena's ears perked and an annoyed expression now came over her face. Something about that statement bothers her, but she didn't understand why. "Don't disrespect the man, if he's as great as everyone makes him out to be, he won't be swayed by soft-hearted and weak women." She proudly states.

"Well, then better make your move sooner rather than later."

"Be careful. With words like that, one would assume you would actually be interested to gain his favor," one teases before they all break into a roar of laughter once more.

"Relax commander. We are only joking."

Malena sighs once more. 'That's just how they were,' she thinks to herself. But she is used to it, no different than dealing with her old family. She lets out a slight chuckle as they continue with their conversation. Now, joining in on the fun and poking jabs with the rest of the men.

But that question now lay prominent in her mind, 'Krysist, no, she was just here as a warrior, right?'