
Game Of Thrones: The Wolverine

Chapter Release | 4th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A man with playfulness, joyful, caring, and above all loyal and devoted to his family. But, to his enemies he is a man with fierceness, strength, cleverness, endurance, courage, and the ability to stand and hold his ground! He's a Wolverine! ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · TV
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12 Chs

8 | The Three Sisters Of Doom

As Hugh was looking at his wife Bry, cradling their first born with so much love, he started to feel excruciating pain from both of his hands. He wanted to scream as loud as he could but he held it in as he didn't want to worry Bry and he didn't want James to get startled and cry. So looking at Grass and informing her that he will be outside by his facial expression he went down to the third level basement where the hot springs are.

As soon as he reached there he couldn't hold back any longer and screamed "Rahhhhhhhhh..... " or to be precise he roared. And that roar had after effects too, as the first two basements started to shake. He was roaring like a wounded beast with his arms stretched out to the sides.

From his hands both of his claws started to come out very slowly, which was the main reason for his excruciating pain. Six claws slowly came out of his hands and very slowly it detached from his hands and fell on the floor. *Klang.*

Just as the six claws touched the floor, Hugh weakly slumped down onto the floor with his eyes focused on his claws. As he was looking at the claws, three out of six of them started to glow in blue and it started to merge together, at the same time one claw broke into two equal parts, and merged with the other two claws with a blue glow over it too.

As time went on the brightness increased so much that Hugh had to close his eyes for a couple of minutes. When the intensity of the glow started to decrease, Hugh opened his eyes and slowly raised himself to a sitting position instead of just lying on the floor.

After a couple of more minutes later the glow faded away like it was not there in the first place. And instead of his long claws, what was remaining on the floor were three swords that he had wished before reincarnating in this world. Looking at the three swords a smile formed on his face but when he looked at his hands, he grimaced as it was all covered in blood.

Shaking his head, he wiped the blood off of his hands using some water from the hot springs. After drying it by shaking it for a couple of seconds he took a towel from the rack and dried his hand again. As his hands got cleaned, he sighed and looked at the three swords lying on the floor.

A black coloured greatsword, a dark purple longsword and finally a dark blue broadsword. Looking at it he blinked a couple of times and remembered what God told him about getting the swords.

"God said that the material for the swords will be my claws, does that mean that I don't have them now?" He asked no one, and he looked at his hand and willed the claws to come out as he had done in the past, but it didn't come out as he had expected. So with another sigh he stood up from the floor and took the three swords and strapped the greatsword on his back, the long sword on his hip and he just held the broadsword in his hand. Then he slowly walked back to the ground floor where his family was. As he reached the ground floor he was met with Grass who was looking at him worriedly so he asked her "What?"

After a second of hesitation she asked him "Are you alright now?"

Hearing that question he understood that she felt his pain and heard his screams, so with a smile he bent down to her height and softly hugged her and said "I'm alright now. Thanks for worrying about me, Grass." Then separating from her he softly kissed her.

When he suddenly kissed her eyes went wide and it slowly closed as she enjoyed his warmth. Even when he pulled back, her eyes were closed as she was enjoying the aftertaste of the kiss.

He patiently waited for her to return from her cloud nine. A minute later she opened her eyes and she started to observe him and saw three different kinds of swords on him. "What are those?" She asked with curiosity.

Smiling at her he said "They're swords, made out of my six claws."

When she heard that, she looked at him in horror and asked "That was why you were screaming?"

"Yes." He said.

"Why? Why hurt yourself for a tool?" She asked him with tear filled eyes.

Chuckling at the question he extended his hand and slowly wiped away the tears and asked "You do know that Bry called my son Howlett right?"

She nodded in his hands. Nodding back at her he stood up and slowly walked towards the infirmary with Grass right beside him.

"Well, I will be starting a house in human terms or a clan in our terms. House Howlett or Howlett Clan or Tribe as per the species. Now, one day I will die but I don't know when. So before that day comes I need to make sure that my House/Clan/Tribe will have a strong protector. A strong protector needs a strong weapon, and what better weapon is there other than my claws?"

She nodded along with what he was saying, knowing that he will die one day unlike her all because he is a hybrid.

Knowing that she understood he said "The sword on my back, the greatsword will be given to the head or Lord of House Howlett, the sword on my hip, the longsword will be given to the commander of House Howlett army and finally the broadsword in my hand will be given to the greatest warrior in House Howlett. And all of them need to have my blood and also need the surname Howlett otherwise no one will be able to wield it."

Again she nodded at him after hearing that. As they reached the infirmary room, he turned towards her and said "For all of that to happen, we need to place some enchantment on these swords Grass. And I need your help, will you help me?"

"I will." She agreed with him.

Nodding at her he walked inside the infirmary and saw Bry breastfeeding their son. Hearing the sound of the door opening she looked up to see Hugh with three swords and Grass standing beside him with a smile plastered on her face. So looking at Hugh she asked "Where did those come from?"

Smiling at her question he said "I made it myself."

At that she raised an eyebrow and asked "And when did you start making three swords?"

"Right after our son was born." Hugh replied.

Hearing that both of her eyes went wide and she asked Hugh "How?"

To that he answered with the problem solved for the questions without answers "Magic."

Her facial expression changed from astonishment to scowl within a second after hearing his reply so she said with mock anger "If you don't want to tell me then don't."

Smiling at her he just sat down near her bed and just looked at his son who is way bigger than most babies. His observation of his son was interrupted by the voice of Bry who asked "So, did you name them?"

Looking at her with mock irritation he said "Yes."

Rolling her eyes at his terrible acting she asked him "What did you name them then?"

"Nótt the greatsword bringer of death, Angrboda the long sword bringer of grief and finally the Bestla the broadsword bringer of destruction."

Bry just looked at him like he had a screw loose by attaching extra description to the swords, even though it hadn't been used in any kind of battle at all, but she kept her silence as she knew that he wasn't finished with this. And true to her thoughts, he spoke again while giving a dramatic pause "Together they will be known to the world as 'The Three Sisters Of Doom.' " And he stopped right there with exaggerated hand movements.

The three adults in the room didn't open their mouths after that, afraid that they would burst out laughing, but all of that crumbled down as a small laugh was heard from the bundle Bry was holding. "Guaa... guigg... " (AN: Don't know how to write that one down😅)

Hearing their son laughing as he could, Hugh, Bry and Grass couldn't bear it and burst out laughing too.

In the year 11,870 BC, three major events happened in the continent of Westeros.

They are as the following :-

First :- In a futile attempt to end the invasion, the children use the hammer of the waters to shatter the land bridge, creating the Broken Arm and the island chain known as the Stepstones.

Second :- In this year, at the Neck which connects the Northern part of the continent with the Southern part the First House was formed. House Howlett.

Third :- This is the year in which the famed three swords sword called 'The Three Sisters Of Doom' was made by the first Head of House Howlett who is a Giant.




❌❌❌❌Chapter 8 End❌❌❌❌


[ AN::-


Nótt the greatsword(dark black)

Angrboda the longsword(dark Purple)

Bestla the broadsword(dark blue)


Images are in the paragraph comments ]
