
Game Of Thrones: The Wolverine

Chapter Release | 4th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A man with playfulness, joyful, caring, and above all loyal and devoted to his family. But, to his enemies he is a man with fierceness, strength, cleverness, endurance, courage, and the ability to stand and hold his ground! He's a Wolverine! ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · TV
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12 Chs

7 | James Howlett

Four years have passed since the wedding of Hugh and Bry. After their first night, Bry was asleep for a full week due to exhaustion and pain, she just blamed Hugh for being so active in the bed not even minding that he was double the size of her. But that didn't stop her from mounting him again as soon as she woke up.

For the first six months they stayed in a makeshift home and in the cavern when there was rain or snow. After that Hugh decided that it's time to built a house for them to stay. So with that in mind Hugh, Grass and their children all started to make a plan, Bry also told her ideas too. And deciding that it will be for the best to make a fortress castle in the Neck so that his family can live for thousands of years without any disturbance and it can also be a stronghold against the coming invaders.

The first thing they did was excavate an area of forty km² about thirty feet. By doing so they were met with a stone platform, so as not to destroy the whole land they only dug at the edge of the area and they were met with a natural cave system right under the neck with lots of hot springs.

Seeing that the idea of using the hot springs as used in Winterfell came to his mind.

Then taking the hot springs into consideration, he started to build the foundation for the castle and the six sided fortress that surrounded it.

The castle was to be built in the middle of the six towers surrounding it and the backside of the castle is towards the mountain. There are three basements for the castle, the lowest basement is where the hot springs are and also the newly created entrance of the cavern is situated. Then it's the middle basement, it's divided into a dozen sections to store different things. Then, in the first basement is the area for the library.

On the ground floor there are six large rooms. One room is the Solar of the castle, one room is to be used as infirmary and all the other four rooms are left alone for the time being.

The first floor was left alone as it would be used as a feast hall for parties and meetings to be held. On the second floor, there are twenty rooms that have a bath attached to it, which will be used by guests. On the third floor there are thirty rooms for the castle workers and future family members. And on the fourth floor is the place that will contain the master bedroom of the Lord and Lady of the house and six rooms that can be used as bedrooms.

Outside of the castle there are six towers surrounding it, the six towers will be the eyes and ears of the castle and the housing for the castle workers and soldiers. Going beyond the six towers there are ten archer towers that are connected with the fortified walls that have platforms on the top that can be used by the defenders to defend the castle.

After toiling around for almost four and half years they completed the castle and named it "Ymir" after the first giant that was created from the water formed when the ice of Niflheim met the heat of Muspelheim in Norse mythology.

Right after they all started to live inside the castle, Bry got pregnant. Her needs were granted in this period and Grass was the one who has been nursing her every time. As for Hugh, he was on cloud nine, as this his first human child. He was just like this whenever his wives were pregnant with his child, and seeing his overly excited face Bry and Grass had a lot to talk with each other. Bram was also happy, as he will be a grandparent within a year, so with his son-in-law Hugh, he always goes hunting. Like that months passed and the day for pregnancy came.

When Bry was inside the infirmary with Grass who is in there for delivery of the child, a loud sound was heard from the direction of South and right after that, there was a continuous small earthquake. It lasted for about three hours, and the people in the castle were worried about Bry and the new baby as the earthquake was so loud that they couldn't hear her screams or the wailing of the baby and also they were afraid of whatever that caused the sound and earthquake. The only one who was composed in that situation was Hugh, as he had already got a report that the in a futile attempt to end the invasion, the children use the hammer of the waters to shatter the land bridge, creating the Broken Arm and the island chain that will known as the Stepstones in the future.

Right as the earthquake and the sound subdued, the wail of the baby was heard. Without wasting any second both Hugh and Bram ran inside the infirmary to see Grass holding a baby in a bundle and Bry on the bed exhausted. Hugh went straight towards Bry and checked her out, and thanks to the constant care from him and Grass during her pregnancy stages she was able to live past the childbirth and now she's just exhausted from all of this, but hasn't slept so looking at her Hugh said "You alright, Bry?"

Hearing that question, she eyed him and almost growled "Try pushing out a living being out of your body with all you got then you will know what I'm feeling."

Hearing that, Hugh chuckled and said "If you can speak this much that means you're healthy." Then kissing her forehead he turned towards Grass and extended his arms to carry his child.

As Grass handed over the baby she said "It's a boy."

Hugh smiled and nodded at her and brought his son near Bry. And looking at her newborn son Bry asked "What are you going to name him?"

Smiling at her he said "James Son Of Hugh."

Smiling at the name she repeated her son's name "James Howlett."




❌❌❌❌Chapter 7 End❌❌❌❌



AN: A friend of mine died yesterday, so I hope the readers will pray that he will be able to be in heaven or as we all have been reading in novels get a chance to reincarnate in a place that he wishes to.
