
Game Of Thrones: The Wolverine

Chapter Release | 4th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ A man with playfulness, joyful, caring, and above all loyal and devoted to his family. But, to his enemies he is a man with fierceness, strength, cleverness, endurance, courage, and the ability to stand and hold his ground! He's a Wolverine! ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · TV
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12 Chs

9 | Bry

It's been twenty and six name days since I was born, or as Hugh would say twenty six years. My husband is really funny, even though he's half giant he doesn't even follow their custom, or is it because he is a half giant that he doesn't do those customs? I don't know and I haven't asked.

But all I know is that I love him. He's a person full of playfulness, always joyful, caring for others is almost his second nature, and above all loyal and devoted to his family. When I say that to him, he says that he's not loyal to his family as he has wed another woman, that is me, without separating from his first wife Grass.

Most of the time he is smart, but sometimes he's just plain stupid and other time's he's like a moody character from stories. What does he call it again? Ed... Edg... ah... right Edgelord! I don't know what that means clearly and I haven't asked about it either.

The first time I met him was when I was going for a hunt, and I wanted to skin his mammoth myself when I saw it at first. Sorry Manny! But I saw Hugh sleeping like a baby right in the shadow created by Manny, and boy was I scared when I saw him first? All because I had heard that the giants eat anything and they drink blood. But he didn't and he even gave me cooked food, and that was the day I was hooked with roasted bird. It was so delicious!

Well, after that we met almost every week and he gave me food items whenever we met. Like that almost a year passed and I just confessed to him. I know it might come out as weird, but what can I do? I fell for his giant charm.

That same day was when I found out that some of the stories may have been true, as I saw him completely eliminate three men who were eyeing me as a piece of meat and also the same trio that beat up my father. After he killed them, we left the area immediately and as we were moving away from that place I told him about the people I saw in the woods, who were all friends of those three assholes. But to utter confusion Hugh told me "Dead Man Tell No Tales." Not understanding that, I went back to the clearing dead in the night to know what he meant by that, and I wished that I never went there. All I saw that night was blood, nothing else remained there, not even their clothes. Any kind of evidence on how those men died there was completely gone except for large amounts of blood. That day I knew that if he's playful, joyful, caring, loyal and devoted to the ones who he considers family and friends, or his enemies he is a man with fierceness, strength, cleverness, endurance, courage, and the ability to stand and hold his ground.

For that he calls himself The Wolverine, not knowing what that meant I asked him. And he showed me what a wolverine was, it was an animal with ferocity and strength out of proportion to its size. But I countered that he hasn't fought anything bigger than him and was I so wrong about it? He fought with an adult bear when he was only three to five names days old. And to prove his point he fought with one of his giant sons, Loki. Seriously, where does he get these kinds of names? His first giant son is Loki, second son is Vali and the third one is Grid. As for the three kids with Grass? They're names are Aragorn, Bailey, and Calen. I mean I get it, names are just the words that come to our head when we need it to be, but to name six children, their children, my child and even three swords. He has names for each and everything that he can think of.

Ah! I derailed from where I started. But where was I again? Ah yes! To prove his point he fought with Loki and defeated Loki easily, same with his other two son's who were eager to throw punches at their father. He even won when those three teamed up. At that I gave up and agreed with him that he is a Wolverine. I didn't speak about the solitary life of a wolverine, fearing that he will leave us for years so that he could just do it to spite me.

Anyway, two years ago I gave birth to our son. That was the happiest day of my life, even though I had to feel that much pain. At that time I wished that I could have shared it with Hugh, and I almost resented him for making me feel that way. But I was so wrong, as Grass informed me two days after the birth of James, that the three swords Hugh showed me when I was feeding my baby were his claws and he had to bear ten times the pain I had to endure, and I felt bad for him. So I tried to help him out during his hunts, but he stopped me from doing so. I was livid about that so I told him that now he only has the strength of a giant, no more deadly claws. Hearing that he gave me a confused look, but after seeing Grass he chuckled and popped out the claws from his knuckles and told me that they will grow back much stronger than before. And when I asked him if he would be making more swords he said that he would think about it and I didn't like it one bit. That was our first fight, but we got over it in the week after that day.

Right now, I'm pregnant again, I know, he knocked me up fast. But the problem is, if I had a choice I wouldn't want my second born to be born in the middle of this shitstorm that is about to come.


"Ah!" I was startled by that sound. As I turned around I saw my son James, so sighing I said to the three foot tall boy close to his third name day "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry mom. But dad is here!" He said excitedly and I can see some resemblance go Hugh in him.

"So?" I asked him in an amused tone.

"He's bringing a big cat with him! With two large toots!" Right after saying that he ran away from the room. And hearing that I just sat there frozen and thought 'Why the hell is that man bringing a freaking Sabretooth here for?'




❌❌❌❌Chapter 9 End❌❌❌❌