
what is fuck

***EUNMI's POV***

i puffed as i lazily take another step forward.

after we ask for help last night, the boys immediately agreed on finding the way the next day. and that next day is today.

we have been walking for 3 hours since the morning. we already brought our bags with us so that if we'll happen to find the path, then we don't have to go back to the treehouse to get our belongings.

i felt a tug unto my bag causing me to look back. jimin was there staring at me while holding unto the strap of my backpack.

i raised an eyebrow. " give me this. i'll help you carry it. "

" no its okay. " i smiled and shook my head.

he pouted and look away.

" he sulks when he gets a no. " jin said and my mouth fell open as soon as my head processed what he said. i remove my bag, handing it to the cute mochi who happily took it from me and wear it on his back.

" kaja! " he grab my hand and drag me with him.

i smiled. what a cute patotie-

i gasped when our intertwined hands were harshly separated from each other.

" im a human so i have the right to pass through. " kook stomped like a cow, passing through between jimin and i.

" rude! " jimin chased him and slap his back.

" i was having a moment with eunmi and you just ruined-"

" raLALALALA!! " kook sang like a bull.

" whatever hI! nayun! " jimin cutely went to nayun's side.

" hi jiminie. " nayun greeted.

i smirked and averted my attention from them.

" yoongs? " yoongs hummed in response to doyeon.

" yoongs? "

" hmm? "

" yoongs? "

" aishh jinjja! how annoying are you?! " yoongs yelled and distance himself from doyeon.

i laughed and wrap my arms around aerum. she glared at me and threw me off her.


" can't you see i already have a koala sticking in my side? " i glance at her right and saw taehyung leaning in her shoulder and tugging unto her side like a koala.

i giggled and taehyung heard me. he mouthed a " yes? " but i just wave my hand.

" chaechae.... " my voice faded when i saw her expertly do ninja moves to joon while batting her pretty long eyelashes.

flirting lessons? please contact lee chaeyoung, professional flirt and major in bi -joke.

just joking chae.

i sigh and ran towards jin and mina who was laughing their butts off.

" okay you look like you can't breath from laughing so I'll stop now. "

" yeah, my stomach already hurts. " mina replied, trying to contain her laugh.

" you two seem to have so much fun. you two should date. " i joked.

" date? like in the calendar together with the days, week, month and year? " jin said, raising both of his eyebrows at me.

" ah no." i laughed.

" so, what's a date? " jin asks.

" umm it is when a girl or boy, girl or girl or, boy or boy goes somewhere special and nice to eat or have fun. " i said to him.

" oh, im familiar with the word but i don't remember the meaning so date means.." jin looked at me.

i parted my lips, " it is when two persons go somewhere to have their romantic blah blah.. "

he nods.

" romantic. that sounds nice but i don't think mina would like that- "

I cut his words while shaking my head. " no, no i think my friend here wouldn't really mind to have a date with you- OuCh! "

" shut fuck up. "

jimin stopped walking and ran to my side, asking me afterwards.

" uh eunmi.... what is fuck? "


" what is this? " hoseok squinted his eyes to the thing around aerum's wrists.

" aerum said its a watch. " tae said and i laugh at his voice that sounds like a child boasting the wealth of his family to his classmates.

" and aerum said the reason that eunmi doesn't have one because she doesn't know how to read the long and short arm inside it. " my smile faded and i immediately elbow aerum.

" hahahaha. " she laugh at my face.

somebody help me before i slap that smile from her face.

" FYI! i already know how to read-"

" really? what time is it then? " she thrust her wrist to me.










" it's 1: 33! " i shouted.

" wow...very good then. " aerum clapped.

" of course. " i bowed

" no wonder my stomach has been rumbling. its 1:33 already. " miyeon pouted, circling her arms to her stomach.

i look down when my tummy created a sound.

" jin hyung i think im hungry too. " kook said.


he's hungry?

he can have m-err nO.

" me too. " joon raise his hand.

" me too! " tae exclaimed.

jin scratch the back of his neck, " but we have no food here. "

" wait. "

i reached for my bag and jimin gave it to me. i dig my hands inside and reached for the junks that i brought with me yesterday.

i saw some of the girls looking into their bags , probably finding food. i internally screamed when my hand pull out a plastic of fish crackers and choco bars.

" i have sodas here. "

" i still have the cookies and brownies that mom gave me. "

" i don't know why i have a box of pizza in my bag. " we all gave nayun a weird look.

a box of pizza?

in her bag?

what the hell?

but pizza?

what the heaven!

" hep! at least we have something to eat. " doyeon said as she hand some foods to the guys.

i opened the crackers and took one, shoving it in my mouth. i look at jin who was looking at the can of soda.

" what is this? " joon blink his eyes, while he scan the wrap of chocolate in his hands.

" what is this? " yoongs has a frown on his face as he lick the cookie.

" thats a cookie. "

" cookie? " tae blurted out.

" yeah, thats a cookie. my mom made that. " chaeyoung tells him.

" mom? " jimin asks.

aerum and I look at each other.

" mom. her mother. like uh the one who made her and bore her " aerum said and awkwardly chuckled.

"oh. "

they really have no idea in everything that regards with women.

tae suddenly laugh, making some of us flinch alittle.

" hahaha kook. kookie! YOONGS HYUNG IS LiCKInG KOOKIE! "


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