


time flew fast and it was already evening. the whole squad was up to the tree house that I was sleeping earlier and was planning on how we'll be able to go back at the city.

" it'll be dangerous if we ourselves will go and find the path that leads to the base. what if we'll go much farther and be completely lost and separated from each other? its too risky guys. " i said and they all look at each other.

" i agree to eunmi. I'd prefer staying here with these hunks surrounding me like im kind of a gem. I'd love to see their abs everyday so I go with STAYING HERE AND NOT FINDING A WAY TO GO BAC-" miyeon slap doyeon's mouth as she shoot not so deathly glares to her.

" you're crazy. " nayun flick her forehead and she winced.

" you know eunmi has a point but guys come to think of this, if we just stay here and not do anything we'll end up living here until some people will rescue us. and the chance of getting rescued is very thin like how thin the waist of that kookie patootie downstai-"

i glared at her, " shut up. "

" someones jealous. " aerum teased while wiggling her eyebrows at me.

" jealous? pffft no. " i roll my eyes. im not jealous and im 100% sure of that.

" leave my ship and listen to my idea first. " we all scooted towards chaeyoung and she then began speaking, " we'll not move away from this place and just ask the guys if they know the path going back to the base. they probably lived here for years so maybe they knew the whole jungle. "

" let's just do that. " mina and i agreed at the same time.

" that's better. " doyeon said.

" yeah that nice but what if they don't know? " aerum asked.

" we'll plan again of course. let's just try that idea, besides there's really no harm at trying. " chaeyoung said.

" let's ask them immediately. " mina stood up and headed to the wooden door, lifting it up alittle for it to open.

" AHH!! " she screamed and fell backwards.

" careful! what if you fell out the door? do you know how tall and dangerous is it if you fall!? " doyeon yelled at her while helping her to stand up.

" uh im sorry. " we all averted our eyes from doyeon and to jin who was standing at the stair and was holding unto the frame of the door. " i just wanted to tell you guys that the foods are ready already. please come down and eat with us because the others are already anticipating to see all of you there. thats all. im sorry again. "

and he left. we all shared a funny look and went down the tree house to join them. only fools doesn't like foods. ^^

" tae you sit beside kook so that the girls will be able to sit with each other. " i heard joon's voice.

" but I want to be with aerum. " tae whined and aerum chuckled.

" can someone please turn their flashlight on. i kept on tripping because its too dark. " miyeon said and chaeyoung turn her flashlight on.

" i still have junks in my bag. should I go get it? " mina ask.

" let's save it for tomorrow. we're about to eat supper anyways. " i said. i smiled when we approach the table with the tarzans already sitting on the long bench. chaeyoung then turn her lights off since there were already torches that illuminated the whole long table.

kook forced tae to sit by his side so we can sit at the long wooden chair. joon, kook, hope and tae was to dig in when jin stop them.

" we'll have to pray first. " jin glared at them and closed his eyes.

they pouted and soon closed their eyes and fold their hands leaving us quite dumbfounded.

they have manners-what, how, why?


that sounds so offensive for them.

i don't mean it for them to take offense of what's on my mind tho. i just-i mean they look like they've been living here for a very long time already or probably after they we're born they started living here so i-i just don't expect the fact that they know how to pray.

" amen. " and they all started eating.

" come on. let's eat. " jin smiled.

i nod and look at the foods. uh, roasted chicken, steamed potato tops and chinese horseradish and some fruits.

they know how to cook?! i was expecting them to feed us raw meat and herbs. you know like in the movies. the jungleman gives uncooked foods to adventurers who happens to be lost.

and their speech! aren't they suppose to have difficulties while speaking? their use of words, their tone-nothing seems wrong at all. well except the fact that they don't understand foul words.

so uh what's happening?

" royal shit! the chicken tastes really nice even if it doesn't have salt and seasoning! " nayun groans while closing her eyes.

" what's royal shit? " jimin innocently ask nayun. nayun froze and looked at me with eyes shouting for help.

" questions later. eat right now. " yoongs scold him.

now i really think that yoongs and jin must be the oldest in them. they seem to very responsible and knows more a lot than joon, hope, jimin, tae and kook.

not to forget that they scold the 5 like they're somewhat kind of their real parents.

" anyways, jin hyung made that. he's such a great cook. " tae said.

mina shot jin a smile, " it's nice. "

jin blushed and resumed on eating. i look at all of them and saw that everyone was eating except me.

my hand hesitantly moves to get a piece of chicken but a hand beat me to it. i froze when i saw it was kook.

i don't know why I froze tho.

" there's no poison in it so eat. " he hands it to me and I instantly took it and took a bite from it.

he smiles, showing his bunny teeth. " there. "

and promise i almost melted seeing him grin so beautifully like that.

but i didn't melt of course. what kind of human even melts?



lame? i know.

-anyways after we're done eating, jin and mina threw the plates that we used earlier. and of course plates means leaves. they don't seem to own kitchen paraphernalia here except the small pot where they steamed the edible herbs.

so as for now we're all staring at the sky without talking at each other. it was awkward but it would be more awkward if i decide to talk first.

i don't even know what to say so why bother to talk?

" hey joon. " i hear someone clearing their throat.

" yes? "

" uh so you probably know that we're lost and we're trying to find a way to help us get the hell out of here. " chaeyoung said.

" hell? as in satan's den-"

" stop the questions joon. chaeyoung can you please continue? " yoongs bluntly said.

" so i was to ask if some of you knows a path that leads to the base where there are people like you and me can be found. "

" no. "

" NO. "

" no. we haven't even seen people like as big and has the same features like us in our whole life except for the 7 of us and you g-girls. " aerum and doyeon giggled as jimin stammers to say the word ' girls '.

" i don't know about that. "

" nO. "

" we haven't seen a path that leads to what you are saying. "

just as namjoon said that, all of the shoulders of my friends slouched.

miyeon sighed loudly.

aerum's face dropped at the table.

nayun scratched her head.

chaeyoung pouted and sighed.

while doyeon has a smirk growing on her face.

she really likes the idea of getting stuck in here huh?

"-but we can help you find it. we have nothing important to do except finding food to sustain our stomachs so we aren't that busy here. " namjoon softly said.

chaeyoung's eyes lit up.

" really? "

he took time staring at the other guys as if hes asking them if they're okay with the idea of it. his eyes locked with yoongs' for alot of seconds than the others and i dont even know why before he gave us a nod.

" y-yeah of course. "

this is a lower case intended book, sorry if some didn't liked my way of writing. thanks for reading!❤

jungkotionarycreators' thoughts