




" isn't that sentence kinda inappropriate? " i said, glancing to aerum.

" yeah, uh tae? can you not say those again? " she said to tae.

" yoongs is licking kooki-" aerum stuff his mouth with a cookie.

" oh okay i won't say it again—wah! is this cookie? im eating kookie! " aerum quickly took the cookie from his mouth and replace it with crackers.

the girls burst on laughing while eating.

" i can't help the bad thoughts to just enter my brain. oh my goodness i need holy water. " nayun said, chuckling at the end of her words.

" its not even that dirty but when you're just overly perverted then of course you can't help the thoughts to just enter your brain. " chaeyoung commented.

" true. "

" licking kookie? i don't think so, kook is too manly and handsome to become a gay. " miyeon looks at kook with sparkling eyes. i scoffed.

" what? " doyeon just popped out of nowhere and ask me.

" what? " i said back.

"what, what? why did you scoff? " she ask.

" who said that i scoffed? " i glared at her.

she then grinned like a maniac, " aye..got some feelings to that long haired cutie? "

i roll my eyes and continued on eating.

we all settle under a big tree and began on eating. the guys had been continuously asking questions about what foods are we handing them and some of the girls had been answering their questions.

it feels good to be with someone who doesn't know about something and listens to your answer in a not so arrogant and rude way.

unlike in the city, sometimes you really do your best to answer and help those individuals who needs help but heck...you didn't even finish what you are saying and they are like  i know that but I was asking for this not that or can't you understand me? i was talking about this not that so please hurry up and tell me directly where it is.

mostly the population in the city is rude. maybe because of the influence of people around it or....idk nvm.

" i don't think we'll be able to find the base. i mean.. just a few hours and it will be evening again. "  miyeon said and I nod my head, agreeing to what she said.

i mean i also don't expect that we'll be able to find it in just the first day of our searching.

" so we'll go back now? " hope ask.

" maybe after eating. let's eat first. "


" yes! thank goodness we're here! " i cheered  and ran to the bench where we sat last night and ate.

" im tired. " chaeyoung slumped her body on the table.

" tired? you barely used your feet because your sugardaddy carried you until here. " doyeon said and slap chaeyoungs butt.

she rub it and pouted. " sugar daddy?! that long hair doesn't even probably know what sugardaddy is! "

" you're lucky you bore the guts to grab joon's attention. " nayun told chaeyoung.

" of course! " she exclaimed. " if i didn't made the first move to him this bitch beside me had probably took that exotic face. "


i don't even have a single interest to him.

how the hell and why the hell would i take him?

and exotic?

kook is the exotic—

" miyeon can you please arrange and light the woods !? " doyeon yells.

" you can use the lighter in my bag for you to not have a hard time making fire. " mina added and miyeon groans as she made her way to mina's bag.

i saw tae and jimin holding some herbs while walking towards jin. kook then appeared while carrying an old bucket filled with water. he gave it to jin and jin started washing the herbs.

first off...AWWW

they look like lovely brothers who are equally doing their parts with cooperation to each other.

later on joon and hope appeared with a huge fish in their hands.

" where did they get that? " aerum asked and snapped a pic of the fish that is now on Jin's arms.

" we both know that no one can answer that except them. so don't ask plea—"

" they got it from the huge lake thats far from here. actually it wasn't them who caught it. it was kook. " suga cut nayun's words as he prop himself in front of us.

" really? " i ask, getting a little interested.

" hmm..he's very good at fishing. " he muttered while looking at the others who was busy preparing for our next meal.

i saw  miyeon struggling to make fire so i stood up and left aerum, chaeyoung and yoongs to help the poor bitch.

" you're a girl scout before, how come you don't know how to arrange the woods properly? " i gently swat her away and start redoing the woods.

" the only thing i remember in girl scout is when my first menstruation hit me while i was doing a solo activity on the pool. " she blankly said, her mind drifted away to the most embarrassing scene in her entire life.

it was when she had to go to a girl scout camping when she was in 6th grade. the situation started when they had a water activity on a pool and miyeon proudly volunteered as the first ever one to try the obstacle on the water. fortunately and unfortunately she ended up being surrounded by the reddish water

obviously caused by her own body.

and that was the very moment when her crush shouted—

" aye! you're a lady now! " she mimicked her ex-crush's voice. " what a jerk he is. telling all of his squads that the girl who has a crush on him is a lady already. "

i laughed, " well at least you didn't end up being with him. "

" yeah right. "

we laughed together while i light the woods. mina soon came and place the pot ---containing the herbs--- in between three big stones.

i took a last glance of the fire before going back to where I was earlier, leaving miyeon who was busy killing ants with her hands and feet.