

Running from people has been my life because they all want to use me and my power. Every day my powers are growing and changing. I have been afraid most of my life but that fear has turned into surviving that has is all that I have been able to do. Since my powers emerged when I was a child no one wanted me around. They were scared of me and turned me into different groups who would experiment on people like me. I managed to escape but I stay on the run its how I survived until now. Now I'm going to fight back.

Jasmine_Marvin · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter Two

Still crouched behind the rock with my hunting knife drawn I listened trying to determine who they are and what they want. Step after step drip after drip then nothing it all just stopped. I hear a very faint whisper but it's so quiet I can't hear exactly what even with my enhanced hearing. But my powers aren't as strong as they could be if I actually had time to focus on training my abilities.

Someone grabs the back of my shirt pulling me out of my hiding spot. They throw me over their shoulder onto the ground and claws are at my neck in two points. I still have my hunting knife in hand I take it and put the blade in his side it doesn't affect him it just galls out and I can hear as his skin is rapidly healing. Then a third blade goes into my neck. I just stare at him and say choking on blood "that the best you got" he stumbles back the blades coming out of my neck. I can tell by their heart rates that there are four two men and two women and from what I understand from their heartbeats they are worried about something or someone.

I then hear a woman's but no one is speaking 'who are you and where is our friend?' I take my knife in my hand. I look at each of them standing my ground not flinching trying to figure out how to get out of this situation.

One of the men says "Wolverine stand down Storm found Jubilee she is safe." I stand there waiting trying to figure out what they are going to do.

One of the women is slowly approaching me and she says "My name is Jean we can help you. Take you somewhere safe." I respond " Nowhere is safe for me. Men and organizations have hunted me my whole life safe is no such thing." I then run out of the cave trying to find a new place to hide if they were able to find me the people who have been hunting me will soon follow.

Safe that is all I can think about. I don't remember what it felt like to be safe I've been running so long I don't even remember a lot of things that came from being in a safe place. What did it feel like to be safe I wonder?

I shake myself from those thoughts I can never be somewhere safe. Not as long as I'm being hunted by people wanting to use me for my powers to make me a weapon for their own use. I'm not a weapon they can use and one day I hope to show them that. I will become as scheming as a fox hunting in the wild.

I hear a voice

'My friends can help you learn more about your powers and I can guarantee you a safe place to stay those who have been hunting you. They are not allowed where they will take you, trust me.'

Should I trust them? Can they really help me or will they try to use me just like everyone else? I don't know what to do anymore.