

Running from people has been my life because they all want to use me and my power. Every day my powers are growing and changing. I have been afraid most of my life but that fear has turned into surviving that has is all that I have been able to do. Since my powers emerged when I was a child no one wanted me around. They were scared of me and turned me into different groups who would experiment on people like me. I managed to escape but I stay on the run its how I survived until now. Now I'm going to fight back.

Jasmine_Marvin · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter Three

I decided that I should go with these strangers that maybe I might learn something as to why these people are hunting me and why other than to use my powers for their own gain. So I use my heightened senses to track them down. When I get to a clearing in the woods I see the people from earlier I cautiously walk towards them and one of them says " Welcome to the X-Men"

I look at them confused saying "That's an odd name is that what I should call all of you." I don't remember a time I ever tried to joke with someone. The man with the visor says " No my name is Cyclops. That is Jean, Storm, and Wolverine. What is your name?" I look down at the ground ashamed saying carefully "I don't remember my name I was young when I got my powers and have been on the run ever since." We all board the jet and Storm says "That is ok child our friend Wolverine doesn't remember much of his past either"

The rest of the ride to their place is quiet though I keep a tight grip on my hunting knife worried that they were trying to use kindness to get me where they want. Part of me is expecting an ambush once the jet lands and the other part of me is hoping for a new beginning of not having to run for survival but running because I want to.

When the jet lands it lands underground. And my worst fears of what could happen never happen they truly wanted to give me a home but I have no clue how pong I will be able to stay here until I am found but hopefully they will be able to give me some answers. We exit the jet and are greeted with smiling faces of teenagers. They all flood around me once I step down and I begin to feel like a caged animal and draw my knife. A man in a wheelchair comes forward and says "now now give our new friend some space please" they all respond in unison "Yes Professor Xavier" and they all leave to do who knows what.

Xavier 'walks' with me talking about how this is a school for people like me to learn how to use their power for good and how to control them. He also explains that I am welcome to stay there that it is a safe place from any government organizations that are hunting mutants. When the tour is over it ends in a dining room with a huge table and all of the teenagers there and the 'teachers' are keeping them all at bay. Then Xavier says "you are safe to show your true form" I look at him surprised thinking how did he know. Then I let my tail and ears be shown.

Everyone smiles and someone says "cool she has the tail and ears of a fox" I have always hidden this from people because it scares them. But these people are different then I look at the professor and say" Is this what it's like to feel safe." Everyone looks at me confused and he responds "yes now go get something to eat before it's all gone." I smile and walk over to the nearest empty chair and make myself a plate of food that I haven't seen since I was young and don't remember what it tastes like since I have lived off of what I could get in the woods.

The next morning I wake up in a comfortable bed. I sit up and notice a clean pair of clothes then Storm is coming I can smell her familiar scent coming my way. Before she can knock I open the door. She says "oh how did you...nevermind I came to see if you wanted a bath if so I can show you the way and what you can use." I nod my head grab the clean clothes and follow her. We walk together until we reach a door she opens it to a small lovely little bathroom she says "there you are child when you are done just come on downstairs the professor would like to see you" I then remember my name saying "Amelia." She says " what was that?" I smile remembering my name saying " My name is Amelia...Amelia Fox."