

Running from people has been my life because they all want to use me and my power. Every day my powers are growing and changing. I have been afraid most of my life but that fear has turned into surviving that has is all that I have been able to do. Since my powers emerged when I was a child no one wanted me around. They were scared of me and turned me into different groups who would experiment on people like me. I managed to escape but I stay on the run its how I survived until now. Now I'm going to fight back.

Jasmine_Marvin · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter One

Running that is all I have ever done. Wherever I go, someone is always chasing me, so running is all I know. I am a mutant with powers I don't understand very well or can control yet. Its hard to learn when your always being chased which really stinks because if I could just control my powers they might stop chasing me but deep down I know that is not true. I will always be hunted but maybe I will find the place I belong.

I'm running through the snow guns going off all around me. I used to be scared when this would happen but I've been running for so long that all this has become is survival for me. My mutant abilities are that of a fox mainly but I'm learning I have more powers every day. I keep running until I almost run into another armed guard. the Guard tries to grab me but I quickly duck and turn the other way to run but I have been surrounded by people all pointing guns at me. I look at each of them analyzing each of their weapons trying to determine the best way out of this situation.

One of the men starts to approach me and the others are aiming their guns at me. They have yet to actually hit me with my powers I can get a pretty good idea where each bullet will end up before they make their mark. Once the man who was approaching gets close enough I drop to the ground taking out his feet. Then I quickly take his gun and a grenade pulling the pin smiling knowing I've got them in a corner.

Some of the men who have faced me while trapping me in a corner I'm not afraid to set off the grenade it won't affect me I'll just heal and be on my way.

The men all around start shaking looking worried about my next move. I then throw the grenade at one section surrounding me then taking the stolen gun and shooting the rest as the grenade goes off. I get hit with the debris from the explosion and I fall to the ground in pain, but I begin quickly.

When I am close to being fully healed I get up and run away before their reinforcements arrive to start hunting me again.

I run as far as I can and the sun is starting to rise. But I still don't stop running I want to put as much distance as I possibly can to give me some peace. Though I don't remember when the last time it was that I wasn't looking over my shoulder worried about when the men were going to chase after me.

When I determined that I have enough distance between me and my attackers I begin walking to catch my breath. I end up walking into a person dressed oddly laying on the ground badly injured. So I put her on my back carefully I start slowly walking luckily I know the land around me and know where there is a secluded cave nearby that we can hide in.

Once I set the girl down in the cave then I leave to hide our tracks and get something to eat. I end up finding some berries and nuts to eat. I also look for some things that can be used to treat any possible wounds though I may not have much knowledge in that area I know I need to clean any injuries to prevent infection. I make my way back to the cave to take care of the girl.

In the cave, I work in silence treating the girl's injuries. When I finish I eat a few of the berries and nuts that I collected. I stay up for three days hiding in that cave luckily the men who have been after me haven't found this place yet.

As I sit there I am half asleep and I hear rustling outside the cave then footsteps. I pull out my hunting knife that I stole from one of the men that has been hunting me to use me for my growing powers. I crouch down behind a rock but as they are coming close enough that my other senses are able to determine that those who are approaching are not with the men who have been hunting me, but that doesn't mean that I am going to lower my guard even for a second.