

Running from people has been my life because they all want to use me and my power. Every day my powers are growing and changing. I have been afraid most of my life but that fear has turned into surviving that has is all that I have been able to do. Since my powers emerged when I was a child no one wanted me around. They were scared of me and turned me into different groups who would experiment on people like me. I managed to escape but I stay on the run its how I survived until now. Now I'm going to fight back.

Jasmine_Marvin · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter Four

Storm smiles at me saying " Well then Amelia I hope to see you at breakfast." I smile and nod going to take a shower locking the door behind me. When I take a shower I keep my knife close by old habits die hard I guess.

I take a long hot shower feeling more and more like a person and less like an animal. When I was done the shower was brown from all the mud and muck that I had traveled through unable to stop to clean up. When I finished in the shower I got dressed and headed towards the dining room. I don't remember the way there but I just follow my senses to get there.

When I get there there are only a few people there. I am still on edge but there is something about Wolverine that puts my senses at ease I would like to know why that is. I sit down and eat some breakfast after I fully investigate it with my nose making sure it's just food in it not that it would matter I just don't like eating poison or sleep drugs it makes me vulnerable to attacks.

As I sit there eating my breakfast alarms start going off I grab my hunting knife with one hand and still stuffing my face with the other. People start running around and then I smell a familiar scent and growl through my food.

The person I smell is the leader of the people who have been hunting me to use my powers for their own gains. I shove the rest of my food in my mouth and say "I should have never come here they are after me" Storm looks shocked saying "Do not fear you are one of the X-men now we will keep you safe, Logan take her to the bunker while the professor and I deal with this." He starts to protest but it is quickly squashed so I do "No I should leave now before anyone gets hurt." Storm looks at me saying "Trust us we are your friends now and we wish to help so please go with Logan and we will handle this"

I decided to listen and follow Logan we go to a secret elevator that leads down to an underground bunker. We sat down there for what seemed hours until the professor told us to come up. And when we leave the bunker it's obvious that the men who have been hunting me were there and left. Storm looks a bit tired and the place is a wreck, tables flipped over mirrors broken furniture smashed I feel awful. Is there anywhere that I can go where people won't hunt me down?

Xavier looks at me and says "none of this is your fault you cannot help that some people are consumed by greed and wish to only gain money and power. But we can work together to stop them from pursuing you any further." I look at him saying with tears in my eyes "is that even possible for me to be free from people hunting me and wanting my powers for their own scheming and hatred?" He smiles and says "I believe so at least one day and we can all work together towards that and a better future for everyone." I smile and say "Then if I am to fight with you I may need something better to wear." He nods and say "we shall work on that together."

Everyone left to do their own tasks that I guess the professor gave them. It is a big house so I mean everyone must pitch in to keep it clean. And the more I think about it the more of my past I remember the biggest thing being the name of the people hunting me SENTRIES.