

Running from people has been my life because they all want to use me and my power. Every day my powers are growing and changing. I have been afraid most of my life but that fear has turned into surviving that has is all that I have been able to do. Since my powers emerged when I was a child no one wanted me around. They were scared of me and turned me into different groups who would experiment on people like me. I managed to escape but I stay on the run its how I survived until now. Now I'm going to fight back.

Jasmine_Marvin · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter Five

I walk around the mansion tracking down Xavier I feel a responsibility to tell him everything I remember. Especially since he is giving me a home and keeping my enemies away from me.

I find him in an office underground. I knock on the door saying "Can we talk?" Gambit comes out, I've learned everyone's name from listening to them all talking to each other, Xavier is in his wheelchair and says "what can I do for you, my child." I walk in sitting down in a chair close by.

I look at him saying "I've remembered some things from my past not much just bits and pieces but I figure if I'm to stay here then you should know how or what your up against." He nods saying "Go on" I continue "They call themselves the sentries their one goal is to control all mutants and use them to take over the world" he looks at me saying "It's all starting to become clear now thank you we can take it from here."

I look at him with determination in my eyes saying "No! I want to help these people, have been hunting me my whole life. I'm tired of running from a fight. I don't want to be afraid anymore so please let me fight with you and you won't be disappointed." He smiles saying "Very well. If you wish to join the team you will need a suit and training go talk to hank he can help you out with arranging both he should be in his lab." I get up and say "thank you and you can call me Amelia. I would love to hear people calling me by my name I kinda miss it from being all alone for all those years." He smiles saying "Have a good day Amelia."

I walk around using my nose trying to figure out where Hank is. I have yet to meet him so I don't know what his sent is yet. I wonder around until I run into Jean. She looks at me saying "everything alright?" I nod saying "yes I was told to go to Hank's lab but I don't know what he smells like or where his lab is could you help me?" She smiles saying "yes come with me..." I smile saying "Amelia that's my name."she says "Ok Amelia come on this way."

We walk through the halls until we reach a small lab but there seems to be nobody hereat first glance.

Jean says "Hank the professor wants you to help out our new friend Amelia get settled in with the team and mission ready." A blue head appears in my face he extends a hand all while hanging upside down saying "Hello Ms. Amelia it's a pleasure to meet you my name's Hank but on missions, they call me Beast." I smile saying "Hello the Professor said that you could help me get a mission suit and a training schedule?" He jumps down with a flip landing on his feet he then says "why yes I can just tell me about your powers and skills and I'll see what I can do."

I've never had to explain my powers before so I think about how best to explain them. I then take my hunting knife and say "I have heightened senses fox tail and ears and this." I then cut my hand and show him the wound as it rapidly heals. He then says "Intriguing you have similar abilities to Wolverine. Do you have claws as well?" I shake my head no saying "If I did I wouldn't carry a knife around with me all the time. But I have learned how to use almost every weapon I've ever got my hands on." He looks at me saying "If it's alright with you I would like to compare your powers to Logan's." I look at him wearily saying "I really don't like the idea of being someone's lab rat." He nods saying "that is alright I understand." I sit down on a table I can feel his genuine emotions I know that he wouldn't treat me like a lab rat. I say " but I will make an exception for you." He looks confused saying "why me? Not that I'm complaining it's just..." I reply "I can tell that you have a kind heart and won't do anything purposely to cause harm to anyone unlike the sentries and their scientists." He smiles saying "how can you tell?" I look at him saying "I've been running since my mutant powers emerged when I was 12. I'm almost 22 in that time I've learned how to tell who is trustworthy through their emotions and heart rate so that is why." He smiles happily and gets to work taking some of my blood to work with.