

Running from people has been my life because they all want to use me and my power. Every day my powers are growing and changing. I have been afraid most of my life but that fear has turned into surviving that has is all that I have been able to do. Since my powers emerged when I was a child no one wanted me around. They were scared of me and turned me into different groups who would experiment on people like me. I managed to escape but I stay on the run its how I survived until now. Now I'm going to fight back.

Jasmine_Marvin · Others
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6 Chs

Chapter Six

3 months later

I'm in the danger room training enhancing my skills and improving my senses. I'm walking around in the simulation that Hank has programmed into the danger room's program he's wanting ms to test it out with Wolverine but he never showed so I'm by myself in my new suit holding one of my two short swords in hand the other still in its sheath on my lower back and my hunting knife sheathed in my left boot and strapped to the same leg.

As I am walking around I smell what I've come to know as rocket fuel so I follow the smell. I walk through the obstacles carefully saying in my ear piece "Hank isn't this supposed to be hard I have ran into anything." I hear him laughing saying "You have yet to find the problem Amelia." I roll my eyes. Then I hear something unsure what it is then i get hit by a giant fist. Saying "ow" the sentinel gets ready for another punch and I roll dodging it grabbing my short sword jumping up to take a defensive stance. I then say "Just saying Hank this is not cool. I can smell like 10 of those things. Where's Logan he promised he would test your experiment with me." I run to a tree using it to gain leverage but it just swings at the tree I take the sword putting it in its hand using that to get better leverage. I've learned that if I can get to the head then I can shut them down or turn them against each other.

Many hours of getting my ass handed to me Hank finally turns the simulation off. But only when my hand got blown off. When the simulation is fully shut down I see Hank, Logan, and Gambit all laughing. I then say through my teeth "You have 10 seconds before i start hunting."  My hand is slowly growing back and it hurts like hell but i still ignore it. As I track down my friends to get my payback.

When I  get close enough to attack them the mission alarms go off and Hank says "Well saved by the bell" I roll my eyes saying "this is not over yet" my hand is still healing back when we run into the others in the misson room and Jubilee says "What happened?" I look at her saying "Why dont you ask thag trio over there." I point at Hank and the others.

Xavier comes in on his wheelchair saying "Storm I want you to take four X-Men with you to investigate what is going on. Cyclops you will take the rest for backup and to keep the blackbird readyif things go south. Be careful I do not know what is out there waiting for you."

When the teams are decided we all go to get our suits on and  load the Blackbird jet. I sit down in one of the chairs as everyone is strapping in while Storm and Beast are getting the jet ready for take off.