
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs


Seeing that Lancer was about to run away, I immediately prevented Lancer from running away and went out right in front of the three Servants.

I came down from above in front of the three Servants, the three Servants who saw the figure that suddenly came down from above were immediately alert.

Saber who saw me, immediately recognized me and wanted to greet me but I stopped him with a sign that was easy to understand.

Saber immediately understood and was silent, I who saw her two Servants still silent did not move because of the alert, I also spoke.

Shwazer: "wow ... wow ... did not expect to meet the enemy right away, introduce my name is Shwazer Varmillion, and this is my Servant." I said introducing myself in the style of a nobleman.

Tohsaka Rin immediately responded due to her shock at hearing my name.

Rin: "Shwazer Varmillion you say? That Shwazer Varmillion, the famous one?" Tohsaka Rin said with surprise.

I, who saw Tohsaka Rin's surprise, only smiled a little, and Tohsaka Rin immediately became even more vigilant.

I who saw Lancer wanting to run away, was immediately stopped by me.

Shwazer: "Lancer, tell your Master. If you want to fight then show yourself or else I'll give him a painful taste of death." I told Lancer in a slightly intimidating voice.

After I said that, Lancer ran away and I saw two Masters and two Servants, they were looking at me with fear too.

Because they felt a bit of my intimidation that I directed at Lancer earlier.

Shwazer: "hm... you guys are too tense huh, well Lancer take on those two Servants. Meanwhile Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou, how about we fight too? Or surrender? Which is it? Choose." I said seeing them both scared.

Rin: "Don't joke, who wants to give up, it's better to die." Tohsaka Rin said in a loud tone and her body trembled.

Emiya Shirou, who had been silent because he didn't know the situation, suddenly became like this.

Shwazer: "Tohsaka Rin, don't you understand, you can't beat me. Look at this." Said I who immediately approached Tohsaka Rin.

I used my speed, went straight to Tohsaka Rin and choked her and lifted her up.

Tohsaka Rin did not have time to be surprised, immediately trying to escape from my strangulation.

I released her and went straight back to where I was standing, I called Enkidu Lancer and told him to come back.

When Enkidu returned, I looked at them again and said.

Shwazer: "hm... I'd better leave you alone for now, you're too weak, take your time to strengthen yourselves for when I come again." I said with a sinister smile that gave Enkidu goosebumps again.

I immediately left, and when I left they went limp especially Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin immediately sat down limply unable to move their legs again for a while.

Archer and Saber were exhausted with Enkidu, they couldn't balance Enkidu's movements with them.


Flashback [Battle of Saber, Archer and Lancer(Enkidu)]

Enkidu immediately attacked when I ordered him to face Saber and Archer, Saber and Archer were immediately in fighting mode.

Enkidu attacked with his chain in both directions, the first direction was Saber, Saber who was hit by Enkidu's chain attack could only survive and was cornered. Saber continued to retreat and could not advance.

And the second direction was Archer, where Enkidu's chain kept chasing Archer, Archer kept running back and Archer had a premonition. If he gets hit then he will lose.

Archer shot and parried Enkidu's attacks, Enkidu just stood still and let the chain attack.

Enkidu had been standing still for 10 minutes but nothing happened, feeling bored Enkidu immediately attacked Archer.

Enkidu's chain is still attacking Archer from the front, but suddenly Enkidu is already behind Archer.

Archer: "Since when have you been-." Archer said not until the words were finished.

Already kicked by Enkidu in the air, after kicking Archer, Enkidu appeared in front of Saber and attacked him with fists.

Saber felt someone approaching and continued to increase her defense, when increasing her defense suddenly Enkidu was already in front of Saber.

Enkidu punched Saber in the stomach, but was successfully blocked by Saber, but Saber was thrown back even though his attack had been blocked.

Then Archer and Saber agreed to work together to fight Enkidu, Archer attacked long and close range to attack Enkidu and took turns Saber attacking close range when Archer attacked long distance.

Even so, but still can't because Enkidu is too agile and fast to dodge or parry the attacks of Archer and Saber.

After fighting for more than 20 minutes, I summoned Enkidu back and at that moment Archer and Saber went limp.

Flashback End


At this time I was already in a tall building in Fuyuki city, I was thinking of visiting Illya, but I stopped it because there was still plenty of time.

I went straight back home, walking the city streets, as I walked I felt a familiar sense of existence.

When I wanted to see, apparently Illya was walking with his Servant Berserker, I thought 'this is too fast to meet Illya' when I thought like that suddenly.

Enkidu: "Masutā, why is Masutā silent, is Masuta thinking about something?" Said Enkidu who looked at me in surprise.

I realized and replied to Enkidu's words, but before that Illya suddenly appeared and hugged me.

Illya: "Nii-San, finally meeting Nii-San, hehe. Illya misses Nii-San." Illya said happily.

I, who woke up from my thoughts, finally replied to Illya's words, but before that Enkidu attacked Illya, but in an instant Berserker protected Illya.

I who saw that was surprised and said to Enkidu.

Shwazer: "Enkidu! Stop. Don't attack him." I gave Enkidu an order.

Enkidu: "Masuta..." Enkidu said in surprise.

I walked forward towards Illya, when I reached Illya, I stroked his head gently.

Shwazer: "Sorry Illya, Nii-San didn't mean it like that." I said with a smile.

Illya, who heard my apology, smiled and hugged me back.

Illya: "hmm..." Illya said shaking his head.

Illya: "Nii-San is not wrong, it's Illya's fault, Illya already knew that if Illya joined Seihai Sensō it would be like this." Illya said still hugging me.

Illya who was still hugging me, I stroked his head too and said to Illya.

Shwazer: "Illya, maybe this is a bit too soon, but would Illya like to come with Nii- San for a while?" I said asking Illya.

Illya: "Where is Nii-San going? But, Illya will always come with Nii-San." Said Illya who didn't want to let go of me.

Shwazer: "Come to Nii-San's house, and there's something Nii-san wants to show Illya." Said I who was already separated from Illya's embrace.

Illya looked at me seriously, and Illya said 'Hm.' While nodding which means yes.

When I got Illya's approval, I held Illya's hand and went home in my dimension.

As I opened the portal to the house in my dimension, I could see that Berserker was a little surprised.

When it was fully open, I, Illya, Enkidu and Berserker entered.

What was soon seen was a house... no a palace made of pure diamonds made of enormous magic energy.

When Illya and Berserker entered, Illya and Berserker were surprised, because here there was a lot of abundant and pure magic energy again.

When looking like that, I opened the conversation first and said.

Shwazer: "Welcome, to the Varmillion residence. Kawaii Imouto and her Servant." I said loudly to wake Illya up.

The Berserker from earlier was already awake, and looking around, whether there was any danger or not.

Shwazer: "Berserker, you don't need to be that vigilant, why would I hurt my Kawaii Imouto." I said to Berserker.

Berserker who heard my words immediately, Berserker immediately looked at me seriously and confirmed whether I was lying or not.

When he had finished looking at me and had confirmed that I was not lying, Berserker lowered his guard.

I who saw that just smiled, earning the trust of Berserker Heracles, who underwent a Test from the gods and earned 14 hearts (If I'm not mistaken).

After that, I entered the house or you could say the Palace, with Illya and the Berserker after-.

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