
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

Bakakeju · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs



Seihai Sensō begins.!


I have arrived at the center of Seihai Sensō with Enkidu, I plan to make a temporary base for Seihai Sensō.

Seihai Sensō's place is as usual in the city of Fuyuki, and as usual it always starts at night.

I arrived in the afternoon and bought a small house as a temporary base, then I modified the house inside.

Inside there is a very large underground room, with ancient technology and magic runes, Enkidu and I lived in that house during Seihai Sensō.

After everything was finished, I asked Enkidu.

Shwazer: "ne Enkidu, there is something you want to see?" I said asking Enkidu, Enkidu answered.

Enkidu: "hm.. no Masutā." Enkidu said shaking his head.

[*Masutā is a Master in Japanese.*]

Shwazer: "um... fine, if that's what you want." I said looking at Enkidu suspiciously.

I went from the living room to the bathroom, there are two bathrooms, one for men and one for women.

I enjoyed this bath in a relaxed manner while waiting for night to fall, when I was about to close my eyes there was the sound of the door opening.

I saw who it was, it turned out that Enkidu had entered the men's bath carrying a towel and a circle-shaped spear made of wood. I asked Enkidu.

Shwazer: "Enkidu... why did you enter the men's bathing room?" I asked Enkidu.

Enkidu, who heard me, immediately put on an embarrassed expression and answered slowly.

Enkidu: "Masutā, can't you?" Said Enkidu who answered the question with a question.

Shwazer: "Hahhh.... Haik Haik." I just said resignedly.

While being silent for a few minutes after Enkidu entered the hot spring pool with me, Enkidu suddenly spoke.

Enkidu: "Ma... Masutā... that question, I just want to be close to Masutā." Enkidu said with a very red face.

I heard that directly from Enkidu's mouth, I went straight to Enkidu and hugged him and I whispered to him 'Enkidu, it's okay if you want to be close to me, but you shouldn't force yourself. You have to relax, you can't be stiff like that, you know.' I said in a whisper to Enkidu.

And I continued saying to Enkidu 'after all you are close to me Enkidu.' I said and I put my arms around Enkidu's shoulders and suddenly pushed him forward, I immediately kissed him.

I kissed him Enkidu, Enkidu's and my tongues pulled towards each other, after 4 minutes I pulled out and said to Enkidu

Shwazer: "na.. Enkidu, don't be so stiff and relax." I said to Enkidu.

Enkidu immediately said to me by bowing his head down.

Enkidu: "Ma... Masutā, was that the first kiss?" Enkidu asked curiously and kept his head lowered.

I saw Enkidu still bowing his head down, I immediately grabbed Enkidu's head and forced him to look forward and I answered Enkidu's question.

Shwazer: "no, that wasn't my first kiss Enkidu, but you don't need to be sad because I am still by my family's side including you Enkidu." I said to Enkidu with my smile.

Enkidu didn't reply but just nodded with a red face, I knew that Enkidu was happy but I just let it go and continued enjoying this bath.



Seihai Sensō 5th First Day Begins.!

I told Enkidu to guard around the house, while I got ready to go out.

When I was done with the preparations, I went out and called Enkidu to walk with me.

After Enkidu arrived, I immediately walked followed by Enkidu behind me. I walked along the streets of Fuyuki city.

I continued walking and went to where Emiya Shirou was, when I arrived at his school I saw Emiya Shirou still at his school and wanted to go home.

I just looked at it on the roof of the school on this beautiful night, I thought on this beautiful night someone was bathed in blood.

For a moment thinking like that, I immediately felt the aura of someone's presence, that someone was Tohsaka Rin.

Tohsaka Rin was with her Archer while fighting Lancer, namely Cú Chulainn, when I saw it I was immediately amazed.

That's because I've officially registered from the 5th Seihai Sensō, but there are more than seven more? that's what really surprised me.

I immediately used 'Eye Magic' to see all of Japan and counted how many Servants participated in Seihai Sensō, in a moment I saw.

In total, there are 8 more Servants, gosh, but who cares because it would be fun if there were more.

Enkidu who saw my smile immediately got goosebumps, because from Enkidu's eyes it looked like a smile that would be satisfied like a devil who saw his prey.

Enkidu: "Masuta, Masutā don't smile like that, it scares me." Said Enkidu who openly said that to me.

Shwazer: "ehh... ahh.. Haik Haik, sorry Enkidu." I said, realizing my own world.

Enkidu just smiled gently when I apologized to him, I continued watching Archer and Lancer fight.

As the story goes, Emiya Shirou saw the fight and was immediately targeted by Lancer.

Emiya immediately went straight into the school from fear and ran down the school corridor, while Emiya Shirou was panting from running, Emiva Shirou rested for a while.

Before he could stop, Lancer was in front of his eyes and stabbed towards Emiya Shirou's heart, after stabbing and being sure that Emiya Shirou was dead.

Lancer left quickly, after Lancer left, it wasn't long before Tohsaka Rin saw Emiya Shirou lying on the floor in the school corridor and bleeding.

Tohsaka Rin doesn't believe that Emiya Shirou is dead, and tries to find a way to treat him.

As the story goes, Tohsaka Rin takes out her gem and treats Emiya Shirou.

After recovering, Tohsaka Rin left school and chased Lancer, Emiya Shirou woke up from his faint when Tohsaka Rin had left a few minutes ago.

After waking up Emiya Shirou checked his body and thought 'wasn't I dead earlier.' He said in his heart confused.

After thinking Emiya Shirou saw a gem, and remembered what had happened.

After remembering it but still vaguely, Emiya Shirou took his gem and went out of school and walked back home.

I continued following him and Enkidu was curious as to why I was following the child, and asked me.

Enkidu: "Masutä, why is Masută following him, is there a problem with him?" Enkidu asked curiously.

Shwazer: "I will appear in a few moments, when three Servants gather in one place." I said answering Enkidu's question.

Enkidu who heard what I said was surprised, why did I appear when there were three Servants in one place? And why do I know there will be three Servants appearing in one place?

I saw that Enkidu was confused, but I just let it be that it was better to look directly than to listen.

When I arrived at Emiya Shirou's house, I followed him, I immediately sat on the roof and waited for Emiya Shirou to call Saber.

But before that, Lancer immediately came and chased Emiya Shirou, instead Emiya Shirou ran and entered the house while looking for items to defend against Lancer's attack.

When he found items to survive, Emiya Shirou immediately used his 'Strengthening' Magic to repel Lancer's attack.

Emiya Shirou fends off Lancer's attack and runs away from Lancer, ending up in a messy warehouse.

When he entered the warehouse, Emiya Shirou was immediately knocked out and went straight in. Sit down and walk backwards while scared.

Emiya Shirou accidentally touched the magic circle to summon a saber, and I thought 'with this there are 8 Servants' while thinking like that.

Immediately the magic circle glowed and formed the body of a woman wearing blue and white armor, it was Saber or Artoria Pendragon.

Saber immediately lunged at Lancer and attacked him, Lancer immediately stepped back slightly while parrying Saber's attack.

On the other hand, Tohsaka Rin came running in a hurry, and saw Lancer and Saber fighting.

Tohsaka Rin who saw this immediately told Archer to help Saber, I thought 'isn't this a bit of a change from the storyline' after Archer arrived.

Archer immediately lunged to help Saber, and after that Lancer, who was facing the two Servants, was immediately cornered.

I saw Lancer was about to run away, I immediately prevented Lancer from running away and immediately-