
Fate: The Observer

I died and it was very dark. Suddenly the room became a deep purple color and changed again to a deep orange color, the room kept changing within 3 hours. I also don't know how long it took. And finally the room stopped changing colors and remained rainbow-colored but not seven colors but more than seven. I heard the voices of four people and the four people appeared and gave me three requests, each claiming to be a being higher than god. However, if you feel impatient, you can check the link below https://www.patreon.com/bakakeju

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After that, I entered the house or you could say the Palace, with Illya and her Berserker after which I took Illya to the large living room.

Illya was impatient and his heart was beating fast, Illya thought that I would give him a surprise gift like 10 years ago on his birthday.

But actually I wanted to see Illya's reaction that her Oka-san was still alive, so before I showed Illya that Irisviel was still alive I asked Illya.

Shwazer: "Illya, this is just a simile, if Illya's Oka-sannya was still alive... would Illya be happy." I said asking Illya suddenly.

Illya: "ehh?" Illya said as if he'd misheard.

I who saw Illya was confused could only let out a small breath, and I asked again.

Shwazer: "This is just a parable Illya, if-." My words were cut off by Illya.

Illya: "Of course Nii-san, a.. aa.. I want to see Oka-san again. Hiks.. hiks." Illya said while crying remembering that Illya was left at the Einzbern residence.

I who saw Illya crying, I brought Illya closer to me, and Illya cried on my chest, I kept rubbing Illya's head while Illya stopped crying.

When 2 minutes passed, Illya had stopped crying, Illya smiled at me and asked me.

Illya: "What's wrong Nii-san." Illya said questioningly to me with a slight tilt of her head.

When Illya asked me that, I just thought about expressing it.

Shwazer: "hmm... etto... actually, Illya. Oka-san Illya is still alive." I nervously said.

'What the hell, why am I even nervous in a situation like this, this is bad, this is very bad ahh....." I said in my mind saying irregularly.

When Illya heard what I said about his Oka being alive, Illya's eyes immediately lit up.

With full of hope to see his Oka again, and Illya fully trusts me.

Gosh, I didn't expect Illya to fully trust me. I really don't understand women's feelings.

When Illya was like that, looking at me with shining eyes. I snapped my fingers and out came Irisviel, right in front of Illya.

Irisviel and Illya look at each other, after a few seconds later. Iris and Illya hugged each other and cried.

And expressed the feelings that they both had been suppressing all this time.

Irisviel: "Illya... Oka-san kagen with you, Hiks... Hiks... the end... I can finally meet my daughter again." Irisviel said happily while hugging Illya.

It was a touching scene at least, at least for the two of them. But I felt nothing, yes nothing.

Just like before, it still feels empty, very empty, nothing has changed about me. It's so ridiculous.

I saw the two of them hugging and fending off each other because they missed each other, I thought about leaving them alone for a while.

But just as I was about to leave, Illya immediately pulled the hem of my shirt out. I looked back slightly.

Illya: "Nii-san... no." Illya said shaking his head.

Illya: "Onii-san, thank you." Illya said with a very sincere and kawaii smile.

I, who had turned my head slightly, only returned Illya's smile. And I immediately left and let the two of them reunite first.

I returned again to the battlefield of Seihai Senso, and I left everything to Enkidu. But I gave an order to Enkidu.

Shwazer: "Enkidu, I leave everything to you in this Seihai Sensö, but... don't overextend yourself and don't be careless and also don't let your guard down. One more thing, win!" I said to Enkidu.

Enkidu: "Haik. But why did Masutā hand it over to me?" Asked Enkidu who was suddenly surprised.

Shwazer: "Take it easy Enkidu, I'm also watching you from afar, I left it to you because I trust you En-chan." I said while shortening his name to (Chan).

When I called Enkidu En- chan, for some reason Enkidu's face turned red and he left immediately.

Well, I know too, but what effect does calling En-chan have on Enkidu. That's what I'm asking.

After Enkidu left, I also went to observe the [Universe]. Why am I observing the Universe? It's because Eva told me that if I want to go to another anime world.

And bring Servants or other characters from the fate anime, it must use the Universe path. That's why I watched and confirmed whether the universe route was safe or not.

Right now I'm already in the Universe and looking for the Universe route, but I've been looking for it for hours, still can't find it.

It's hard, very hard to find the universe path. I really can't see anything but planets, stars, asteroids and particles in the universe.

Really, it's very difficult. I asked Eva a few times, but she said that I should search carefully and that this could also be my training for my vision to become more precise.

Eva really doesn't shy away from training, Eva also said that the portal to the [Universe Path] is very small. Smaller than a Planaria or a Microbe Microorganism).

I spent hours in the universe just observing and looking for the universe path, which is smaller than Planaria or Microbes.

Just imagine that it must be very small, very very very very small. To the point where I wanted to protest to Eva.

Eva, who saw me stressed and upset, just laughed, it seems that Eva is happy to see me like this, huh?

Well... I finally gave up, and I left everything to myself the next day.

I returned to my temporary home, and slept in a room that had been coated with a protective layer (Absolute Barrier). I've also created a new skill.

There were 5 new skills that I created. Using [Full Imagination Creation], the skills I created were.

[The Strom of the Universe]

[Absolute Perfection]

[Highest Throne]

[Full Control of Fate]


The five skills I created... it seems that I created with the power of my [Full Imagination Creation] but I also felt 5 times the death that exceeded the death that came to me.

I was just thinking, if I keep using that ability. Then I will go crazy, because of the deep pain.

Well, here I will also explain my five new skills, because of that I also got stronger.

Maybe in the anime world I want to visit no one can fight me, I also think being the (Protagonist) is boring.

So when I get to the next world, maybe I'll become the (Antagonist) of the evil cast.

Back to discussing my five new skills.

1. [The Strom of the Universe]

The Strom of the Universe is a skill that will create a storm in general, but the difference is inside. Inside there are many planets ... not only planets but also the Sun, Moon, stars and others in the universe.

The storm I can control can shrink like a storm in general in the world, but if you look from outside the storm already looks different, which is colorful. And I can control the storm so that it doesn't destroy the world. The minimum size of the storm is like a general storm in the world, the maximum size of the storm is larger than [UY Scuti or the Greatest Star.

If UY Scuti is compared to the sun, UY Scuti is 1,700 times bigger than the sun. So The Strom of the Universe is probably 3,300 times bigger than UY Scuti. (Imagine it yourself). Skills are (Active)

2. [Absolute Perfection]

Absolute Perfection is a skill that makes the user perfect, be it the body, face, or what is inside the user. In other words (Perfection). Skill is (Passive)

3. [Highest Throne]

Highest Throne is a skill that will bring up (Highest Throne) where the user wants to sit, whether it's anywhere or anytime. If the user wants to sit then the Throne appears. Skill is (Active)

4. [Full Control of Fate] Full Control of Fate is a skill that can control or manipulate (Fate), anyone's destiny if it has been targeted by the skill user. Then the destiny of the person who has been targeted will change his destiny. Whether it's good or bad destiny. Skill nature (Active)

5. [???]
