

A fan fiction of Fate/Stay Night. A man was chosen to sacrifice himself to save the world. He was a criminal, but he accepted his fate, and he died. But his fate was not just that, his fate was much bigger. He will become someone that everyone fear and respect, and he will annihilate everyone that gets in his way. The greediest, the cruelest, the ruthless. A man, a warrior... a king. --------- Well, read it to know more of his adventures. I am not a good writer and English is not my native language. But right now I have a lot of time to spend, so here I am... Putting my fantasies in words. Thanks for Reading!~ Support me here! For extra monthly chapters. http://bit.ly/fate-rebirth-pa Copyright: I don't own anything in this novel, except the MC.

Zaelum · Others
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43 Chs

Chapter 5: "The Beginning"


Shirou was cleaning the room while Sakura was cooking in the kitchen, both of them, talking as a newly weds.

As I enter, both of them look at me with a slightly embarrassed expression, and Shirou said.

Shirou: " Oh, Ni-chan, welcome back, you came early."

Kyomu: "Heee, so you want me to come later... what were you planning to do....? Shirou... I don't remember rising you like that!, if you plan to do "that" at least go to your room!" I said with a serious expression, but with a big teasing smile.

Both of them began to panic and with a face completely red, Shirou said.

Shirou: "Ni-chan!! please, stop teasing us like that..." Shirou said almost with a tear in his eyes.

Kyomu: "Sorry, sorry~~~" I said laughing.

... after a few minutes. We began to chat, and Taiga-neesan come back.

Taiga: "~sniff~~~ What a nice smell~~~" She said as quickly run to the kitchen, and search for food.

Kyomu: "Taiga-neesan, wait for the food in the table... and don't bother Sakura." I said as I am using my phone.

Taiga: "Hai~~~" She said as she sits waiting for dinner.

She is always mischievous, but when I order her she always does it without making problems.


Maybe I should... ~pervert drolling~

... ~dinner~


After dinner, Shirou took Sakura home. And I went to my room.

I left the light off and sit at the edge of the window.


Kyomu: " Tomorrow..." Tomorrow a lot will happen... Let's review my strength.

First, my magic circuits, a normal magus, have about 20 of them, and each one normally has an input of 50 to 150 units of magic energy.

A normal human being, at least one in a thousand has one magic circuit. With all my years of <Devouring>, I got 200 magic circuits, that is an enormous amount, even Rin only has inborn 40 magic circuits and 30 inherited, but she has a max. input of a thousand that make her a genius magician.

My input is 500 units of magical energy, so in total I can weld 10000 units. It can compare me to a normal <Servant>, but against <Saber>, I am still weak noob, after all she has a <Dragon Core>.

And if I have to give myself a Rank for my magic circuits it will be C, and Rin will be D.


Second, my body constitution, thanks to <Devour> I was able to take the strength of people. But It was hard to find the right target, and after a while I wasn't able to get nothing, maybe because they're too weak. But even so, I am strong enough to compare with a <Servant>.

Let's make a resume of my parameters.

<Emiya Kyomu>

Strength: B

Endurance: B

Agility: B

Mana: C


NP: None

That will make my parameters, but even if I have good stats... I have none skills and noble phantasm. I only have my "cheat" skill <Devour>. But I need to defeat them first to be able to use it against them.


Kyomu: "But, what about the weapons...?" If... if this work... ~grin~


Maybe it would be hard if I would fight alone, but I won't so, if I am careful, it will be okay.


Let's go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.

~Next Day~


Shirou: "Ni-chan, Are you going to stay in home?." Shirou said a little angry.

Shirou always piss me off, saying that I am a lazy bum.

Kyomu: "Yep, I am sleepy." I said while I rub my n*ts.

Shirou look at me like he was seeing a piece of trash in the side road.

Shirou: "Then I will go, see ya later."

Kyomu: " Have a good day~~ "


Well, everything will begin in the night, so I don't have to worry.


Poor Shirou, today he will stabbed in the heart... Ha~, as a brother, I should stop it. But I can't, if I do it may be the history will change, and I really don't want that. Also, he has to realize a lot of things about the past. And a fight to death is always the quickest way to find solutions to past traumas. That is my opinion. A wicked one. teehee~

But I don't have to worry, because Rin will save him.

Um~Um~ I like easy things~

Now, let's go back to sleep.



I woke up and got ready; I wear black boots, black pants, a white t-shirt and a black hoodie.

I got out of the house to go to a restaurant close by.

After 20 minutes, I reach there and eat.

~after a few hours~

It's already dark, as I walk past a few streets I become one with the night and disappear from the street, as a ghost.


I see Shirou, barely walking across the street, like a leaf in the wind. With a big mark of blood in his heart. I see him as he reaches home. And sit on the floor. And ready to intervene if is necessary.

A few seconds later, and I see <Lance> throwing himself to Shirou. And they began to talk. Well, they are probably saying the same as the anime.


And they began to fight; well, it was one sided.

As I see Shirou getting beat up by <Lancer>, my heart began to race with a fury I had never felt before. I feel that the fury, it's getting alive, as an ancient best trying to wake up... and <Devour> everything in my path.

But I have to wait... Only a few seconds more...


I see Shirou running to the warehouse... is almost over.


I see Shirou touching his chest... talking to <Lancer>, with a face that he will never accept his fate.

Yes, Shirou, that's the way... If you see something that you don't like it, change it!, with power, everything is possible. Be yourself… Unleash everything in your heart… Don't hold back anything.


And a blue light fill the warehouse as I see a new person in there.

A blonde woman, wielding an invisible weapon.

A prideful, elegant knight… no, a King.


Arturia Pendragon


After a few instants, I see <Saber> and <Lancer> fighting.

A good fight.

She charges to him with her sword against <Lancer> and exchanges blows with him.

They have almost the same strength, probably by the lack of magic that Shirou can't provide.

But still she got the high ground, because her sword is invisible, and <Lancer> can't see the length of the weapon, that should make him incapable to judge how to attack and defend.

Her <Hougu>, it's amazing. The sword, Excalibur. I really want it, but, between the sword, and her... hahaha... I want her!.

As they continue to fight, <Lancer> began to talk about the <Hougu>. And probably some bullsh*it... I don't really understand why the f... they talk too much... maybe is my fault for not having any patience.


As they finish talking, the lance of <Lancer> began to emit a red light, almost, yeah... it look like bloodlust... one of the best lances of the world. A pretty nice <Hougu>... A lance that goes against fate itself, capable of changing the laws of destiny. The lance that never misses, <Gae Bolg>.

As I see <Lancer> preparing his attack... I began to move.

Lancer "Eat this, Saber!. <Gae Bolg>!." As he said that a ray of red light, shot to <Saber>. And <Saber>, block it, but as that didn't happen, the attack was able to hit her. Barely , she dodges it only to get stabbed in the shoulder.

And <Lancer> said with an angry expression.

Lancer: "You dodge it! Saber!!" And he as nothing has happened said. "Well, as you got to know how I am, this will begin to get hard, hahaha."

Child of the Light, Child of Ireland, Cú Chulainn, that's him.

As he laughs, he said.

Lancer: "My Master said that as you <Saber> dodge my lance, I have to retreat, so I am going" He said without looking back.

And before <Saber> manage to said something. I intervene.

I appear in front of <Lancer>, with a sword, in my hand, this is a sword I made in these years of training, it's nothing special, a short sword, with a white blade, and a wood handle. I made it with my heart so, I like this sword; I call her, <Lune> (https://ibb.co/tXdpXk3).

And I said to him, with a cold and deathly expression.

Kyomu: " That's not your call, <Lancer>, you're already here. At least leave your body behind" I said with my eyes filled with bloodlust.


Last one for today.

Also, a small announcement about my schedule.

As I am in home, doing nothing, no job, no life. I will do 3 chapters daily.

2 of them will be uploaded here, and 1 in my page, as I need some pocket money to eat, I would like to do it that way.

I don't really want to set a patre-on because I feel like I am stepping out of my limits, so, yeah. The only thing I would ask is to put off the AdBlock. For an extra chapter that everyone will be able to read.

That way I feel better. It's not like I write enough good to make people want to donate me

Tell me if you fell uncomfortable, or your honest opinion about this.

Thanks for reading. See ya!


Thanks for reading.~~

Zaelumcreators' thoughts