

A fan fiction of Fate/Stay Night. A man was chosen to sacrifice himself to save the world. He was a criminal, but he accepted his fate, and he died. But his fate was not just that, his fate was much bigger. He will become someone that everyone fear and respect, and he will annihilate everyone that gets in his way. The greediest, the cruelest, the ruthless. A man, a warrior... a king. --------- Well, read it to know more of his adventures. I am not a good writer and English is not my native language. But right now I have a lot of time to spend, so here I am... Putting my fantasies in words. Thanks for Reading!~ Support me here! For extra monthly chapters. http://bit.ly/fate-rebirth-pa Copyright: I don't own anything in this novel, except the MC.

Zaelum · Others
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43 Chs

Chapter 4: " Amore "

As when we enter a class, I normally sit beside Rin. I don't know who sit here, but I don't give a single F*ck... and began to talk to Rin.

Why just talk about daily things, and about us. Also, she asked me about what I do when I wasn't in class. And I said.

Kyomu: "What I do when I don't come to class?... Well... In the day I am a normal student, but sometimes I am... I am a Hero!" I said with a Jojo type pose (https://ibb.co/sCTcY8T).


... And Rin began to laugh...

... this... is... I thought it would be more cool. ~blush~

Rin: " Hahahaha, what with that stupid pose!, ahahhaha, and a Hero, hahahaha at least make a more believable lie, haahaha" Rin said with... f*ck this is will leave me a mental scar...

Kyomu: "Stop laughing Okay, I was joking!... stop laughing!!!" After I said that she began to calm down.

And we began to talk about normal things, about what we like and dislike, about hobbies and things like that.

Obviously, she didn't talk about her being a magician, after all we just get together...

Maybe, that's why she has at slightly melancholic expression in hers eyes, after all I am a "normal person", a commoner with no magic.

Maybe she thinks that we will have to separate, or that we are not compatible, no, probably she thinks that we are from different worlds.

After a good talk, class began.


Time to time she looks to my side and quickly gets aways. cute!~

But, really, I don't know why she falls in love with me... I am not that handsome, like a 8 of 10. I am a genius, but I didn't really show it, and most likely ninety percent of the students don't know me.

Only the few times I came to school, I see her from the distance, of course I know that she was looking me for something, I thought that she was looking me because I was an Emiya... and I look at her because she was lovely...

She is beautiful... and I want to make her mine... as a primal instinct... maybe is my Origin... but I don't hate it.


I should ask her later what he like about me...


~After a few hours~

We got lunch together. And talk like a lovely couple...


Kyomu: " Rin, can I ask you a question?" I said with a normal expression.

And Rin slightly irritated said to me.

Rin: " Why that formal, are you shy?." She said with a teasing smile.

Kyomu: " Ah, no, no, I was just thinking what made you fall in love with me" I said with a loud voice, and yes there a lot of students close to us, as why are in the school cafeteria.

And Rin got all flushed. lol.

Rin: "W-W-What are you saying?" She said standing a trying to cover my mouth.

Kyomu: "Hahaha, Rin you're so cute~~~" I said with a teasing smile.

She put her head in the table and covered it with his hand.


After a few minutes, she got up and looked at me with a demon expression.

Kyomu: " Don't look me like that... the true is that I am intrigued... I want to know." I said with a serious expression, but with love filling my eyes. I am so cool~.


Rin: "I-I don't know... It was like this from the beginning... when I see you, I just... couldn't stop it... I just fall... It's your fault for being a Casanova!!!, you always look at me, and smile at me... and... and... arghh!!... that how is it, are you happy!!!!" She said all of this with an expression filled with love, holy... molly... so this is love... T.T ... God, thanks you!.

Rin: "And you!!! how do you fall in love with me!!?, tell me!" She said demanding an answer.

Kyomu: "Rin, have you see me, looking another woman, with the same expression as I see you?" I ask her as I look at her eyes.

And Rin shocked, hide her face with her hair, and slowly said no with her head.

Kyomu: " Rin, I am not a good person... no, probably I am evil... but still, I will always be true to my feelings, and I won't hide them... because they are what I am... so I can say to you, with all my heart... I love you." I said with a serious expression and my heart filled with love.

I will never lose myself again. This is how I am.

As I said that Rin, look me direct to the eyes, and tear began to sprout from her eyes, tears of happiness, maybe... and she tries to say something to me but I intervene and say.

Kyomu: "Rin, I know that you have your secrets... and I have mines too... but don't worry... everything will come to light...at the right time" I said with a smile in my eyes.

As I finished talking, she cleaned her tears, and she said.

Rin: " I know, I also have that feeling, I don't know why, but I can't see through you... you must have a lot of secrets!... maybe you have a few other girlfriends, isn't it!!" She said half joking half serious.

Kyomu: " Don't worry, Rin. I if have more I will tell you!!!" I said a cool face.

And Rin eyes got bigger and black marks appeared in her head, with a little amount of smoke getting out of her ears. And grinding her teeth, she said.

Rin: "Argh... you... bastard!! ....@^%^&&*$^#@$!@%#(*$... (censored)"

As she finishes beating me with words. She takes a huge breath. And with a face of "I already fall in love with you" she said.

Rin: "Ugh, I am screwed... to fall in love with this bastard..."


~After school~

As we walk together home, talk and joke. We reach her home and she said with a serious expression.

Rin: "Tomorrow… I won't come to school." She said with out expecting a question.

Kyomu: " Okay" I answer with a "I trust you" expression.

She relaxed after seeing my face.

Rin: "Then see ya later," she said as she quickly hugged me.

Kyomu: "Yeah, see ya later" I said with an expression of love... and slowly giving her a kiss.

~After a few minutes~

Tonight she will summon <Archer>, and tomorrow she won't come to school to recover her prana.

And at night...

The war...

The Holy Grail War will begin.

Kyomu: " .... Tomorrow it will begin, this will be fun!" ~excited face~ HAHAHAHHAHA~

I said with a face filled with greed and primal instinct for battle.

Thanks all of you for reading!.

Oh, and guys, have you played "ELCHRONICLE"?

Is soo goood!

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