
fate of a MAGE (Fate:stay night)

a man from a world at war is reborn in a world of magic, what happens when a man hardened by a war between supernatural is involved in the magecraft of another world

ren2345 · Others
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23 Chs

the fall of the King

near the church,

the place that was once a place of faith had been surrounded by all sides by the servants of both the factions, however, there was a clear tension between a few of the servants,

Medea was looking for an opportunity to cause an 'accident' and kill Atlanta,

just looking at her reminded Media of the times where she was forcefully bound to Jason by the fake love created by Aphrodite,

similarly, Semaris was trying to find a way to reduce the fighting strength of the Blue faction, mainly focusing on the Berserker, Heracles was a really dangerous foe to fight, even for their own berserker,

while all this was going on, Kurono walked calmly into the church followed by Ruler,

he was easily able to navigate the Church thanks to Kotomine's memories, he soon arrived in front of a double door,

once he opened the door, he was greeted with a smirking face of Gilgamesh who completely ignored him and started staring at Ruler,

"Well, looks like you grew up eh? Saber" he said as he got off the bed and walked towards the Stoic servant, he then looked into her eyes and smirked,

"i guess you are now even more perfect to be the Queen-" before he could continue talking a fist stuck his cheek and sent him flying through the roof,

for some reason, the way Gilgamesh was acting all chummy with Ruler irked him to no end,

"looks like i might get to work out after all" he mumbled and walked out of the church, missing the small smile and small specks of pink on Rulers face,


outside the church,

the staredown between the two factions was broken when a body flew out of the Church roof and landed in front of them,

soon, Kurono calmly walked out of the church followed by Ruler who had a weird expression,

"Damn you Mongrel, Do you not know who you-" before he could continue speaking the servants nearby had already activated their noble phantasms,

Hercules was the first to attack followed by Frankenstein's monster,

Gilgamesh blocked both of them using Enkidu,

but before he could say anymore, Iskandar activated his Reality marble and pulled in everyone

"do you remember this place Archer?" he called out, but Gilgamesh was in no place to answer as he was being attacked by both the lancers at the same time,

Cú Chulainn was angry at Gilgamesh because of his part in trying to kill his original master, Bazett, but thankfully, a strange rune that he did not recognize had saved her life and teleported her to an unknown location,

Karna, on the other hand, wanted to kill this man who was a blight to the name of a Heroic Spirit,

he who fought for the people and always did his role as a perfect servant could not accept the things that this man had done,

Suddenly, Gilgamesh was struck from behind with poison which dramatically lowered his defenses the attack was followed by EMIYA firing multiple Noble phantasms from his bow,

just as Gilgamesh was about to retaliate, he was forced to deflect three strikes at the same time, courtesy of Sasaki koujirou,

he was then barraged on both sides by the Casters who fired everything they had, just as he used his chains to attack the Caster, Medusa's chains intercepted them and allowed the Casters to flee,

suddenly everything quieted down as Gilgamesh slowly got up in time to find the reason for the silence,

two beams of energy pierced the sky of the reality marble, one blue and the other golden,



the two blasts struck the King of heroes who was thrown away like a rag doll, but suddenly, mana burst forth from him as he shouted,

"I've had enough of this!!!" one of his portals opened up behind him as he drew out a spiral-shaped sword,

"I shall offer this one strike as the ceremony of separation" he began activating his noble phantasm,

if it was allowed to strike them nothing would be left and the servants would be defeated, but Karna had an answer of his own, he began activating the weapon that was gifted to him by the king of gods, Indra himself,

"Know the mercy of the King of Gods"

Iskandar forcefully sent away the other servants so that they could stay alive,

"I speak of the beginning. Heaven and earth are divided and nothingness celebrates Creation. My Sword of Rupture rends the world apart."

Gilgamesh spoke as the energies spiraled around his sword and the sky started to shake,

"With this single strike, I shall inflict extinction," Karna said as the area around him started to burn and turn to lava,

"The vortex that turns the stars, this heavenly hell signifies the end of the eve of genesis. Subside with death!" Gilgamesh said as he began to swing his sword,

"Be reduced to cinders, Vasavi Shakti!" Karna shouted as his spear flew out with enough force to destroy a planet,

""Enuma Elish!!!" he shouted as the sword of rupture released its energy, but it was met halfway through with an equal force,

the collision between the two EX-rank Noble phantasms completely destroyed Iskandars Reality marble and killed him, but he was not the only one to die, the force from their collision had ripped apart both the legends,