
Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse.

"Why does every world that we go must be someone with Young Master syndrome is that a trend?" "I don't understand your question Young Master" "I already told you to not call me like that!" "You have guts to ignore the great me!" " Yeah Yeah I know, you will say some shit like that I'm courting death or whatever" "You are mocking me, are you courting... how do you know what I was going to say peasant?" "Cause everyone like you say the same bullshit!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own anything except some OC and barely. There is a Harem Tag for something so please don't leave hate comments in the future for that, Its on the description so save time to everyone. English it's not my first language. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a pleasant experience doing it. First World- Harry Potter Second World- High School DXD

Stuckinapileofbook · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter XXX: Some men just want to watch the world burn

"Say hi to your friend," I say to him.

He looks confused at me for a moment, but soon after he notices whom I was holding. "Pettigrew!" Sirius yells trying to grab the rat.

"Hold your horse man," I say stabbing a Black Key in his shadow.

"Why are you stopping!? He betrayed James and Lily!" He says "Because of him James and Lily are dead! I must avenge them!" He yells trying to get free but failing in the end.

His anger was more than understandable, and if we were in other circumstances, I would gladly let Sirius do whatever he wants, but sadly Pettigrew hasn't fulfilled his role. "So, you want to kill your only ticket to freedom?" I ask.

"I don't care about that; I must avenge my friends!" He yells letting his anger numb his judgment.

"Even if it means that Harry will lose the chance of having a real family?" I ask making him stop struggling. "I mean you are not his only option; maybe someone else can fulfill that role in the future, he will meet a nice girl, fall in love, and have kids of his own. But is that what Lily and James Potter would have wanted?"

With my words, Sirius looks conflicted about what to say. "I will be blunt, they are dead, and no matter what you do nothing will take them back, but Harry is alive, so instead of doing something that would not benefit anyone, you could do the right thing."

'While I feel somewhat bad doing this to him, in the books the only reason why he didn't kill Pettigrew was that Harry asked it' I throw Pettigrew in front of Sirius and unsummon the Black Key. "But at the end of the day, it's your choice," I say to him.

With [Clairvoyance (Beast)] I know that while he is enraged and REALLY wants to kill Pettigrew, he cares more about Harry.

Clenching his teeth and fists, Sirius groans in anger. "Please take him, out of my sight before I do something that I will regret." He says taking some steps back.

I take the rat once more to my Pocket Dimension 'Good, by giving him a false sense of choice and guilt-tripping him made things easier. But regardless of that, if the ministry doesn't kill him, I could always kidnap him again to end him.'

"I will take your choice as accepting my deal," I say to him with a smile on my face, even though he can't see it.

"That's right pal, so I just need to sign this weird-looking patch?" Sirius said pointing out the Geass in my hand.

"That or you could also use a drop of blood," I say half-joking passing him the Geass. "But I have a pen right here, so you don't need to-"

But my words halt as I see Sirius biting his thumb and dropping a drop of blood in the Geass sealing our deal.

"…" I deadpan at Sirius.

"…You could've said it earlier," Sirius says feeling my gaze.

"Whatever, since the deal is sealed, please go there," I say as I open a portal to one of my warehouses.

"You are not coming?" Sirius asks raising his brow.

"I still have some unfinished business here so you can get ahead. There are clean clothes there, feel free to get a decent shower. Also, there's food, don't be shy and grab some."

At this Sirius smiles. "I'll gladly take your offer. See ya, pal." Sirius says enthusiastically as he passes through the portal.

As I close the portal to my warehouse, I open another to where gramps currently is.

I look around and see that gramps took very literally my words of creating a mess as I see multiple bodies lying around, some of them being just unconscious and the majority being death missing a limb or two.

"I assume that he took your offer," Gramps says while turning himself in my direction.

"Yes, he lost control for a bit after seeing the rat, but I was quickly convinced that it was not worth it," I say.

But Gramps snorts at my words. "Ha, to think that you would say something like that."

"I know right?" I say without a hint of shame. "Anyways how were things on your side?"

"Easy as always, most of them were morons but there were some decent ones among them," Gramps replies nonchalantly. "But there was some crazy witch, that didn't stop yelling about how her "Lord" would avenge her."

"Ho? So, you met Bellatrix, what happened to her?" I ask quite curious.

"I knocked her out, as you wanted the "nastier" ones as practice dummies."

"Good, now let's get first the ones that were wrongfully locked up and petrify the ones I will use for experimentation so I can carry them in my Pocket Dimension before starting the plan's second phase."

"Understood, I'll lead the way."


July 17th of 1992. England. London. Ministry of Magic.

Kingsley Shacklebolt POV

Kingsley Shacklebolt was not having an easy day…no scratch that, he was having a terrible month. As a new terrorist group that has been acting this past month around the whole world, not that was something new in their community. Some self-entitled Wizards and Witches always think too highly about themselves and hate the International Statue of Secrecy thinking that they are "superior" to the muggles.

Death Eaters and He-who-must-not-be-named are clear examples of this and to make things worse, apparently, this new terrorist group also has its roots in Great Britain, making William Moriarty the person in charge of international affairs breathing in our shoulders, to capture them…or that was the case until a few days ago.

Apparently, most of the countries supported them as different from most of the terrorist groups, they don't go directly against the government, sure they openly mocked some of them, but nothing too serious if you take into consideration what they had done to their actual targets. The most prominent one was the annihilation of the Tepes Group from the surface of the earth in less than a day with just two of their members.

Having that kind of power, it was far better to not antagonize them, especially if they are just erasing some groups that even the government themselves consider a nuisance. It was a win situation for them, especially if they could get on their friendly side, William may not like them but he was not stupid. Our ranks had heavily shortened after the First Wizard War of our country, so antagonizing someone that can do as they like in any country will be the epitome of stupidity. Besides if they take care of the problematic groups without asking for some kind of pay, we are still on the winning side, even if lose some face.

But they are not the reason for my current headache… or at least I hope that that is the case. The reason is that now the Ministry of Magic is in chaos as many reporters started to come in hordes, asking questions to any of the personnel that was inside, even if they were not related to important matters, one could say that they are fishing trying to get a juicy new. But that was not the main problem.

"What the bloody hell is going on!" Yells Fudge who just arrived at the Ministry.

'Great' I think to myself.

"Minister, we lost contact with Azkaban," I say giving a tired sigh

At this Fudge couldn't help but frown. "Any idea of who could be the responsible party? Or do the Dementors break the agreement?"

"No idea minister. After they didn't come back at the stipulated hour, one of Director Bones' people tried to go but was stopped from doing so since any means of teleportation were blocked. So instead, they decided to send a team to a nearby area."

Fudge frowns at those words. "What about the reporters?" He asks while glaring at all the media workers, especially at Rita Skeeter.

"Apparently everyone received a letter that there was going to be a big revelation. We are still investigating the source, but they stubbornly keep their mouths shut about who send it."

"This can't be a coincidence," Fudge says with a grimace. "The time is too perfect for something like this to happen. Did the letters have some kind of clue from who sent them?"

Fudge snorts at my words. "It must be a joke from someone that has nothing better to do. Just take them out of here, and keep me informed about the situation of Azkaban."

But different from him I didn't believe that it was as simple as that, the time when they started coming and we lose contact with Azkaban was too perfectly timed to be just a coincidence, it must be something else that I am not seeing.

So, I force myself to do something that I am not proud of as I grabbed one of the journalists in the crowd and pull him back where no one will listen.

"Listen, don't do things more difficult than they already are, just give the letter and I will not have to take less than pleasant actions," I say to the man in a "friendly" tone.

But he on other hand just gave me a cocky smile. "Huh, so the Ministry is misusing its authority to do as it pleases, this is going to be good news to publish."

"Is that so? Well, good luck doing that behind the bars." I say returning him the same-looking smile that he did.

"What are you talking about?! Even if you are one of Director Bones' most trusted men there is no way that you can-"He said but I ignore his banter and interrupt him.

"Walter Monroy, a journalist of a small newspaper, but you also take some other jobs that are barely on the legal side, don't you?"

"I had not done anything illegal!" He says with annoyance.

"Well not that they say on the streets." I bluff. Honestly, I don't have anything on him but given how this kind of person operates, he most likely did something illegal.

"You are bluffing." He said with a stoic face, but with my years of experience, I could notice that he was getting nervous.

"Maybe I am or maybe I am not," I said to him. "But would you risk your freedom, for a mere letter?"

"Fine have it your way." The reporter says handing me the letter.

After handing me the letter he goes to another place as I start to read it. At first, he made mention of some of other well know events that happened in Britain and some other countries but as I keep reading he started to give some information that was not revealed to the public as it would be too problematic for the ministry that was known and finally it was just a message telling them to come to the Ministry at this hour. A plausible reason for revealing this information is to increase the veracity of the last words, as the letter was dated from 3 days ago. But what made me freeze was who allegedly signed the letter, as the name was just revealed to the upper echelons of the ministry after the meeting of the ICW.

"Get everyone out of here!" I yell to my fellow workers since regardless of what "his" intentions are, this would not end well for us. But before I could mutter any further instructions, I feel something dreadful on my back.

"Mate, you look horrible, I wonder what you were reading." A playful voice says behind me.

I hastily step away from him and turn around pointing my wand to the unknown person and once I could "see" who it was, my eyes widen.

"What's the matter? You look like you had seen Der Schattenmann." The man in front of me says with a mocking tone.

Truthfully, while I have never seen the man before me, I have no doubts about who he is. From the information shared by the members of the ICW, the description perfectly fits. Cover by a long black coat not leaving a part of his skin to be seen, and no matter from what angle you look, the is no way to see the face under the hood.

"What are you doing here, Luxu?" I ask the leader of Organization XIII

"So, you know who I am, what a surprise. To think that all the countries would share information about me so quickly, I am so flattered."

I frown at his nonchalant attitude "Stop playing around and answer the question." I say still pointing my wand at him.

Even though the countries affiliated with the ICW reached the consensus of not antagonizing Organization XIII yet we can't let him do as he pleases besides being here is not a good sign particularly if he made the effort to gather the media in one place.

"My, my, don't be impatient I was just about to do so," Luxu says still playing around. "So, I will go to the front to give the news to everyone, it was a pleasure to talk with you, see ya!" After that, he walks beside me without carrying that I was pointing my wand at him.

"Stop right there!" One of my subordinates yells at Luxu. But he acts as if he is not hearing him continue walking. "Last warning if you don't stop, I will put you down!"

"Don't be hasty Auror Brown-"But my words fell on deaf ears.

He cast the spell toward Luxu. "Desmaius!"

But Luxu just smacked down the spell with his barehand and looked towards Auror Brown. "My, my, the people from the ministry are always impatient. I will overlook this once but there will not be a second time, so please Auror Shacklebolt put a lash to your dogs."

"You damn!"

"Stop Auror Brown it's an order!" I yell at him. "Luxu you must understand that you cannot do as you please here."

"Of course, I can," Luxu says in a mocking tone. "Just watch me." And soon there was a weird and Luxu was in front of everyone the next moment.

"Hello everyone thank you for taking part of your time for coming, so I will start this conference." He says in a joyful tone "Well first of all… Azkaban is no more."

Many felt panic at his statement, and I am not an exception. As ridiculous as it sounds from what happened to the houses of some of the families in the country and from the report from the other countries, I know that they are perfectly capable of doing that. And many started to yell asking the reason why he did so and if there was any proof.

"Why you ask? Because I can." He blatantly says "What did you expect some grandiose reason behind it? Well sorry to disappoint you but no, not all my doings have a deep meaning behind them and for any proof, I am sure that the Ministry will make a statement later."

"Second I came here to expose the ineptitude and nepotism of the ministry of magic." He says with clear disgust in his voice, dropping his previous casual tone.

"Twelve years ago, this country was freed from Voldemort" He saying the name of He-who-must-not-be-named made many of the people in the crowd shake in fear.

"What? Scared of the name of a tiny man? Pathetic." He says mocking everyone present "Continuing. After his fall several individuals were sent to Azkaban, something good you may think, and I would agree on that if all the people that were sent were guilty."

'I want to refute his words yet…I don't that there is some truth behind his words.'

"Surprised? Well, is not surprising if you take into consideration that they didn't have a trial. The ministry was flooding with people that were apparently on the side of the V-guy …wait that sounded weird…. whatever he most likely is."

"So, they thought it was a "brilliant" idea to send them directly to Azkaban without a trial. Sure, many of them were guilty but…there were also many who were innocent, 54 that I know, and who knows home many more were innocent after all there were some that perished in that god-forsaken place." Luxu says with…a sorrowful tone?

"Stop messing with us!" One of the ministry employees says indignantly "There is no way that the Ministry would do a thing like that!"

"Do you have any proof?" Many people yell.

"That's right, there is no way that you can prove something like that!"

Luxu snort at their questions. "You are right, you don't have a reason to believe me, as a matter of fact, I don't even have solid evidence for 53 of those people."

"You see! He is just lying to make everyone do to his -."

"However, I have evidence for one of those cases, someone that everyone here perfectly knows."

"And whom that person could be?"

"Sirius Black," Luxu says cheerfully. He surely likes to mess with people.

"Oh yes from your perspective he is the worst of the worst, a goddamn betrayer just like Fernand Mondego but you are yet to realize that in reality, he is like Edmond Dantes. The only crime that he committed was being so naïve." He says mockingly referring to an old muggle book.

"So, let me present to you the real perpetrator behind the murder of Lily and James Potter, as well as the murderer of 12 muggles. Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, Peter Pettigrew." He says taking a rat apparently out of nowhere.

Many of the people looked outraged for two main reasons. One was that after the war ended Peter became a symbol of loyalty and courage and even was awarded an Order Of Merlin for his sacrifice. And the fact that he showed a petrified rat made people angry.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." He says waving his hand making the rat transform into a human that he levitates so everyone can see him. The man in question has long uneven hair, wearing an old suit that has many holes in it. And even from this distance, I could see that the man was missing…. a finger. The man wasn't moving so Luxu just undid the transformation.

"This waste of "human" being that you are currently seeing is a non-registered Animagus is a coward who sold his friends because he was afraid of dying and not satisfied with just that, he had the gal to incriminate his other friend and feign his death by cutting off one of his fingers. Such a fitting thing is that his Animagus form is a rat." His disdain for Pettigrew was obvious.

Soon after many people appeared out of nowhere, many of them looking with malnutrition and health issues, they must be the "innocent" prisoners that he was talking about. And the rest of them are the Aurors who were on patrol guard duty.

"I will let him here, so you can PROPERLY investigate the case instead of doing half-ass work as you did in the past and with the rest of the people that are innocent or else…well you truly don't want to know." And after saying those words the air of the ministry became heavy, and the same dreadful feeling from before appeared again but this time many times stronger.

And it seems that I was not the only one who is affected as many of the people around were sweating cold and some even had some trouble breathing.


And with just that, the ambiance returned like it was before. "Well now that my goal has been accomplished. As a show of gratitude for coming here tonight, I will answer two questions from the press." He said nonchalantly.

He started to move his hand around as if he was looking for someone "You." He says pointing at…Rita Skeeter.


"Rita Skeeter from The Daily Prophet. Mr. Luxu as you seem to identify yourself, you and your group are known as Organization XIII had caused a lot of commotion, around the world as even if you are branded as a terrorist group, except for some countries including ours… You have yet to do anything that can be considered "bad" for the general population some even would call your actions one of a Hero, as there are many people that your organization has saved. What is your opinion about their opinion?" Rita asks surprisingly respectfully it seems that even she is not stupid enough to act like always in front of someone like Luxu.

"Hero you say. Hahahaha" Luxu starts to laugh maniacally "Huh, what a good laugh, Surely you are misunderstanding the reason behind my actions, while most of my actions align with what most people would consider "good" by no means I am a Hero. It just happens that I am not an ass that will turn a blind eye in this kind of situation, nothing more nothing less."

From his answer, I can understand that while his methods are rough, he will not create a senseless massacre, something good for us since he clearly doesn't like the British Ministry of Magic.

"Now, you," Luxu says pointing at….Oh god.

"Xenophilius Lovegood from The Quibbler magazine, by the way, your coat is fantastic is made out of Crumple-Horned Snorkack?" Xeno asks…only he would ask something like that.

"Nope, why would I use such a special creature for just a coat?" Luxu answers….wait does he also believes in that nonsense, was Xeno right about that creature?

"Perhaps you know where it can be found?" Xeno asks with a lot of hope in his eyes.

"As a matter of fact I know but maybe you want to make your question for your magazine, I will send you a letter with the information I have about the Crumple-Horned Snorkack," Luxu says with honesty…wait does it mean that Xeno's nonsense is actually real.

"Thank you, Mr. Luxu," Xeno says with a smile. "My question is if you know that the Senior Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge is in reality a Vodyanoy?"

'A what?'

"Hahahaha As much as I would love to agree with you, Vodyanoy's are male spirits, besides that wrenched woman is human… I think…You know what I am not sure." Luxu says with a mix of playfulness and seriousness.

"Oh, I see, well I need to investigate further. Thank you for your time." Xeno says respectfully.

"No problem." Luxu answers "Well that's it for today, thank you for coming here tonight, and remember to publish the truth." Luxu says somewhat seriously.

"Oh, by the way, you should ask Bartemius Crouch Senior about his son, you will find an interesting story."

'Shit of course he would dump something like this before leaving, he just wants to see the world burn.'

"Please wait!" I say aloud. "Why are you doing this, don't you realize that you will only foment panic?"

But he just snorts at my words. "You people don't need to know what my goal is, as my goals are beyond your understanding, the only thing you must know is that you must not get on my way." He says coldly before disappearing it in motes of light.

'Damn, even if I don't like him, I must admit that…Luxu got style.'


Harry Potter P.O.V

I am having the weirdest summer of my life. And that is much if you are taking into consideration that the last year, I found out that I am a Wizard.

The last year I can affirm without a doubt that, has been the most joyful year of my life.

For starters, almost a whole year far from the Dursleys, just that made it great but wasn't the only reason that made it great. Hagrid is the tallest man that I have ever seen and at first, he looked intimidating but within the first minutes of meeting him, I found out that he is just a big-hearted man, he is the first person that ever made something for me even if Dudley ended up eating it, him getting a pig's tail will be a memory that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

When I first met Ron he was kind of chill, yet after knowing that who I was, his attitude slightly changed. Not as fanatic as the people of the Leaky Cauldron but enough that it was noticeable. But with time he really calmed down, now I can say that he is one of my precious friends.

Neville while at first didn't expend too much time together as he is too shy and wanted to act as if he was invisible, but with time he got a little bit more confident with himself. And he is a great guy once you get to know him and it turns out that he almost has the same birthday, something curious.

Also, there is Hermione she was very kind to me the first time we meet each other, and it was lucky that we ended up in the same house. Sure, she sometimes can be a little bit…bossy, but there is not a hint of underhanded intentions in her words. She also loves books, like she really does, I bet that if there was not a curfew, she would have expended all her time in the library. Sadly, she had to change schools after… what Yozora would call "Dumbledore's audacity" but we are still in touch through letters and with Yozora's magic mirror.

Talking about Yozora…He is weird like super weird but not in a bad way though. Most of the time he acts kind of silly and doing some lame jokes but admittedly some of them are funny. Yet behind his silly act he is smart even smarter than Hermione something surprising if we take into consideration that most of the time, she is reading books. But Yozora does many times at the same time, reading, working out, practicing magic, martial arts training, weapon training…sometimes I wonder if he sleeps at all. But after he offered everyone to train with him, he helped me and Daphne to learn martial arts and he thought us his grandfather's specialty Bajiquan.

I as a personal matter asked him to teach me, to defend myself if the Dursley became worse after being afar this year. And Daphne…well…you would have to be blind to not notice why would she ask him or brain-dead dumb, seriously I don't want to badmouth Ron but even he who is dense noticed it. And she was not the only one as Hermione also has some kind of feelings for him, sure I will not say that as…intense as Daphne but are there, and Tracey…well I don't know.

But leaving aside Yozora's complicated life around girls, when I returned to the Dursley's house I thought that they would instantly make me do all the chores that they didn't want to do or worse…

But strange enough they did…nothing, nothing at all they were even…polite? I don't know how to express it, at first when they came for me at King Cross they didn't even say a bad word to me they didn't even call me "freak", and when they saw Yozora's grampa they were afraid of him. It seems that Ron was right on the spot that he would be as scary as him.

And once we arrived at the house the first thing, I noticed is that the cupboard was empty. They said that from now on I will be sleeping in one of Dudley's rooms. At first, I thought that Uncle Vernon would lock anything related to magic but different surprising as it is they didn't say a word about it. And after a few days, I realized that I basically could do whatever I wanted in the house. I didn't do anything outside that one could consider normal, but for me it was strange, I could even go to the other's houses without a problem.

Originally we were going to meet in Hermione's house after the first week of the vacation, but after that Daphne sent a letter asking everyone to let her be alone with him and the same happened the week after that… and since no one from the boys wanted to face her cold fury we complied with her request and decided to hang out, and surely I made a little pray for the well being of Yozora's sanity. And in those outings, Neville and I decided to celebrate our birthday the same day. Sadly Yozora couldn't go out with us since he started to travel with his grandfather, but he promised to bring some exotic candies.

I didn't talk very much with Tracey except for a few letters, but from what Blaise told us she apparently took very seriously a story that Yozora told her about a boy that trained his swordsmanship by trying to split in big rock in two…so she decided to do the same. Now I know why she and Yozora get along that well.

But now in the present time, I was about to go to Neville's house to celebrate our birthday, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley offered to take me there, and when I was returning to my bedroom after taking a shower I heard someone jumping on my bed and once I opened the door I saw something that I was familiar with, from the last year at Hogwarts.

"Harry Potter, such an honor is it." The House Elf says giving a respectful bow.

"Who are you?" I ask while I close the door.

"Dobby Sir, Dobby the house elf."

"Don't want to be rude, but I was just going to go out."

"Yes sir, Dobby understands that an important person like yourself has things to do, he just came to tell you… it's difficult, Dobby doesn't know where to begin."

Well, I would feel bad to just kick him out if he made the effort to come here. "Okay, Dobby, why don't you sit down," I say pointing to the chair beside the bed.

"Sit…sit down?" Dobby mumbles before he starts to cry.

"Dobby, sorry I didn't mean to offend you."

"Offed Dobby? Dobby has heard about your greatness sir, but Dobby has never been offered to sit down by a wizard as an equal." Dobby said while drying his tears with his "clothes".

'Right, I forgot that some house elves could be like this as not many treat them well from what I had read.' "Can't have met many decent Wizards then," I said trying to make things less tense.

"No, I haven't." After saying that he started walking to a near dresser. "That was an awful thing to say…Bad Dobby Bad." And he started to hit himself in the head with the dresser.

I quickly moved to stop him from doing so. "Dobby please, stop," I say as a grab him by his shoulders.

And after a few seconds, he finished doing so. "What was that?" I ask since I was very confused.

"Dobby had to punish himself, sir, Dobby almost spoke awfully about his family sir."

"The wizards you serve right?"

"Yes, if they ever knew that Dobby was here…" Dobby shudders after saying that "But Dobby had to come, Dobby has to protect Harry Potter, to warn him. Harry Potter must not come back to Hogwarts this year, there is a plot, a plot to make terrible things, most terrible things happen."

'Fantastic, first someone trying to steal an over 500 years stone, and now what? And while I wanted to ask him, from what I know about house elves and how he reacted when he talked about his "family", he can't say anything or else he will try to punish himself again.'

"Color me impressed Dobby, to think that your master could do anything with all the restrictions that he has." Said a voice that I was very familiar with.

"Yozora!" I turned around at the entrance of the door.

"Yo!!" Yozora said.

"How did you enter the house? Did you use magic?" I ask out of concern as it was strictly forbidden to use magic outside of Hogwarts.

"Oya, do you think that I would be capable of breaking the law?"

"Yes," I say without waiting for a second as everybody knew his disregard for rules.

"*tch* I mean I would, but this time I used the main entrance." He said nonchalantly. "But that's not the main point, Dobby don't worry about that, I will avoid anything bad happening, you may not know me but-" But this time Yozora was interrupted by an excited Dobby.

"Not knowing you Sir, how could Dobby not know an illustrious person like yourself."

"Huh?" Both Yozora and I said at the same time.

"How could you know me?" Yozora asked incredulously.

"How could Dobby not know the Heir of one of the most important families in history? Sir, Dobby is honored that you know my name."

"I know that Yozora's family is famous among some old families and the goblins, but are they also famous with house elves?" I ask.

"Yes! Many, many years ago, the Lucis-Caelum were friends of the elves, every house elf knows that." Dobby says cheerfully.

"Well, that explains some things," Yozora says awkwardly.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"From time to time when I was alone around the castle, some of the house elves looked for me and asked if I needed something or asked for a handshake. At first, I thought that they were just nice but now…"

"And you didn't find it weird that they were just like that?"

Yozora just shrugs his shoulder. "Meh, I had other things to do, but that's not the point."

"Since you know me Dobby, I can assure you that nothing bad will happen to Harry or any student from Hogwarts."

"If the Heir sir says so, Dobby don't doubt that everything will go all right," Dobby said surprisingly positively…it just makes me wonder more about Yozora's family's past.

"Thank you for your trust Dobby, also I might have a chance to help you to grant your wish," Yozora said with a smile.

"No sir, Dobby would not dare to ask something from someone like you," Dobby says a little bit down.

"Nah, don't worry about that, I just do it because I want," Yozora says waving out any of Dobby's worries. "Also if you happen to be at Hogwarts at any giving time, you can look for me to say."

"Dobby understands sir, Dobby is grateful for sir's words," Dobby said with a smile. "Dobby as to go or else master will suspect something. Please be careful Mr. Harry Potter, Mr. Lucis-Caelum."

"You can call me Yozora, there is no need to be formal," Yozora said.

"Dobby will do that Yozora sir." Said Dobby still talking formally before disappearing.

"By the way Yozora, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I came to get you," Yozora said.

"Huh? I thought that the Weasleys were going to do that, besides the party will start in 3 hours." I deadpan at Yozora.

"I know but I asked them to let me get you as I want to show you something before the party. So, get ready fast so we can go."

"What is it?"

"It's a surprise~"

I roll my eyes at Yozora's antics, but I just started to get ready as I know that he will not tell me anything.

Once I was ready he snapped his fingers and some sort of portal surrounded by some kind of diamond-shaped figures. "Yozora, what the bloody hell are you thinking if the ministry knows that you used magic."

"Easy buddy, this is my "family" magic, and it's very different from your usual kind of magic so they will not know." He says as he passes through the portal.

I let a small sigh leave my mouth as I follow him. And once passed the portal I noticed that we were inside a quite luxurious department.

"Is this your home?" I asked as I know that he was kind of rich so if he had a house like this is not that surprising.

"While gramps owns this place, this is not where I live," Yozora says. "But I take you here, as someone wants to meet you."

I raise a brow at his words. "Who?"

"Hey, kiddo do you have more of that chipotle dip?" A man says from the kitchen.

And once he saw me the man made a wide smile. "Hello pup, it's good to see you again."


Hello nice and nephews it's Uncle Author and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Sorry for not updating this week but I had a lot of problems this week at work, really big problems hahaha. So I was so stressed to write a proper chapter that it took me a lot of time to but it is around its length is around 6000 words so I think it compensates it a little bit hahaha.

But leaving aside my problems from the real world, I want to thank everyone that is reading this as for the moment I am writing the afterwords, this fanfic reached the 1.01M read and 4.2 K add to the library!!! Honestly, I almost cannot believe it haha haha sure I know that there are people with less time publishing their ff, and has a lot more ad to the library but it's a big deal for me. It makes me happy that many people are taking part of their time to read something that I am writing. So I want to thank each of you for your support so far. *The author makes a small bow*

So within talking about the story, Sirius accepted Yozora's deal, nothing too surprising I must say. But what was funny is the reaction of everyone at the ministry haha haha They have yet to know what pain *cough* *cough* I mean they now know what the little bit of Yozora/Luxu powers are. And why did he do that? Remember that Yozora likes to annoy people to death, also he doesn't like the ministry of magic at all. Besides Yozora's persona as Luxu is greatly based on MoM(Master of Masters) all Kingdom Hearts fans know what I mean and also Tobi's personality.

Also, Harry meets Dobby, I think that most of you thought that this was not going to happen after the geass/contract that Yozora made him sign. Don't think that I forgot about that, there is a way to go around it. That way it is? Wait for the next chapter to know hahaha. And also soon we are going to have the so waited meeting between Sirius and Harry.

Also, I opened a Kofi account so if anyone wants to support me it will be appreciated.

Ko - fi. com / stuckinapileofbooks (just remove the spaces)

So with anything else to say, thank you for reading this chapter, if you like this ff so far please leave a review, it will help me a lot so more people start reading it.

Also, leave a comment with your thoughts on this chapter and the ff in general, and maybe drop a stone or two hahaha (Stones are my source of POWA!!)

See you again in the next chapter.

*The author leaves the chat to sleep a little bit before going to work, even if he doesn't know if he is going to be fired*