
Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse.

"Why does every world that we go must be someone with Young Master syndrome is that a trend?" "I don't understand your question Young Master" "I already told you to not call me like that!" "You have guts to ignore the great me!" " Yeah Yeah I know, you will say some shit like that I'm courting death or whatever" "You are mocking me, are you courting... how do you know what I was going to say peasant?" "Cause everyone like you say the same bullshit!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own anything except some OC and barely. There is a Harem Tag for something so please don't leave hate comments in the future for that, Its on the description so save time to everyone. English it's not my first language. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a pleasant experience doing it. First World- Harry Potter Second World- High School DXD

Stuckinapileofbook · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter XVI: Dumbass

October 27, 1991. Headmaster Room.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting," Dumbledore said while looking at all the professors. "Professor Sprout, how is the crop of Venomous Tentacula going?"

"Everything fine so far, except for the Weasleys twins almost getting strangled… again." Said professor Sprout with some tiredness in her voice.

"Don't start talking about those kids." Professor Flitwick said while holding his glabella. "Yesterday they pranked some first-year students turning their hair pink."

"Those foolish brats never learn their lesson. A couple of days ago a caught them trying to get in my ingredient stock." Professor Snape said with some poison in his voice. "You should put a lash on those brats, Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall had some embarrassment on her face since every year since they enrolled in almost every meeting there are always complaints about them.

"Let's not get into a heated conversation, they are good kids and creative on top of that, they just have other priorities." Said Professor Dumbledore and tried to change the topic since the Weasleys are loyal supporters. "Talking about the students, there are good seeds this year?"

Professor Flitwick's eyes brightened. "Yes, Miss Granger is a wonderful student, she always participates in class and has a thirst for knowledge like no other, striving to improve every day."

"Miss Granger is the smartest witch of the first-year students I don't doubt that her future is a bright one," Professor McGonagall expressed with a wide smile on her face enjoying the fact that she can brag about a student from her house.

Professor Dumbledore nodded at the words of both professor's words thinking that she could be useful in the future if she continues like that

"There is also Mr. Hoshimura," Snape said interrupting Professor Dumbledore's thoughts. "While his behavior can be considered… eccentric to say the least, his talent for potion-making is way ahead of his peers, it is refreshing for once to teach someone that is not a dunderhead."

It was no secret for every professor that Professor Snape has favoritism for the students of his house, but he never talks about them in the meetings. This intrigued Professor Dumbledore since he was curious about Yozora but since the school year just started he didn't give him much attention besides the times he is with Harry. "Is that so Severus? Would you put him in the same position as Miss Granger?"

Snape sneered upon hearing that. "Different from Miss Know-it-all, Hoshimura uses doesn't just learn the book word by word." This comment made Professor McGonagall somewhat annoyed but decided to not comment for the moment. "He uses the books as what most of the potion books are, a guide. His critical thinking is beyond what one would expect from someone his age, and he thinks outside the box to get the best possible outcome."

"Excluding the part referring to Miss Granger." Professor Flitwick started to talk. "He is right that Mr. Hoshimura is a smart boy. He can use every charm that is taught in class in no time. A genius of his own."

"The same is on my class he has an outstanding talent for transfigurations and his learning peace makes it hard to believe that he just started to use magic a little more than a month ago." Said Professor McGonagall wishing that the boy was in her house since she has a good opinion of him.

"And what about his personality?" Dumbledore asked since his interest in the boy increased, he doesn't foolishly believe that someone can be an evil person just by the house he was sorted, and even if he could dismiss that way of thinking he wouldn't do it. Being the center of hate for the rest of the houses is a necessary evil since this unites them for a common 'enemy' is something necessary for the greater good.

Most of the professor's sweat dropped at Dumbledor's question and didn't know how to answer that but after a few seconds, Professor McGonagall was the first to talk.

"He is a good boy. "Professor McGonagall stated. "He is respectful towards most of his classmates and even gives pointers to anyone who asks him."

Professor Flitwick nodded at McGonagall's statement. "Mr. Hoshimura also makes the effort to befriend students from other houses, I had seen him talking with students from all the houses, something quite surprising for a first year since they tend to only interact with members of their own house."

"Everything that you said are wonderful things about the boy, but I sense a 'but' coming," Dumbledore commented while looking at all the professors

"As professor Snape said, he is quite eccentric." Professor McGonagall said.

"Mr. Hoshimura from time to time likes to say comments that nobody understands." Professor Flitwick continued what Professor McGonagall was saying. "At first I thought that it was a muggle thing, but even the Muggleborn students don't understand him."

"Also, he has this weird tendency to wear costumes from time to time. Usually in the great hall in eating hours." Professor Sprout said as she had seen him more than once doing that.

"Also it seems that his relationship with most of his housemates is less than ideal." Madam Pomfrey spoke for the first time.

"What do you mean Poppy?" Professor McGonagall was quite concerned since she knows that there are many blood supremacists in Slytherin and was worried that the boy is being bullied. "Has he come to the hospital wing?"

Madam Pomfrey snorted at Minerva's words "Not him, but many of his house members." She took a breath before continuing. "Since the start of the year, many students from Slytherin had come to the hospital wing every week, especially the students from senior years."

Professor Dumbledore frowned hearing Madam Pomfrey's words. "Had they stated that he is the culprit? And is that so, why haven't I been informed of this."

"No, they haven't. But I have heard some of them saying distasteful comments about Mr. Hoshimura and how they will have their revenge against him, while they thought that I wasn't hearing." Madam Pomfrey said with a frown making obvious what kind of comments the students had muttered.

"Severus, did you know about this?" Professor Dumbledore asked the Slytherin head with a stern look.

"I did not." Professor Snape bluntly stated. "Slytherin has a tradition of resolving their own problems inside the housing precinct, so no one has come to me to make a formal complaint about Mr. Hoshimura."

"Th-that would explain so-somethings." Professor Quirrell muttered with a nervous expression.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at the Professor's commentary. "What do you mean by that Quirinus."

Professor Quirrell became nervous at the stare of Professor Dumbledore's stare. "I-I have noticed that ma-many of the Slytherin students a-avoid sitting with him if possible. A-also, every time he speaks in class, all of them get unnaturally quiet as if they try to not offend him."

"Now that you are pointing it out." Professor Flitwick muttered. "The only students from his house that interact with him are Mr. Zabini, Miss Greengrass, and Miss Davis."

Professor McGonagall sighed at both professors' words. Now that they said that she started to recall all of her classes and what they say is the truth. "Poppy, what kind of wounds do the students have when they arrived at the hospital wing?"

"Nothing serious, most of them had a couple of bruises and numb limbs."

Professor Dumbledore closed his eyes and started to ponder what would the optimal course of action would be optimal. 'While he seems to have violent tendencies until now it had been only directed to Slytherin students and they were the older ones. And since there haven't been any complaints or eyewitnesses that wanted to talk about this, we cannot punish him. But at least this gives the idea that he hates the pure blood supremacist so he can be useful in the future…'

"For the moment just put some vigilance on the boy and if any of you sees any of this behavior, please send him to my office." Professor Dumbledore stated while looking at all the present people in the room.

Some of the professors didn't like this approach but since it was the headmaster's orders, they could just follow it.

'Mr. Hoshimura just what are you thinking.' Professor McGonagall thought to herself.


October 31, 1991. Room of requirements.

"Damn it, creating a spell is harder than I thought," I yelled at the complexity of my new pet project.

Gramps looked at me with some interest in his eyes. "Little Yozora, what kind of spell are you trying to create? As far as I know, you are already full of work with your secret project and your martial training."

I turned towards gramps direction with a stern look. "I am trying to fulfill a personal wish of mine."

"And that is?" Gramps asked quite curiously since I don't talk about my past before coming to this world.

I interlocked my hand like one of the worst fathers in anime history. "You may have not noticed, but I love to annoy people," I said quite seriously, and I swear that I saw gramps eyes twitching a little bit. "And when I read for the first time a cultivation novel, I discovered the greatest outcome of it became one of my goals to achieve it"

And after saying that my face turned sour. "But sadly, I discovered that my goal was a meaningless endeavor."

Gramps sighed at my words since he could feel that it was something stupid from his point of view. "And what was the reason for it?" Gramps asked just to be polite.

"You see, I discovered that people in real life…people don't puke blood when they become angry."




"Are you serious?" Gramps asked with some mook in his voice.

"Very" I replied instantly.

"Why would you want to make people puke blood?!" He asked quite confused and amused that I had that weird goal.

"Don't know I just feel the need of doing it," I said without an ounce of falsehood. "So, I am trying to create a spell that makes someone puke blood once their anger reaches a certain threshold."

"Wouldn't be easier to just make them just vomit blood?" Gramps asked trying to follow my train of thought.

A shook my head in denial. "It wouldn't be the same, if I just wanted them to puke blood, I would just punch them till they do, so I am doing this as a side project to make this dream of mine."

Gramps started to put his hand on his glabella. "Well, at least you have something to entertain yourself besides cooking."

I chuckled a little bit at gramps reaction. "Okay enough of that, let's talk about the important things," I say as I decided to drop my talk about wanting to make people puke blood out of anger. "Today there is an important event, if my existence here didn't change things enough, at dinner time today Quirrellmort will sneak a Troll into the castle to make a distraction to get the Philosopher Stone." I am not quite sure if things would follow as in the book but there is a high chance that they would since I haven't changed things very much until now.

"I assume that the reason you are saying this is not to stop him, am I right?"

"Yes, I don't think that he will get the stone. As much as I dislike Dumbledore, he is not stupid enough to make it easy to get it my problem is with Hermione."

"Why little Hermione would be the problem?" Gramps asked confused

"In the original work, Ron said some stupid things out of jealousy and made her feel bad, locking herself in the girl's bathroom on the 3rd floor, and the troll ended up there, but Harry and Ron saved her before it was too late. But I don't want to leave it to luck, so I will try to make that event not happen or at the very least give her some protection." Even if this event in the books was important to make a bridge to Harry's and Ron's friendship, I don't want to put her at risk of getting hurt or something worse.

"Understood, so what will be the course of action," Gramps asked seriously since he also was kind of fond of Hermione.

"Well for starters….."


"Now, don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practicing!" Said Professor Flitwick on top of his pile of books as usual. "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important." The professor instructed as he reminded the class of the anecdote about the wizard that ended up with a buffalo on his chest.

I look around the class and noticed that most of the students were having problems with it, Seamus, as always set something on fire and Harry did his best to put it out with his hat. 'Seriously if someone gives some fire spells to the boy, I don't doubt that Hogwarts would end up in ashes before the day ends. 'But my thoughts were interrupted as I heard a girl snap.

"It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the 'gar' nice and long." Hermione corrected the redheaded boy.

Ron frowned at her. "You do it, then, if you are so clever." Ron snarled.

Hermione rolled up the sleeves of her gown, cleared her throat, flicked her wand, and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!" And soon enough the feather started to levitate about a meter above their heads.

"Oh, well done!" cried Professor Flitwick, clapping. "Everyone see here, Miss Granger's done it!" The professor said with a big smile on his face.

I looked at Ron's expression which was an ugly one full of shame and jealousy as Hermione had done something that he couldn't do without a problem.

"Well it seems that Granger beat you today," Blaise said with a smirk on his face.

I shrug my shoulder at his comment. "I already told you that is not a competition. The important thing is to learn in class and improve, it doesn't matter who is the first one to cast the charm." I tried to explain Blaise for the tenth time but he just didn't listen to me.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you said." As always, he didn't care about what I said and tried to make the feather float.

"By the way you are doing wrong the wrist movement." I corrected Blaise with a smirk on my face.

"Not-it-all dumbass." Muttered Blaise in annoyance.

"Regular dumbass," I replied to him with a grin.



"Shut up both of you, I can't concentrate if you keep talking." Said Daphne in her regular monotone voice.

"Relax Daphne, if you keep frowning like that you will become a grandma in no time." Said Tracey trying to tease Daphne.

'Is she frowning?' Blaise and I thought internally.

"Annoying…" Muttered the blond girl.

"I can hear you; you know?" Tracey said faking a hurt expression.

"I know…" Daphne said with a barely seeing smirk.

"Yozora! Daphne is being a meanie!" Tracey cried in fake tear

Blaise and I couldn't help but laugh at them since it is always fun to look at Daphne bullying Tracey. "She is not mean; she is just honest," I said between laughs.

"I hate you Yozora!"

"How cruel!" I said in a fake distressed tone. "If you hate me that much, I won't share my food with you anymore." I cried with some fake tears.

"Yes! More food for me!" Blaise shouted in happiness.



After that, the class continued as always, and at the end of the day Hermione earned 5 points to Gryffindor for being the first one to cast the spell and I earned 3 for being second. I wanted to rush towards Hermione's side, but someone called me.

"Mr. Hoshimura please stay for a little bit, I want to have a little conversation with you." Professor Flitwick asked politely.

'shit the world really wants this event to happen.' I thought to myself.

{Gramps follow Hermione for the time being, I'll follow back after talking with the professor.}

{Understood, Little Yozora.}

Everyone leaves the classroom until only professor Flitwick and I were alone.

"So, professor Flitwick did I do something wrong?" I asked quite confused since besides talking from time to time with my friends I haven't done anything that would require the professor's attention.

Professor Flitwick shakes his hand at my question. "None whatsoever Mr. Hoshimura, on the contrary, you have been nothing but excellent in my class." The professor said with a smile on his face. "But I am worried about you?" the last part was said with a lot of concern.

"Huh?" Was the only sound that I could mutter in my confusion. "Professor Flitwick, why would you be worried about me?"

"I'll be honest with you Mr. Hoshimura. Are you being bullied?" The professor asks in a stern voice. "Believe me I know that things can be difficult for half-bloods and muggleborns, after all, I suffered the same treatment in my school days."

"Why would you think that I am a victim of bullying?" I didn't understand why he would think that, from an objective point of view, I am the one who actually is committing bullying.

"Some days ago, Madam Pomfrey told some of the professors that some Slytherin students talked about you with some… unpleasant words." The professor said with some annoyance in his voice. "But what worries us the most, is that most of them are many years older than you."

'I see… so nobody snitched on me, but they let loose their tongues complaining about me while thinking that nobody was hearing them… Damn, I knew that at some point the professors would notice it but I didn't think that it would be this soon.' I thought to myself.

"There is no problem at all professor." I tried to ensure him. "This is all a misunderstanding they just don't like me since I am muggleborn and I am 'tainting' their 'sacred' house with my presence alone."

Professor Flitwick steered directly to my eyes and I could see that he doesn't believe me, but he doesn't think that I'm a bad person just someone with problems like he was in his childhood. 'Man, you are making me feel bad for lying, but it can be helped'

After some time, the professor sighed. "Very well Mr. Hoshimura I will drop this for the moment, but if at any given time you find yourself in trouble you can approach me, after all, I wouldn't like to see a brilliant student like you in a predicament." Professor Flitwick said with a soft smile that I didn't have to have clairvoyance to know that his words were honest.

I gave him a big smile. "Thanks, professor, I assure you that I will ask you if I need help in the future, but I need to go to the next class, see you in the next class professor Flitwick," I said as I leave at fast pace.


As I leave the classroom, I started to look for Hermione, I was about to contact Gramps, but I heard a commotion nearby. I walked towards it but some students were blocking my sight, but soon enough I could see Tracey looking at the commotion.

"Tracey, what in Kazuma's name happened here?" I ask the brunette girl.

She looked at me with a complicated expression. "Potter snapped," Tracey muttered with a wry smile.

"What do you me-"

"Let me go, Neville!" Harry screamed

After hearing that. I pushed all the students and in the middle of the commotion, Harry was being held by a very nervous Neville, and a few steps away a very confused Ron looked as if he didn't understand what was going on.

"Why you tried to punch me?" A very confused Ron asked Harry.

"Why? Are you serious?!" Harry spat at Ron. "You made Hermione cry, and you have the nerve to ask why!" Said Harry with poison in his voice while trying to free himself from Neville's grasp.

'Shit I was too late.' I thought to myself.

Ron frowned at Harry's statement. "So? She must've noticed that besides you and that snake no one can stand her." Ron stated but he looked a little bit uncomfortable. "And I don't doubt that the snake is only her friend out of pity."

After those words, Harry got even angrier and started to struggle even more to free himself. "I swear to god Neville if you don't release me, I will punch you too."

If the blonde boy wasn't nervous enough before now he is shaking but he didn't want Harry to get in trouble. "Harry, calm down you are going to get in trouble. They might forbid you from playing Quidditch."

The last part made Harry hesitate a little bit and I don't blame him after all, he just discovered something that he and his late father share, so I don't blame him.

"I had enough of this shit," I said as let loose my tie.

"Wait Yozora you will get in trouble!" Tracey said with some panic in her voice as she understood what I was going to do.

I ignored her I walked towards the boys and the first one to notice my presence was Harry.

"Yozora! Tell Neville to let me go" Harry said in hope that Neville will release him.

"Yozora! Tell Harry to calm down!" Cried Neville as he was starting to get his grasp to lose.

"It's all right guys, I am going to end this stupid quarrel," I stated as I walked towards Ron's direction.

"Get out of here filthy snake this doesn't concern you." The Weasley boy spat with poison in his voice, but I ignored him and continue to walk in his direction.

I could see that he was starting to get anxious. "Don't come close to me or else-" But the boy couldn't finish whatever he was saying as I grabbed him from his tie and headbutted him.

Everyone gasped at the scene and some of the flinched in pain at the thought of being the one receiving my headbutt. Of course, I held back since as much as I was angry, I didn't want to break the kid's skull.

"Aug" Ron fell on the floor and started to complain about the pain while looking at me with hateful eyes.

"Listen on prat, I don't care if you spit shit about me any time of the day since in all honestly, I can't care less about the opinion of a stupid kid," I said in a monotonous tone. "But don't you dare to talk shit about my friends! It's not her fault that you are not only an idiot but also a lazy ass that only gets jealous of other achievements and doesn't try to improve himself."

The whole place was deadly silent, but I didn't care about it. "I don't think that you are a bad person, but you must get your shit together, so think about this as my first and only warning."

I look towards Harry, "I'll look for Hermione so don't worry." And after saying that I started to leave the place.


After Yozora left nobody said a thing as they were still surprised that they didn't even realize that Ron left the place. Some of them at the demonstration of physical violence mostly the ones from wizard families since is not a common occurrence. The students of Slytherin didn't were surprised since this was a somewhat common thing for them to see Yozora beating someone.

"Damn that was cool," Blaise said making most of the students look at him.

"You think? This was quite bland compared to what he did to Trevor McKenzie." Said Daphne in her monotonous voice.

"Who?" Asked Tracey while rising her eyebrow.

"The senior year student that Yozora slapped after he passed out," Daphne replied to the brunette.

"Oh, Dumb-face!" Tracey said after realizing who was Daphne talking about. "Yeah, that was brilliant."

"But you can't compare both situations." Blaise stated, "With Dumb-face he was just ruthless, but now he just arrived at the place and made clear who is the boss, I wouldn't be surprised if the younger Weasley becomes fearful of him."

Both girls nodded at Blaise's words but Daphne remembered something "Guys we are going to be late for Professor McGonagall's class."

Both Blaise and Tracey's eyes widened at the realization that they stood more time than they thought. "Run!" Both of them shouted at the same time running to the transfiguration classroom.


Hello everyone I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

First of all, I wanted to apologize to you guys for being unbelievable in updating this fanfic more regularly. I am really trying to make a chapter every two or three days, but it has been hard for me to keep that schedule, so I am sorry for disappointing you. But at least this chapter's word count was over 4000 words.

In less depressing matters, this fanfic reached over 1000 collections, and it almost reached 200,000 reads!! Maybe for many is not that much but I am happy that something that I did is read by that many people. So, I want to thank all of you for supporting this fanfic. *The author makes a small bow*

And with anything else to say, thanks for reading this chapter and if you like this ff, please leave a review it would help me a lot, so more people start reading it. Also, leave a comment with your thoughts and maybe drop a stone or two hahaha.

See you again in the next chapter.

Author out.

*The author is now happy that he finished the chapter but now he is worried about the next one*