
Fatal Hopes

Amber_Duhon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

"Bug, what do you mean it's wrong?" Dad asked.

"I mean its wrong. You have to rewrite the 12 and substitute it with 5 sinandthenthenumeraltotherecipricalcanalsobeaddedbutthenthedividenhastkbe3buttheansweres88duetohiwmanymelonsdanhas-" Izuku begins explaining the equation to Nezu, Aizawa and Mic.

The too parents are completely confused and amazed at how smart Izu is to be just 12 years old. Not to mention it's not even related to his quirk.

Nezu sat back in his chair, grinning like a manic. He knew the boy was smart. But smarter than him? That's outstanding.

"Well then!" Nezu clapped bringing the boy out of his mumbling trance.

"Let us talk, Eraser. Mic, if you would kindly bring Izuku to the class room to meet the class, that would be appreciated." Nezu stated pushing the two boys out the door.

As both, father and son, walk hand in hand to the class room, Izuku gets nervous. He's never showed his quirk in front of anyone besides Aaron and Mrs. May.

"P-papa?" Izu ask stopping in front of the class door and looking at Yammada. As Mic heard him say that, his heart melted. 'Papa. He called me papa.. again' Mic thought as he looked down at the boy.

"Yes bug?" He asked crouching to his level. He was waiting for Izu to say something, but instead he was meet with wings popping out the boys back.

All he could do was stare at them. They were beautiful.

"I-im sorry f-for h-hiding them." He says.

"It's okay! They look so cool to!" Hizashi says.

Hizashi was a little caught off by the sudden act, but hugged his little listener tightly. Yes, this was HIS listener. And ain't no one gonna touch him.

( If you get the reference I love you.)

"Thank you" Izuku says as he hugs back.

"Awh, your welcome bug, I love you so it's the least I canan do. Now, let's go meet 'Zawa's class, yeah?" I said wiping the tears off of Izu's face. He nodded as I stand up and take his hand in mine. He also hide his wings again. I wonder why.

As we walk in he hides behind my leg. I could tell he was nervous. Going from a rundown orphanage to a highschool over night can be scary. As we enter the whole class gets really quiet. As I'm walking to the front of this classroom I hear 'awwh's' coming from every girl in the room.

"Hello class, this is my son Izuku. If anyone one of y'all dear mess with him, you're expelled and have to deal with an angry Aizawa." Hizashi said looking in the eyes of every student.

----- Time skip to when Izuku is 15. His dad, Aizawa, put him through tough training to pass the UA exams. Even though he is recommended by Nezu himself, (which is as rare as Todoroki saying he loves his dad...) he wanted to at least try on his own.

Izuku made it clear that he wanted to beat anyone without using his wings. Aizawa trained Izuku in hand to hand combat. As the 3 years went by, Izuku could almost beat Aizawa. If he didn't use that stupid capture weapon, maybe he could.

Over the years he has grown very close to Aizawa's previous class 3-A. Now they are Pro Heros. As he is close to all the classmates, he is closest to Tamaki. Not only because of the similarities in personality (shyness) but because he's a very good person. Izuku thinks of him as a brother to say the least. And to watch him move on, it's going to break him when he moves to America with his family.

He also is closer to Neumri, Midnight, then the rest of the teachers. Well except his parents of course. Izuku would never admit it face to face, but he truly love them. He's never actually told them up front he loves them tho. He plans on doing that tomorrow tho, as it's the three year anniversary of his adoption.

-- Izuku's POV --

*Beep beep beep beep bee-*

I slam my first into the alarm blaring into my ears. Usually I wouldn't be this tired, or break my alarm clock, but dad put me through hell last night. We trained for hours apon hours because today was the entrance exams. I groan remembering all that happened.

Entrance exams.. Entrance exams!

I shot outta bed and rushed to my closet, tripping over everything known in god's creation. 'shit.shit.shit.shit'. I thought I as huridly threw on a white T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans.

I walk to the kitchen to see Papa making Pancakes, my favorite. I start to ask why he was cooking them because we only had them on special occasions like birthdays and such. But I remembered. Its the day I was adopted.

I watch as Pops takes the pancakes and puts them on 3 separate plates. I walk over and sit next to Dad, with pops in front of me. I say thank you and start eating. I summon my and Dad coffee and he instantly is in a better mood.

I decided that right now was the best time and place for me to say it, so I gathered all of my courage. I haven't told them these words yet because I wasn't ever comfortable doing so. After all, Mrs. May and Aaron we're killed in a fire last year, and they were the only ones I loved at the time.

But Papa and Dad were there for me when I was crying. They were there for me when I had panic attacks during the night. They were there for me when I was scared. They loved me, and I loved them.

"Pops, Dad... I love you." I say. I hear them drop their forks as I look down continuing to eat.