
Fatal Hopes

Amber_Duhon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

--- 3rd POV ---

The new family had just arrived at the Aizawa-Yammada household. Izuku was more then excited. He was happy he had a new family. He was sad he had to leave Mrs. May and Aaron. He was beyond excited to be living with his 2 favorite heros. For the first time in a long time, he was okay. And he was glad to be okay.

"Hey Izu?" Asked Izu as they all went in and sat down on the couch. Izuku looks around while answering. 'this house is so huge!' lil bean thought.


"Starting tomorrow, would you like to go to work with me and 'Zawa?"

I thought for a second. Work? I remember something on the news about them being teachers at a school. But I couldn't remember where.

"Uh.. n-" he stops himself from talking anymore. He remembers now. They work at U.A! 'I can meet so many Heros!' Izu thought. ' Oh! Oh and I can take notes so I'll never forget!'.

"Yes please!" He says, smiling one of his heart melting smiles. Hizashi and Aizawa couldn't help but smile back. His smile was so cute and contagious. 'this kid...' Aizawa thinks as he watches the two most important men in his life laugh. He would do anything to keep them safe.

-- fast forward to the next morning. They done showed Izu the house and to his room. ---

_______________ Aizawas POV ___________________

I am making my way to Izu's room to wake him up. I'm a little worried about taking him to class today. He doesn't do well with people, I can tell. And my class of 2nd years are very... Energetic.

I walk into Izuku's room, walking to his bed. I sighed. This kids been through some shit.

"Hey... Bug wake up" I say as I rub his shoulder. He wakes up instantly, scarying me in the process. I look at him confused as I see him look around the room. Izuku now has a small smile on his face and yawns. Oh. My. God. How cute can he be? I internally scream.

"Morning Dad" Izuku says quietly. Wait. D-dad?! He just called me dad. I smile the biggest smile I've ever been able to muster.

"Good morning Bug.. You wanna get ready?" I ask, still internally screaming.

He nods his head and looks around.

"Where's Papa?" He asked pouting. I swear with this kid. If he becomes more cute than right now (not possible) I will personally keep him to myself and snuggle him.

"He left early to go and talk with our boss. We we're going to see about you being in my class-" before I can even finish what I was saying Izuku jumps up on his bed exclaiming

"Yay! I get to help Dad teach! Dont worry Dad, if they are bad I'll set them straight!" He says pouting at himself. At this point it is apparent this kid is my new favorite person. Sorry Hizashi. This kid has grown on me in a day.

"Okay bud, you sure will. Now get dressed and meet me in the living room, yeah? I'll pack you something to eat for when we get there."

With that Izuku goes to his closet and picks through the clothes me and 'Zashi put in there the previous day. I walk out the room to the kitchen and make me, Izu, and Yammy a bento box.

"Hey Dad, Hows this look?" Izuku walks into the kitchen and does a little spin. I couldn't help but smile. He was wearing blue jeans, a white T-shirt with elbow length sleeves, and his red shoes.

"Perfect. Now come on before we're late, Bug." I say as we both head through the door and get into the car. It's only a 5 minute walk from here to U.A, but he didn't want Izuku crossing the street. He settled for driving instead.

-- Time skip to when they get to UA --

"Woah! It's so big!" Izu said as they walked towards the massive building. Izuku's reaction and the look in his eye made Aizawa smile.

"Come on, there's someone I would like you to meet" with saying that Izuku runs up beside Aizawa and grab his hand.

"Then what are we waiting for! Let's goooooo!" Izu said smiling bigger than he has evered smiled since he was little. Aizawa was shocked at this. H-he grabbed my hand? Aizawa thought as they began walking into the door of the Highschool.

They walked for a little while before going into a set of doors that lead to what looked like a office.

"Papa!" Izuku exclaimed and ran to his Papa and hugged him.

"Hey little listener" Mic said smiling and hugging back. "There is someone ide like you to meet, okay?" Mic continued as he turned Izu around to see a bear? Mouse?

"Wooaah. You look so cool! "Izuku stuck his hand out " My name's Izuku!" He said proudly.

"Hello Izuku, my name is Nezu. I am the principle here at UA." Nezu said as he shook the small boys hand. "I have heard quite a lot about you, Izuku".

"Me? I'm not that special though?" Izu replies.

"Nevermind that, would it be okay to have you explain this math problem to me?" Nezu said handing a piece of paper to Izuku. There was no way Izuku could figure this out. It took almost 2 months for Nezu to even understand it. As through all of this, his creepy grin never left his face. 'Are you really as smart as they say. Even without a quirk, Izuku Aizawa-Yammada.'

Izuku looked at the paper, looked at Nezu, then back at the paper. Izuku chuckles as he looks down, hair covering his eyes.(anime style).

"It's wrong."