
Fatal Hopes

Amber_Duhon · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

"W-what?" Pops asked.

"Nothing.." I saw through a mouth full of pancakes. Before they could say anything, I washed my plate and put it up, heading to my room.

It was 6:30 so I still had some time for a shower before I had to leave for exams.

I got in for recommendations but I decided that i wanted to take the exams. Mostly just to see how much I've improved. I know there is a lot of kids with potential, and I can't wait to see the up coming challenge.

I also heard from Pops that Kacchan, Katsuki Bakugou, will be participating. Not in my unit but he's still participating, so. All I can do is hope he passes and enters the Hero Course.

As I got into the shower, I remember that Kacchan only knew I got adopted. He didn't know where I was or whether or not he'll see me again. If he saw me at the exams or the first day, he'd probably have a mental breakdown.

Once I was finished showering I got dressed and slipped into my room. I was wearing just a regular gray hoodie and some jogging pants. I knew everyone else would be wearing the normal UA entrance exam's gym uniforms, but when have I been normal?

I took a deep breathe and tried to relax. But I couldn't with the exams, and the way I just ran off earlier, I couldn't. I slowly made my way to the door. I knew Dad and Pops where gone because it was around 7 o'clock now. The exams started at 8, so they had to be early to set up and stuff. I myself, wanted to be a little early to see Midnight. She is my favorite out of everyone their. She was like a Aunt to me.

I made my way outside, locking to door. As I was walking down the sidewalk I spotted a man with ash brown hair. Who do I know with Ash brown hair? Wait. No no no no.

"Kacchan?" I said stopping in my tracks. The blonde in front of me stopped too. I was just staring into the back of his head. I couldn't move. Neither can he.

"D-deku?" He said slowly turning around. I was gonna answer. Till I saw the look on his face. His eyes showed such sorrow and hurt. Like he was fighting to even turn around and not play it off as a dream. Like he didn't want to believe it.

By now I was crying. I didn't even realize till I started sniffling. We both just stood there in the middle of the sidewalk, staring. Not knowing what to do.

Despite the strange arura that surrounded us, I ran up to him, strangling him in a hug. As he hugged back I could tell he was crying, too. We stood there for a second not wanting to let each other go, scared that we will lose one another again.

"W-where did you fucking go? You j-just disappeared. And you didn't leave nothing behind! You damn nerd." He said, trying not to lose his 'bad boy' ego.

"I know.. I wanted to tell you but they just came and took me and left. I didn't even have time to call you or to stop at you're house or anything. But we better head to the exams before we are late." I say breaking the hug and pulling him by his arm toward the school.

"Okay. But we are talking on the way there. I wanna know everything." He said trudging along.

We talked the whole way there. We talked about school and stuff. About how I'm not using my quirk unless I have to. How he has become amazing with his and how it affected his personality. We talked about getting into class 1-A and all kinds of stuff. It was nice.

"We are here." I said not necessarily wanting to leave, but I knew we had to part. He was going to class 'C' and I was going to class 'K' for the written portions.

"Yeah." Katsuki said. "Listen you damn nerd. You better get into the Hero course, or I'll kill you. Got it?"

"I'd like to see you try, Kacchan." I said mocking him.

"Oh? Since when do you stand up for yourself, huh? At the orphanage I could literally pound you if I wanted." He said cocking an eyebrow. He knew that I was trained not to use my quirk. But what he didn't know was that it was by a Pro. He also didn't know I was Nezu's personal recommendation. But he didn't need to know that quite yet.

I just smirk and walk off toward my classroom, not even looking back. When I got there it was already full besides my desk. So I walked over and sat down, preparing for the test.

-- After the test, he was already sat down besides Bakugou, 'Kacchan'. --

I was dosing off when Pops, Present Mic, was talking until this annoying blue headed robot decided to interrupt me.

".. And you over there sleeping! You shouldn't be disrespecting the integrity of U.A. by slacking off! If you have this kind of attitude, I highly suggest you leave!" Robot said.

I see Kacchan smirking at the corner of my eye, which made me smile. I was about to say something before Mic butted in.

"Oooh buddy.. Not only did you just insult my son, but you just pissed him AND Aizawa off... Good luck listener." Pops said smiling.

"Listen here you fucking Sonic off-brand." I said, catching him off guard. "For one, shut the fuck up. For two, learn you're fucking place and who you're talking to. Third of off, why don't you sit down, let Pops finish talking, before I shove a stick so far up your ass, it would put the one your school put up there to shame, kpesh?" I said with so much venom at the end, it made Pops flinch.

I was beyond pissed right now so I didn't even care if Dad washed my mouth out with soap when we got home. I watched as Sonic off-brand sat down. I could tell he was scared shitless. And the whole auditorium at that. Except Kacchan, Pops and Aunt Midnight. They all were trying their best not to laugh right now.

-- After Pops finishes explaining --

I got up from my seat and walked to the edge of the stage with a few other students my age.

Including Four-Eyes.

" Nooow! Time for this year's recommendations!" Pops yelled. " I'm going to have you come up here one at a time, state your name and who your recommender is".

I watched as a girl with black hair pulled up in a ponytail, walked up. Pops handed her the mic.

"Hello, My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. My recommender is my family." She says. She proceeds to step back and hand the mic to a boy with half-and-half hair. He has a scar on his left eye.

"Shoto Todoroki. Endevour." He says nonchalantly. I could tell we were going to get along. He steps back as I walk on the stage. I heard gasps coming from every student.

"Izukuk Yammada-Aizawa. And my recommender is Principle Nezu." I said without any emotion and a blank face. When I heard everyone gasp. I mean everyone. Even the Pros that were there. Except the few who knew.

I spotted a yellow haired boy with a black streak blush. I smiled and looked at Kacchan, who also was blushing. Heh.

This is going to be a fun year.