
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Told you (Chapter 11)

I woke up with hand cuffs and in a strange room. The room was plain in color, with a clear see-through glass. Behind the glass I saw a row upon rows of bookshelves, and saw folded papers flying around almost everywhere. I really did not want to be here, as a....whatever I am here.

I waited for a while and got bored. "Hey, I have to go to the bathroom" I yelled at nothing, maybe someone would answer me. It only took about 10 minutes before the only door in the room opened and out walked a few people, one of them being Amber. She looked incredibly happy at my situation, but I honestly could care less about it. I knew I was human.

"So, is this the part where I introduce me or are you going to?" I said to them.

"Darius, no last name. Born August 13th of the year 1980. Appearance natural grey hair, violet eye color. Height 132 cm. subject to possibly being a new magical creature."

"Well damn, you guys know me, but I told the lady over there I am human, not a creature, just...for the records" I said to them, you are smarter than most people your age and called a magical creature. That does not.... remembering all human history, does make sense.

They looked at me, and I looked at them. I finally could not take it anymore and said.

"So, what makes you people think I am a creature."

"You are way too intelligent for your age, we went through and saw all the books and notes you wrote, also it should be noted that the notes you wrote were in a language that we have not seen. Explain yourself" said Amber, she was really trying to make this case, I wonder why?

"First hate to break it you people I am just smart and enjoy reading, second I knew that someone would come and find my notes which is why I made a coded language to prevent that from happening. So long story short, I am just smart...Sorry."

"Even if you are that does not explain how you are being only 8 managed to do that, you also knew about the wizarding world without being given knowledge on it, explain." she said.

That was actually a decent point, I could go for me being a whole seer thing. No too much work on that, and plus I am not actually a seer; I will go for the 'Change the conversation move. "I cannot help but feel that the investigation team for my case as become...unreliable and would like to have a new team in place if possible" I said, maybe I can get someone who is not going to simply be afraid at me being smart. People tend to not like when something is much better than all of them.... combined

My request did not go as I had planned, they focused me to walk with them while pointing their wands at me. I wanted to laugh at them, because it looked like a bunch of grown man and women role playing. I had to stop myself before the situation gets any worse for me.

We made our way through the building. It was nice seeing all this cool magic stuff. We eventually made our way into a room. The room had a single desk with a very older looking man in it, there were folded papers flying around. The room also had a door behind the guy on the desk.

"We are here to determine if this thing is human or not" Amber said. This was going to be good the look on their faces when it come back 'normal' haha priceless.

The old man took my hand, did a spell with his wand that took some of my blood. He then put my blood on a piece of paper and sent it off.

"This process has not been done in some time; however, it should only take an hour or so for the results to come in" said the old man.

"Thank you, for the information. I do not know if you hear this or not but thank you for the work you do" I said to him with a bow. The group that was with me just clicked their tongues at my remark; the old man however seemed a little happier about it.

I did not know what the old man did and that made me excited. I had a habit of wanting to learn everything from everyone. I took the quote "A single person can teach you a thousand things" seriously.

[A/N: Quote that I made up, I think. I could not find it online, so I am taking it as of now, if someone said it before me then that's cool, If not then HAHAH all mine]

"Excuse me sir, I am someone who enjoys learning. May I try to understand- "I could not finish before Amber said.

"Do not seek long conversation with it, it is possible the creature using something in his voice to charm you into giving it knowledge."

I rolled my eyes and said "ignorance, is a step in the fall of a society. Remember my words, for history likes to repeat itself."

"Is that a threat." she said to me.

sighing I replied saying "No, just a warning not from myself of course but in general."

Amber narrowed her eyes at me and kept silent. I have no idea what her problem was. To be honest it was kind of starting to piss me off. I may have been…hmm…less then welcoming but still.

We finally got the blood result back after waiting for a while. It did not surprise me when the results came back with me being human. I wanted to laugh so hard but kept it in.

there was silence in the room before I said.

"So....lets talk about my compensation. I am sure that is a thing, here right?"

The people that were with amber were not happy with results and amber even more so. I thought it was funny and did not think much of it, but for amber and her group it was not funny.

"You, you changed your blood to be human" she said to me.

"What!?! Are you serious?" I really could not believe what I heard; this bitch was crazy. The rest of the group started to have the same thought as me. Thankfully, they were not sheep.

Amber was escorted out shortly after. A man from her guy came by and told me that I would be transported home. Nope, I told him that I would like compensation for what had happen to me, the guy I was talking with did not seem pleased about it. I told him that I wanted at least 10,000 galleons for the "mental" and "physical" damage done to me. He was not happy about it, mostly because my argument was valid, and that I had a witness the old man.

The conversation went back and forth. I started to original talk to the man, but after about an hour I had to started to talk to someone who was…I just in charge of the whole thing and approved me being taken. I had to wait for a while before I got to meet him. He was a thin guy, full brown beard and short hair. He seemed like a nice and decent human being, unlike someone that I had to deal with. Hopefully this will be over, and I can go back home.

[A/N: I am off today....HAHAHAHAH. FREEDOM]