
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Learning (Chapter 12)

The man escorted me into his office. The office looked like a noble office from one of the shows I use to watch, there was a nice-looking desk with papers, books and a lamp on it. The office had some decorations, and bookshelves in it. The man made his way to his chair and told me to take a sit, which I gladly did.

"I have heard that you would like compensation for the trouble that my officials have caused you. Is that correct?" He said to me.

"Yes, I was force out of my home without any statement. I was handled very rudely on my way here, and I feel like I have suffered some problems as well" I said to him while crossing my legs. I got this, money here I come.

"I do not think you know the situation you are in right now do you?" He said to me.

"I know full well the situation you are going to compen-

"No what you are going to do is go back to that muggle-lover women and shut up about it."

I got up and wanted to say something to him. How dare he talk about anyone like that, the fuck is his problem.

"Before you do anything, I must remind you that you are still under investigation." I narrowed my eyes and frowned at his comment. The results were 'normal' he can not do anything to me.

"The results came back as me being human…you can not change that" I said to him.

"Yes, and I have the paperwork for you right here; but let me tell you something. If I put it in here that you are a new species, then regardless of if I were right or wrong; the wizarding world would still be extremely excited about it. We have not seen a new humanoid being in a while. I might even get a promotion from it. You are a nobody; you will go home and leave. Gentlemen take this…thing out of my office."

Two man came in and grabbed me, but I did not even notice them. I was lost in my thoughts; I was human, and I was not a nobody. I would show him, with the sequence potion I would be able to prove him wrong.

The two lead me to what I can only described as a fireplace, with green fire. They had informed me that it was the fastest way to get somewhere. One of them held me in his arms, went to the fireplace and said "Grace`s orphanage". One second I was in that building and the next there was smoke everywhere and I was pushed out of the way. Coughing out a fucking lung I see the man repeat the process, except said "Ministry of Magic". The asshole, him doing that made more smoke.

Grace came in the door, ran to me and hugged me tightly. She kept saying "Sorry" repeatedly. I knew this was not her fault, but the fault of a failed society and my own. I was too impulsive; I should have just run away from that women and called it a day. No, I had to be cool and had to be stupid. I could only sigh at my mistake.

Amber, that man, and whoever wanted had 'dirt' on me. He was right, it did not matter if it was fake or not the problem was that there was a possibility of it being true that would make people flock to me. The only thing they had to say would be, doing this to him (me) makes you smarter or doing that to him (me) improves magic. I was in a very tight spot without allies. The only person that I could think that could help me was that manipulator Dumbledore. That was only IF he was willing to take me.

I did not need to think about it too much, I still had time. Hopefully, this all blows over and nothing happens with it. Grace and I eventually left the room, she told me that I had been gone for all night and that it was breakfast time. All night… are you serious? That does not seem right…whatever not going to argue about it.

We made our way into the kitchen. The kitchen was…older with some broken cabinets, and with older equipment. I asked Grace once where does the money come from and I guess she put her life savings into this orphanage. She told me that she works at a hospital from time to time helping patients.

"Grace…can I ask a favor?" I said to her while we were getting some stuff ready for lunch.

"What is it Darius" she asked me.

"I…hmm...I wanted to know if you could get some stuff for me, and I wanted to see if I could read books about potions and magic." I said and handed her a list of the ingredients I needed for the apothecary potion. I thought about it for a while and I think it would help me out the most. Visionary would help with the mind, which was not needed. White tower would help me with studying magic, but I do not know what would happen if I took it without knowing if I have magic or not. Twilight giant well…I do not need to kill anything…. yet.

"For the books I can do that, for the ingredients it might take a week. I have to ask, how and what are you trying to do with this." She said to me.

"I want to try and mix muggle alchemy with wizarding alchemy. I think that I might be able to do something with those ingredients. For what I am going to do with it, I plan on helping people" 'and grow strong enough to smash Amber and her groups heads in' I said but thought the last part to myself.

"Oh Grace…I may have been taking money from you so…maybe that will help."

"Darius how much did you take" She said while narrowing her eyes at me.

I smiled and said, "a little."


"Fine…like 20GBP okay…"

"I want no more of this stealing nonsense you understand me" I could only smile weakly at what she said to me. It felt nice being part of this family.

"Okay" I said to her.

We fixed up some breakfast for what I assumed the other kids at the orphanage with us. I set the table and Grace called just Sarah down. It was right then that I realize something was off. It was only Sarah that Grace called for.

"Where is everyone at?" I said to Grace.

She looked at me and gave a soft smile before saying "They were adopted yesterday; James and Ryan were both adopted by a nice woman named Arabella Figg. She seemed remarkably kind and sweet."

"So, it is just us then?" I asked.

"Yup it is just us three" She said to me.

"YEAH, I HAVE HUSBAND TO MYSELF" Said Sarah, which brought a big smile on my face. My face froze when I heard Grace say.

"Oh, and after breakfast DARIUS you will clean the kitchen, dining room, the girls` room, the boys 'room, mow the front and back yard, Oh and I forgot you will also clean the roof as you like to go up there sometimes. I want it down by the time I come back from work today."

"Bu... Bu..but why me?" I said.

"Sarah will be off to school here in a bit and I will be working more now that there is only the two of you here. I would like to remind you Darius that you stole from me, and this is your punishment for it."

I lowered my head and said weakly "Okay."

I 100% deserve the punishment and doing something other than studying or worrying about the future would be nice of a change.

Holy crap making names for chapters is hard :(....anyway I will try to realize maybe two more chapters today.

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