
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Being "taken" (Chapter 10)

The situation between me and her became...awkward. I did not want to give back her wand for multiple reasons, and she did not want to lose focus on me due to whatever reason. It was a standstill.

"*cough* maybe we should get Grace in this, or hell even your husband," I said to try and make the mood a little better

"I would have to agree with you on that."

"You should call her, after all, you are the adult in this situation. As I am merely a child." I said to her in the most condescending way possible. I thought that it was funny, but she did not seem to like it too much. I could see that she annoyed by both my comment and my voice, but I did not care. I wanted to put oil in this fire

"You are just jealous because you got beat by a child, and that I am asking YOU the adult to get another ADULT. It is funny how things can become strange no?" I could not help but laugh at my own comment. I think I need to tone it down, but fuck it cats are out of the bags now. I can`t say that I was acting or anything so might as well come clean with it. I have been wanting to tell Grace for a while now, that I knew a little bit about the wizarding world. Why I did not tell her, because I am lazy and forgot.

"GRACE COME UP HERE AND GET YOUR FUCKING CHILD" She was clearly pissed off at what I said, I thought it was funny.

"Well, Well, Well yelling I thought we were we as HUMANS were better than this."

"You know I am really started to think that you are either NOT HUMAN or you are a deranged wizard who took a polyjuice potion to look like a child," She said while narrowing her eyes at me.

"OH come on...it is funny no? Geez take a break, life is about enjoyment so enjoy it. I told you I am human did I not, also me taking the polywhatever potion is stupid. First I have been with Grace forever, so I do not think someone would try to disguise themselves as me, and if they did....well I think that would hurt."

Grace finally came in the room to see that her friend amber was being talked to her "son" who also somehow had her wand. She sighed and asked both of us what happened. It took a little bit but we told her the story. She was...not as shocked as I thought she was going to be.

"Grace, I really think that you should take that...thing...to the ministry to have it tested to see if is human or not." She said

"HEY...I am right here. Do not talk to me like I am not human, you FUCKING worthless parasite. Crawling and feeding off the planet`s magic, FUCKING PARASITE." I was totally upset, the more she I was a thing, and not human the more upset I got. I said it once and I will say it again for as long as I need to, I. AM.HUMAN.

"DARIUS. AMBER stop this at once. Amber do not treat him as a magical creature, and you Darius please respect Amber and her authority."

"I am sorry Grace, but I will not respect someone who is a parasi- I mean who can not do anything with mag- I mean.....her"

"Disrespect for authority, stealing from an official from the ministry, verbally assaulting an official. Please continue with your comments, as I write them down."

hmm...maybe...just maybe...I should have not got into this fight.

"hmmm.....Sorry?" I said while scratching my and laughing.

"Grace the only reason that I have not detained him is because that you are a friend of mine. If I met him anywhere else I would have attacked him. I know that you care you these kids, but you really need to look at him, tell me is he..."normal" even for our standards" she said to Grace.

Grace looked at her and started to cry, and said

"I just wanted to give a place, where kids felt safe and loved and cared for. I knew he was not normal for the moment he turned 1 year old and we had our conversation. I wanted to call the ministry about it, but I call you and lied. You helped me with the situation even when I lied to you. I just wanted him to feel....normal."

I was shocked at one Grace crying and two about everything. Was...was I really that bad? I felt hurt, sad, and....a lot of other negative emotions. They continued to talk about me like I was not even there. Grace finally calm down and helped Amber write a letter. I did not know what the letter was about until Amber said "We will take him to run some test on him to see if he is human or not. If everything comes back normal then we will return him"

"And if it is not" asked Grace I was very curious as well

"Then, I do not know."

A letter finally returned after reading the letter Amber said "The ministry will come later on tonight to take him"

I thought about running away, but before I could even have the thought I saw Amber use her spell and say Stupefy, that was the thing that I remember before everything went black