
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Getting a Letter (Chapter 15)

Dr. Martin and the rest of the people that were in the room had two reactions. Some had 'this woman is an idiot' and others had a look that said 'we should probably take her to the mental health ward'. Grace noticed the looks that she was being given and did not seemed bothered by it, but I was bothered by it. I had to say something to get her some form of credit.

"Good morning to you Dr. Martin, I was hoping to be able to help you and your team in regards to patient care. I have some knowledge on anatomy, physiology, pharmacy, and among other things that can help improve the overall performance of the hospital" The second I had finish speaking I wanted to hit myself so hard in the head it was not even funny. Why…why did I have to say it like I am a fucking adult. I could have said something like "I am good with helping" or something simple. I know I said I did not care, but now I fucking do. This was an example of instant regret.

I quickly followed up with "I may seem to be young, but I assure you that I am 18 years old. I have a condition that makes me…. small"

"I have not heard of that before, but medicine is always improving and changing what we know" said Dr. Martin. I like this guy already.

The other staff members seemed barely okay with it. One of the nurses ask.

"So, what are your qualifications."

"I was hoping to maybe work as a nurse assistant. Someone that would help to take vitals, help with some documentation, and among other smaller reasonable task."

"Have you graduate from a college or even high school" she continued.

"No, but I think you will find my skills more than acceptable" I said to her with a smile on my face, the whole time thinking to myself "Bitch I know way more about medicine than you do."

"It would help if someone did those things, but I will have to ask the board about it, and I will have to interview you. This is to ensure that I feel comfortable about your medical knowledge" said Dr. Martin, I agreed to his request. It was understandable that he wanted to make sure that I knew what I would be doing.

The day went on with me being interviewed regarding my medical knowledge and what my "job" would be. I found out that Dr. Martin became a doctor because his son had passed away due to an illness and that his other son had…special needs. He said that he became a pediatrician because he wanted to be able to give kids a chance at life. The guy won my full respect after that. It was funny but Dr. Martin and I had an awfully long conversation about diseases and illnesses. Overall, it was an incredibly fun day for me.

It was getting about the time Sarah would be done with school, so I had to leave. I wanted to stay but if I did, I could not imagine how Sarah would feel or even do.

Making my way out of the hospital, I walked to the bus stop that Grace had showed me. Everything was going well until I felt someone watching me again. I looked around and saw that were people watching me but nothing crazy about it. I mean I would look too, so I could not blame them.

The bus came and I went to get Sarah, normal thing I picked her up and we went back home. Easy right, well it would be if it were not for the fact that the whole time, I felt like someone was breathing down my fucking neck.

The feeling left when I was at the house, thank God. It must be those fucking wizards, get a job asshole. You can do literally anything better than to watch me try to enjoy my day. People talked about how cool Harry Potter and wizards are but right now they were like fucking annoying flies to me. Watching and being fucking annoying. I knew it had to be them cause who else could it be.

A few months passed and a lot of things happened. One I got hired at the hospital and two I now felt like I was being watch…ALL.THE.TIME. It was driving me crazy, when I ate, when I slept and even trying to go to the bathroom. If I saw a wizard, I was going to hit them maybe hopefully kill them. I had more than enough money to buy the ingredients I needed. I did not buy ingredients for a few reasons; one I was always being watched, the other is because I fucking hate wizards. I went to Diagon Alley a few times to try and get some, and do you know what happened. I was met with nothing, and I do mean nothing but racism. I was denied service in some places, yelled at, insulted and almost assaulted. I wanted nothing to do with the "Amazing world of Wizards and Witches"

It was getting very much annoying to say the less with the whole being watched thing. The only thing that made it better was working at the hospital. The staff I worked with were genuinely nice people. Jennifer was going to be my future wife, the girl was independent, kind, hard working and just straight up beautiful. I asked her once if she wanted to go on a date with me. Her response "sorry, but I do not date younger guys" I was a little hurt nothing crazy about it.

*Flash back*

"Hey Jennifer, would you like to go on a date with me."

"Sorry I do not date younger guys."

"Oh…okay…that's fine, can you tell Grace I will be on the bathroom."


Few hours of crying and heart break later. {Hello Darkness, my only friend}

*Flash back end*

Yeah, it was not anything crazy and yeah it did bother me at all, I was totally fine with her response. Going back to the hospital I was Dr. Martin's assistant by assistant I mean I would see patients and document their care myself and he would "Supervise" we just called my job hospital assistant, but I did way over my job. Fun times, it was awesome.

Walking back to the house with Sarah I noticed that we got mail. We would sometimes get bills and stuff, so I was not worried about that, what bothered me about it was the fact that there was an owl. Owl is equal to a wizard a wizard is equal to fucking annoying pricks. I have nothing but bad experiences with them; if I could, I would throw them to the bottom of the sea to NEVER be seen again.

We went inside and I grabbed the letter. It was addressed to me by the Ministry of douchbags. Let us see what they have to say. I opened the letter reach the content of it and was absolutely pissed, in fact I was so upset that I was calm. If I see a wizard, I was going to straight up kill them.