
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Getting a Job

I was waiting by the school grounds with some parents that were also waiting for their children. It was kind of funny being here, I mean imagine an 8-year-old waiting for their sibling like a parent. Some of the parents looked at me and whispered some stuff, but it did not bother me too much. It was not uncommon for me to be here waiting. Sometimes it would be with either me or Grace or even both of us waiting for the rest of the kids.

It did not take long for the bell to ring and the kids storming out of school. I saw Sarah talking to some of her friends and I waved at her. When we got together, we walked off to our home. Sarah was more than happy to tell me about her day and made sure to ask if I was talking to anyone other than her or Grace. I told her about what I did today which was nothing but clean. Those assholes took my books and my notes from me. Fucking government.

We continued to walk and talk about our day, but after a few minutes I started to feel like something was watching me. Ever get the feeling like someone is breathing down your neck and the feeling of goosebumps on the back of your neck. That was what I was feeling, I turned around and only thing I saw were people on the street walking normally. Maybe, I am more upset about what happened yesterday then normal.

Yeah, that is probably it. Just a little too stressed, I hope. The feeling did not go away until we got back to the orphanage. It was not a good feeling to be watched like that, you know. Grace came back home about an hour later and we decided to prepare dinner. Sarah also decided that she wanted to help.

We were in the kitchen together when I decided to ask Grace.

"Can I work at the hospital with you?"

"Why do you want to work there."

"So, I can make money…...I mean so I can help you and some of the patients that you might have" When I said the first part, I was trying to be funny, Grace did not take kindly to it. Which was why I had to say the last part.

Grace could only stare at me and sigh. She knew I was smart and responsible enough to not cause problems. She agreed to it and that I would come with her tomorrow. We would take the bus tomorrow so that way I knew how to get back if need be. I was happy about it. Getting to work at a hospital again felt nice.

After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen and the dinning room. Sarah and I player tag around the backyard and to my much displeasure house. I went to bed early that night to try and make the day go by faster. Waking up the next day, to say that I was a little excited is an understatement. I was super happy to start working and helping people. It was something that I love doing in my previous life, helping people and getting them back to being able to enjoy their lives. Do not get me wrong I was still fucking pissed off about what happened to me, but there are still innocent people that had nothing to do with it. A person suffering from an illness did not get better and helped those assholes with calling me names.

We had our breakfast, took Sarah to school and then took the bus to Grace's job. The closer we got the more excited I became. It might seem stupid to most people, but my biggest dream was to be a doctor and open a free clinic that treated everyone equally and fairly. Stupid dream yes, but a dream, nevertheless.

[A/N: Actual dream of mine...until I learned the horror of insurance companies]

We finally made our way to the hospital. The hospital was a big building that had 2 side buildings on the left and right side of it. The entrance of the hospital was a decent size glass door that led you into a small room, which then lead you into the actual hospital. At the front there was a counter and to the left and right were halls that lead further into the hospital.

The woman at the counter was about mid 20s with black hair and dark brown eyes. She was…very hmm good looking with a decent body. Not going to say more than this if I were in my previous body and not married I would 100% go for her. Hell, if she said anything about going on a date with her, I would say yes in a heartbeat.

"Good morning Jennifer" said Grace.

"Good morning Grace, who is the little man next to you."

God her voice sounded like an angel, if she has a good personality I am in love. I have seen pretty girls before but some of them had shit for personality. You can have God level looks, but if you have a shit personality you are ugly in my eyes.

"Oh, this is Darius, he wanted to come and see if he can work here."

Jennifer seemed confused as to why Grace would let an 8-year-old try to get a job at a hospital. What she did not want was that I was a fucking genius, well genius given the situation of me being 34 in an 8-year-old body.

"hmm…do you think it is appropriate to let him work here, he should be in school not here."

"Sigh, he is…gifted and honestly does not need to be in it" Grace told her.

"okay…you are the nurse, just please do not get me involved if something happens."

"thank you, I will let Dr. Martin know about Darius."

We had made out way down the right hallway, down the hall on the left side there was an elevator that Grace and I took to the 4th floor. I soon found out that Grace worked in the pediatrics unit (pediatrics is a branch of medicine that is for 18 and under patients, so that everyone is not confused)

The unit was colorful with superheroes on most of the wall. How Grace could deal with kids and then turn around and deal with sick kids is beyond me.

We made our way past the front counter and into what seemed like the staff room. The room had a few people in it. There was an older light brown skin man with black hair. He was talking to some people, when he noticed me and Grace, he became focused.

"Grace is everything okay, why are you bring a child here is he okay."

I could not tell if the guy was mad or just trying to see if everything was okay with me.

"Oh, heavens no Dr. Martin this is Darius he wanted to see if he could help."

I made these two upcoming chapters on the phone at work, so grammar might be a little....off. Sorry.

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