
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Making potions

"Dear being known as Darius,

We are proud to inform you that you have been labelled as a Being of magical knowledge and intelligence. The Wizarding world would also like to inform you that you are in violation of some of the laws that have been set by the Ministry. We are aware that you may not have housing available to you. The Ministry understands the difficulty of moving, we believe in equality among all beings, thus the Ministry will give you temporary housing for an agreed period of time. We hope that you respond as soon as possible, you have a minimum of a week from you receiving this letter to respond. If you continue to break the laws that have been set, then will be forced to set out and arrest you.


Ministry of Magic"

I wanted to scream so bad right now it was not funny. When I first came to this world, I wanted to do magic and learn about it. For fuck sake I was studying physics to be better at it. I wasted a fucking wish to be able to learn magic. Not only are those assholes forcing me out of MY home, but they are straight up calling me not human. Not only that but they have been watching and stalking me for the last few months. Do they not have any better shit to do? Are they afraid that I was going to burn them? Fuck dudes leave me alone.

I was fucking scared to go. Just thinking about being there gave me anxiety. Who in the right mind would want to go to a place that hated them? There I was a 'being' with barely any rights, here in the 'normal' world I was an assistant for a doctor who was starting to become famous. I had helped numerous kids, and even help set up some policies at the hospital. You think I wanted to go to the world of Douchbags and Hags, HELL NO. I thought being here would be cool, but boy was I fucking wrong. They wanted me go to 'temporary' housing' what does that even mean. How was I supposed to make money, get food, or I do not know Live?

I was at a breaking point with them at this point. I was going to go there with Grace and fill a complaint. I was not a 'being' I was fucking human, and I want an actual motherfucker that knew anything to document that. ARGH, just thinking about those assholes made my blood boil with rage. Is no one in that fucking place competent? Do they have monkeys in there that did not know their left from right, or were they too 'good' to have any ability to do anything but being stupid?

I like to think of myself as a nice guy. I enjoy helping people, improving the daily life of others. In my previous life during and after the time I was in the military I volunteered a lot, I also did a lot of Humanitarian missions. When I was in the military I had to deal with my fair share of bullshit, but I dealt with it and got over it. Here…here in this 'magical' world it was not a simple 'Oh they made me stay late' or 'Oh we have to deal with being in the rain for the next week or so' NO it was dealing with racism, and barely any decent rights.

I needed to calm down on this, if I continued, I might become a villain in this universe. I did not want to kill anyone…right now. Sarah noticed that I was getting emotional tried to help me, but I told her to just leave me alone for a little bit. Going back to my room, I sat on the bed and decided to do some breathing exercises until Grace got home. It took about an hour for me to calm down and pass out.

"Darius" I woke up to Grace pushing me, to get me to wake up.

I looked her dead in the eyes and spoke.

"We need to talk; I got a letter from…. them….and want to fill a serious complaint."

"What letter?" She asked me.

I handed her the letter; it took her a few seconds to read it before she looked at me with a shocked expression.

"How? What I thought the test came back saying you were human."

"Grace, I love you, but I just want to go there right now. I want to talk to them and get this changed. If they continue to push me like this then I will murder and kill everyone in the ministry and start the whole thing all over again." I was serious about this. You can only push someone so much before a revolution starts. History can tell you that much.

Grace looked at me in both concern, shock and helplessness. She did not say anything about my comment because she probably could think of nothing to refute it.

"Darius…I think we should wait until later to go, that way you can calm down" She told me.

Calm down…calm down those fuckers were pushing me, bullying me, you think I let people hit me growing up. Those people are better off being used as worm food more than anything else. I…for the first time in a while argued with Grace that day. She did not want me to leave and I was hell bent on going. I told her the only way I am not going is if she gets some ingredients for some potions and gets me something to make the potions. She was confused but decided that it was better than for me to storm off and maybe start killing people.

Before she left, I gave her all the money that I had managed to make while working at the hospital. It should be enough to get all the ingredients needed for the first sequence for all the pathways. It was now or never on making these potions. They would at least help me in hopefully whatever situation I was going to be in. I had a week to prepare to leave. Grace came back a few hours later and got everything I had asked for. She tried to be nice and tell me to go to bed, which responded with me taking the stuff from her and saying, "I would if I had time, but no YOUR fucking whatever decided to push me."

I was so mad that I could not sleep. The more I thought about them, the more pissed off I got, adrenaline flowing through my veins and the feeling of my blood boiling was something that I was feeling all day today.

It took me all night to make the potions. The moment that I had made one I immediately drank it. Stupid, but I was pissed and did not care. Once I had all the starting sequence, I decided to go to bed. I was tired, my mind felt weird, and my body hurt all over. Tomorrow and however long I had, I was going to go and make as much money as humanly possible

[A/N: Chapter before I have to go to work. Hope you guys enjoy it. For those of you that may be confused let me clarify somethings

1) The MC is regarded as non-human in the wizarding world because he is way to intelligent for his average age. He knew about the wizarding world. He had his own language (coded language), and his appearance is not what an average wizard has. Wizarding world is fucking racism people, look at how they treat anything that is not 'normal' for them....just saying

2) This will go into some dark stuff in the Harry Potter universe. I noticed that a lot of Harry Potter fanfics do not really go into this. It is either that the MC is from a famous house, they get adopt into a famous house, or their parents are killed and they find out they are from a famous house. If the MC is not from a famous house then it is either they are Overpowered as fuck, or some other shit where it is only has like 30 chapters MAX. No on really talks about how wizards are basically Nazis, and that Voldemort is freaking Hitler. Think about it Voldemort and his group only wanted 'pure' wizards and rounded up all the muggle-born wizards. The wizarding world is what would happen if Hitler`s group stayed in power. Yet, no one talks about that. So here I am a humble author going to talk about it. I do not know if people are scared to write about shit like this, But I am not. The world is fucked up, Dark shit happens and the dark shit in harry potter can clearly be seen, but we ignore it or brush over it. If you do not like that then you are more than welcome to stop reading the novel.

Thank you guys for the power stones. :)