
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Four day journey part 2

I got about 200GBP from those guys and got some guns with ammunition. The problem was that in the wizard world that was shit money. I might be able to live for a week with it if that. That does not even include paying those parasites back, which I am sure they will ask for compensation. It will probably go like this "we value equality and since we helped you help us by giving us...your life" or something like that. Fucking parasites, they can feed off you but lo and behold you cannot feed off them. God, I hate those pricks. Calm down Darius, calm down. Not all of them are bad people, just many of them.

I made my way through the city and got closer to the, what I call "slums". The part where the red-light district is, and the part most people do not want to knowledge or talk about. The info from that guy said that they had a ring here. What kind of ring, well that is a good question. If you connect all the dots you will find out. One they were interested in my body, two I am in an 8-year-old body, and three I said a ring as in multiple people are involved. Do you see where I am getting at and why I killed them. If you do not that is your problem, also who the hell am I talking to?

Whatever, maybe I am starting to go crazy. It took me a while of circling around the building to see where the entrance and exists were. The building believes it or not was disguised as an abandon factory building, classic. It was a 3-story building, that looked like a run-down factory building. During the time that I was observing the building I noticed a few things about it. It seemed that there were a lot of drugs that were moving from here to somewhere else. There were guards at every entrance of the building, I am assuming near the windows as well. From what that thug told me, this is where all the money comes and goes. The question now is how to get inside of it.

I might have been in the military in my previous life, but that does not mean I was some dope ass spec-ops. I trained with them yes, but never did anything crazy with them. Plus, for a mission like this there is usually a team, equipment, and some other shit to help. Right now, it was just me a few pistols some ammunition, and a knife. Well, if I die, I get to go to another world so what do I really have to lose. Not only that but before I go to a town full of racist idiots, I can at least help this place by getting rid of some drugs.

I made my way stealthy to the road that led to one of the entrances of the building and hid there. It took about an hour of me waiting for a truck to come by. I jumped on the back of the truck and climbed my way underneath. Hopefully, they do not check under here, because that would be quite awkward. Thankfully, no one checked to see if anything was underneath the truck. I got on the floor as slowly as possible to not make a sound. I could hear the guards walking and talking, if I made any loud sound then I was either dead or worse.

I looked to see what was around my area. There were about 3 groups made of 3 guards that were walking and talking to each other. I saw that there was an above building that overlooked the area I was in. I also saw some guards by some of the doors. HOLY SHIT this place is secured, what the hell are they hiding here. How did that guy know this place, maybe someone knew he leaked it? Maybe…. This was a trap. No, from what I can tell from the guards it seems that this is normal.

Man, those spy movies I use to love, and watch are not that realistic. I mean when they do something it is usually like 3 dudes total there, here where I am at right now, I would say there are about 20 guys, including the dudes in the building that overlooked the area. FUCK why is life so fucking hard for me. I was just hoping this place would have like 10 guys MAX, not a fucking army.

I laid on the floor thinking about how the hell I was going to go literally anywhere in this place. The more I waited and watched the more curious I became. This place must have something that someone does not want people to see. Most be something good, hopefully with a lot of money.

I thought that maybe I could like Rambo my way through or heck even John Wick it. The only problem was that this was not a movie, and I was not a badass motherfucker. Wait maybe I can go underground I am small enough, God how do I keep forgetting that. I looked at the ground and lo and behold there was a drain that was near me. Seriously am I stupid, how did I not see this. I am going to hit myself on the head later after this.

I opened the lid to the drain slowly and carefully. The first thing that I noticed when I opened it, it fucking smelled like shit, whatever I can just make a potion to cure me later if I get a disease or something. I slid into the drain and put the lid back to where it was before. Going down the drain slowly I finally made it to the bottom of it. The inside was big and looked new? Strange, I walked down the path to maybe find something to either get out of here, or something that could make me money.

I continued down the sewer system, until I found another drain. I decided to say fuck it and climb up in it. I thought this was going to be easy to make money. See bad guys, beat them up and take their shit. I really…. really…hope I did not bite off more than I can chew. Went in strong and confident, now starting to regret my decision. The drain I climb was tight, thankfully I was small and kind of thin. Grace could only feed us 3 small meals a day, so yeah, I was not the biggest kid. Thankfully, Twilight Giant makes you strong regardless. Yeah, for sequence potions.

I finally made it to the top when I started to hear something.

"We came a long way bobby."

"Yeah, I know bill I know. It took a lot of work but now part of the top underworld of London. We are the fucking ADAM family bro."

[A/N: They are thugs that joined and now call themselves Adam family. NOT THE ACUTAL FAMILY]

The conversion they were having got lower and lower I could only hear what sounded like whispers after they had said that, and I barely heard that. Adam family…Adam…family…Clerkenwell crime syndicate. One of the top criminal organization in the U.K. Does God hate me, did I do something that he is not pleased with. I can not believe I am trying to steal from them. Well…. if I die, I am going to die trying, I guess. If I win this, I can get a lot of money, right?