
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Four day journey part 1

I woke up the next day stressed to hell. I needed to find a way to make money quick, file a complaint, and maybe change the way the wizarding world saw me. I was no optimistic about the last part of my plans. I knew that there were some drug dealers in our area, maybe I could rob them. I also had some dirt on the hospital that I could write up and force them to give me money. Yes, I was a nice guy, but even nice people can do bad things when pushed to a corner. I unfortunately was one of them.

Getting out of my thoughts, and what I was going to do. I made my way downstairs to see Grace and Sarah having breakfast. It was silent, no one talked during the whole time we were having breakfast. I had to ask Grace something, she was my lifeline on either I walk a dangerous path or a different one. It was her and Sarah, my only lifeline in this world.

"Grace, I need to make money as soon as possible. If I go to the wizarding world, without money I do not think I will make it long." I said, I did not care that Sarah was in the room with us. I noticed that neither did Grace.

"Sigh…I know…I know all too well about that. What are your plans to make money" She said to me.

"I can either take money from the hospital or drug dealer or both." I said with a straight face.

"You should do both, the more you have the better off you will be. 5 pounds is only worth 1 galleon, and that won't get you much."

[A/N: I am rounding on this. In the wiki it says that 1 galleon is worth 4.93 GBP. Then if you factor in that those numbers were for the 2020 currency and with inflation 1980 is not equal to 2021 money. A lot of math that I DO NOT want to do, so with that said just know that I will switch it to being 1980 money. 1 Galleon is equal to 4.93 GBP in that timeline. For my super HP fans]

We talked about how I was going to make money for a while. It was decided that she was going to use the dirt I had on the hospital to make some money from them, and I was going to go find some "bad" people and take their shit. Sarah looked at us in confusion. I did not have the heart to tell her the truth. What could I even say to her? I am leaving because people think I am not human. I am going away because the fucking government is forcing me too. What do you tell an 8-year-old in this situation? I did not know, and neither did Grace.

We continued the first part of the day like any other. We got ready to either go to work or school. The only difference is that Grace went to the "wrong" part of town, gave me a knife and said, "Please be careful". She knew, what I needed to do in order to get money from these types of people. The sad part was that they were only trying to survive too. I was just a new animal in a forest with no food.

"Thank you, I will go back within four days. I hope that during that time you can get as much money as possible from them. We also need to go to the Ministry and file a complaint as well as open a bank account for me."

"I know…I am sorry Darius…I just wanted a normal life for all the kids" She said the first part without emotion, and then started to cry for the rest of it.

"I know…I love you Grace, and I will be back soon so do not worry about it" I said with a smile on my face. I did not want her to be upset about a situation that she could not control.

Getting out of the car, I looked at my surroundings. Grace dropped me off in the southern downtown area, where crime was a known thing. The police did not really like coming here too often. I looked back at Grace and told her to leave, it took a little bit, but she left in the car. I grew up poor, I knew how this shit worked. I needed to find and follow the signs to their hide out. After that…Well I would have made money, right? To say that I was unhappy about doing this is an understatement. It was either them or me, and I was a stronger and better animal. I made my way through downtown. The whole way I saw homeless, thin kids with old clothing, and older adult to what seemed like gangsters. I tried to make myself look like a target to try and get them to follow me.

It took a few hours of me walking around aimlessly for it to work. I noticed several man makings their way turns me. Then we finally made it to a dead-end alley way.

There were four of them, they all wear red hoodies or had some type of red color on them.

"You are looking pretty good kid."

"Yeah, come with us and we can show you a good time."

"We got some good stuff in our car that could help you."

I could tell by looking at them what their thoughts were. I was disgusted, to be honest I was starting to feel glad about not having the same title as "human" as these people.

They came closer to me, and I acted shy.

"My mom really could help, mister do you have money in the car that you are willing to give me?" I hate acting like a child, it was so annoying.

"Of course, kid, you know you should always listen to what adults say" One of the thugs said to me.

"You are right my mom did tell me that" I said to them. I just needed them to get closer to me.

One of the thugs came up to me put his hands on my shoulders firmly and spoke.

"You will make us a lot of money little man."

This all happened within about 10 seconds.

I moved right next to him and stabbed him in the stomach. He was shocked, tried to hold me down but I already knew what he was going to do. Taking the knife from his stomach I slit his throat.

The other three guys immediately notice and took at their pistol. I used the guy I stab body as a shield as I made my way closer to the group. It was thanks to Twilight giant and maybe some of the other potions that I had the strength of an adult.

One of the guys got scared and fired his gun. Did not affect me, I had a perfect shield. I made my way passed the first guy and threw my shield to the second and third guy. The first guy tried to take aim, but I rolled out of the way and threw my knife at his throat. I rolled under his legs got on his back and cut off half his head.

The other two were shocked but I did not care. I could read the underlining thoughts they had. If you knew what I knew you would be thanking me for this. I was also blowing off some steam regarding a group of…. individuals.

The two guys started to aimlessly fire at me, I kept jumping and dodging. It was easy to know where they were going to shot. I got closer to them and threw the knife again. It hit one of the guys straight in the head killing him. The last guy was too scared and froze for a second. It was all the time I needed, I ran up to him and hit him in the stomach as hard as I could. He fell over and was throwing up. Man, I felt a little better to be honest. If only I could do this to wizards. As if God wanted me to, I heard the last guy say.


Oh please be a wizard.

I dragged the guy further into the alley. I wanted information and I knew how to get it. A few minutes later I got everything I needed to know. It was going to be a long four days here.

[A/N: I already know,

Reader: Author why can`t the MC make money some other way

Author: He needs to make a lot of money within less than 6 days. NOTE: That it takes 4.93 GBP to equal 1 Galleon, 1 Galleon can get you 2 things of coffee and give a tip. 1 GBP in 1980s equals 3.93 (I am rounding on this). So let us really break this down

if the MC made lets say he made 196,939.37 pounds (269334.28 dollars) in todays money, that would equal to 50,000 (1980) or 80,000 dollars (1980) that would equal to about 10,040 Galleons. If 1 Galleon can get you 2 things of coffee is let us say 5 GBP, So ROUNDING ON THIS 1 Galleon equals lets say 15 pounds or 34 dollars. 10,040 would really equal about 2k GBP or 6,800 dollars. That is straight up SHIT money. You have to factor in clothes, food, entertainment, housing, bills, etc...You see why the MC is stressed out. ALSO NOTE THAT I WAS ROUNDING ON THIS, AND THE MATH COULD AND PROBABLY IS WRONG. This is just to give you guys how much he needs to make, within less than 6 days. THE MATH ABOVE IS ALL ROUNDED SO IF IT IS WRONG, PLEASE COMMENT AND SHOW ME THE TRUE MATH....MATH IS THE WAY TO LIFE.

refences: Value of 1980 British Pounds today - Inflation calculator (inflationtool.com)

Gringotts Currency Converter (buzzard.me.uk)

Square UK Coffee Report 2018 (squareup.com)

Wizarding currency | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom

Reader: Author this book is starting to get dark

Author: Reader I want you to really look at our society and tell me shit is not dark jeffrey epstein, Hilter, zodiac killer, jack the ripper, the list goes on. Our world is fucked up and harry like I said before showed signs of that but never did anything nor has anyone (From my knowledge) did anything with it. This is always (What seems like to me) what happens MC I have money, MC I do not have money 2-10 chapters later MC I have all the money. MC I am overpowered and now I am an important person, who has all the money. Just saying]