
Fantasy Travel

Darius wakes up to find he is dead. He lucks out and gets a wish, and also gets put into the Harry Potter universe. Everything is fine, until he learns that even in a fantasy world there is also darkness. Darius will he come to regret the choices and things that he does or will be overcome it. This is novel will take you into the darker parts of the Harry Potter world. **Disclaimer** I do NOT own the cover image for this web novel I do NOT own Harry Potter, that credit goes to J. K. Rowling I do NOT own The Lord of the Mysteries that credit goes to Cuttlefish.

ninjapanda · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Four day Journey part 3

When I was sure they were gone I open and got out of the drain. I was in a fancy bathroom, like really fancy. I saw that there was a door, but I did not want to try going out of it. I looked to see if there was any other way and there was an air vent. Perfect, you know you would think that after like any spy movie ever they would fix shit. I can only imagine the conversation

"Hey guy 1 did you see that movie with the spy that used the air vent to kill people"

"Yes, I did I think we should make air vents just like that"

"Good idea"

"perfect plan"

Sigh, try to find the best in a situation with some humor. I climbed the air vent and got inside of it. Moving through I was looking for a room that seemed pretty important, you know the classic room that screams "in here is all the money and important shit."

It about ten minutes of me going through the air vent to see into one of the rooms. The room looked like a dance club, which would explain the guards and the number of people coming in and out. There were people who were doing drugs, getting "taken take of" by some women. There were a lot of rich-looking people here, but why in a abandoned factory? Why not literally anywhere else? What could they have here that makes them afraid to be anywhere else?

I kept observing them, to see if I could get more information. The mission started off with just wanting money, now it was a stealth spy mission. I needed to know. I was waiting in the vent for what felt like forever. I could overhear their conversation but it was not anything crazy, or enough for me to go John Wick on them. I wonder if this what it is like to be an actual spy…seems boring. More and more wealthy people showed up, now it is starting to get interesting.

Eventually a man with a couple of guys behind him came in through one of the doors in the room. I could not really hear him, but it sounded like he said something about entertainment or something. The wealthy men seemed pretty happy about whatever that guy said. They all left the room, the women followed the man to where ever they were going. It was just me in the room in the air vent. I wanted to follow, but the vent did not go to where they were going.

It seemed safe, but not going to lie I was a little scared about coming down. I came down from the vent about ten minutes later, because well I was getting bored and it was very uncomfortable in there. I looked around the room to see if I could find anything important. I continued my search in the room for while and found some cool stuff. Three briefcases full and I mean full of money hahaha mine now. A big backpack, which sweet. A couple of assault rifles and pistols, which I could only carry one of them with some ammunition with it. Grabbing the backpack I put all the money I could into it, I also put in some of the ammunition for the assault rifle and pistol into it….just in case.

I now had a backpack full of money, and ammunition. Two pistols in my pocket and held an assault rifle….man if someone in my previous life saw me right now, I wonder what they would say? I really want to know what those guys were going to do. No, I should not go further into this. Curiosity killed the cat and I did not want to die yet. I made my way back to the bathroom, but before I could continue I heard a scream. The door that they had used was about to open, I panicked and hid quickly



I saw a little girl about the same age as me maybe younger than me. She had nice clothes on and looked very charming, the problem was that she was being chased by an older guy. I stay at the location I was in and did not move. I know people might hate me for this, but I was always taught do not to be a fucking hero when you are against the wall.

They caught her, and carried her back to the room with them. God…. the guilt of just actually wanting to leave that girl to those guys is killing me. How can I let them take her like that? FUCK. SHIT. You piece of fucking shit.

I kept thinking about what would happen if I save her, I could die, and if I did survive this was a criminal organization. Who's to say that they won't target Grace, and Sarah. Also, everyone knew me, I could not really hide my appearance. I mean small kid, GREY-SILVERISH HAIR AND FUCKING VIOLET EYES. You think someone would not figure me out if they saw me. FUCK…

Okay…I go in, see what is going on and try to save her. Easy plan….right? I made my way to the door, and slowly opened it. The door opened up to a large auction room, with nice tables and barely cloth women and men serving the what appears like wealthy people. I moved quickly and hid, thank god no one saw me. They were too busy focusing on the stage….Fuck I hate rich people.

The auction started back up, and they sold some weird shit. Books about suppose magic, a painting that could talk, and some other minor shit with no real importance. Finally, it got to adult sex slaves, I felt terrible. I wanted to help, but I was scared…scared to die…scared to have my only family get hurt…scared and afraid. The slaves looked dead inside, they had bruises and other signs of abuse of them. Here I was someone capable of saving them but did not cause I was scared.

The auction continues from adult sex slaves….to children…sex slave….it was at that point that I started to cry silently to myself. The itch to help, and kill everyone in this room continued to grow and grow….but the fear and anxiety also increased as well.

The auction continues…while I just cried to myself, the only thing on my mind was how pathetic I was. They moved on to children that looked like they had magical blood in them…half-veela, half-vampires, children who were turned into werewolves that came in cages….all of it. Yet here I was a coward…sitting here…

Me not helping them started to make my chest hurt…I was in so much emotional pain that it became physical pain….what do I do….I did not know what I do….

Do I help them with the possibility of Grace and Sarah getting hurt, or do I let them suffer for the rest of their lives because I was a coward….I did not know.